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Essex Cricket 2023

Gutted that finals day is next weekend. I'm away on a family (hers) bun fight and not one of them likes sports so no coverage for me
Bloody Essex, it's as if there is not enough stress with the Blues! Thought It was going to be wrapped up by 10pm CET as I had to get up for work at 3h30 in the morning. It finished nearer 11pm and the state I was in didn't help me get to sleep quickly🤬
Need some wickets, hopefully they come soon with Lancashire batting aggressively
Started watching this on YouTube to .take my mind off events elsewhere only for the picture to freeze. Back on now and its nearly as nerve wracking as waiting for news from the NL.
Great win. Looking forward to a trip to finals day but weather forecast is looking pretty grim atm!

Pretty grim? Our first typhoon of the season is forecast to hit Sunday evening. We’ve had a quiet last couple of years which doesn’t bode well for this one. HK actually copes exceptionally well with them but nature is never to be underestimated.