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Films you've watched recently.

Get outta here!
But your film sounds so bad that it is brilliant Just as "Plan 9" is.
Seriously have you seen "Plan 9" the Ed Wood classic?.

I have an Ed Wood boxset that I purchased in the U S.
Another director to look out for is William Castle who made films and used gimmics.
This is worth seeing.
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Tough guy?

He'd last 5 minutes on Southend High Street on a Saturday night.
Look at "the gun" opening scene from this film
He was George Raft NOT George Daft!
That scene will have those Muppets on Southend High Street running for cover.!

Please reply with your opinion of the scene.

Saw and enjoyed Esperando a Dali (Waiting for Dali ) earlier.Well worth wacthing when it gets a UK release (presumably early next year),especially for Dali/Gala fans or anyone who's been to Cadaques or Port Llegat or fans of light humour in general.
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The unlikely pilgramage Of Harold Fry,For some reason neither Pete Bradshaw (in the Grauniad) nor Baldy liked this.Pity both Mrs Tangled and I thought it an excellent film yesterday.Seems to me that Jinm Broadbent just keeps on making better and better films these days.
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Tangled, Mrs Baldy and I are fans of Jim Broadbent---It was really going well until a bunch of silly unbathed hippies appears on screen.
I mean I'm no populist, but it's won more awards than 99% of films. Plus an incredible cast, an amazing soundtrack and a good overarching story. Sure, it's American schmaltz but it's well-written and Hanks is the James Stewart of our time.
We're agreed on that at least!
I mean I'm no populist, but it's won more awards than 99% of films. Plus an incredible cast, an amazing soundtrack and a good overarching story. Sure, it's American schmaltz but it's well-written and Hanks is the James Stewart of our time.
Ah James Stewart----"Rear Window" (and the wonderful Grace Kelly) phew.