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In court today:

A football club boss who glorified his links to a notorious hooligan group tried to set up a clash between Millwall and West Ham fans, the Old Bailey heard today (TUES). Andrew Swallow, then chief executive of non-league Grays Athletic in Essex, allegedly plotted to organise 'mass violence' on the day of an FA Cup 3rd round match. The plan was thwarted by the presence of police officers with camcorders and any fighting was restricted to isolated outbreaks, it is claimed. When Swallow was arrested police found a photograph of a group of men in front of a large banner reading 'ICF 30 years undefeated' - referring to the West Ham group known as the Inter City Firm. Prosecutor James Lofthouse said: 'As such he was glorifying his association with the ICF.' - See more at: http://www.courtnewsuk.co.uk/online_archive/?name=grays&sa=Search#results
He was first arrested for this last year, and the original trial was last Autumn, which was set for Southwark Crown Court, but was cancelled because his Solicitor said he would'nt get a fair trial as the court was in Millwall territory and the jury would be biased (i seem to recall).
I could tell you a couple of stories relating to him. One whe he came to the Anchor pub in Benfleet in 1980, and another when he copped a hiding from a well known Blues fan in Southend soon after. I believe (not 100% certain) that soon after several of his 'famous ICF firm' came into town on a Sunday evening looking for the Blues fan mentioned. They wer'nt successful.
He was first arrested for this last year, and the original trial was last Autumn, which was set for Southwark Crown Court, but was cancelled because his Solicitor said he would'nt get a fair trial as the court was in Millwall territory and the jury would be biased (i seem to recall).
I could tell you a couple of stories relating to him. One whe he came to the Anchor pub in Benfleet in 1980, and another when he copped a hiding from a well known Blues fan in Southend soon after. I believe (not 100% certain) that soon after several of his 'famous ICF firm' came into town on a Sunday evening looking for the Blues fan mentioned. They wer'nt successful.

I am sure he originated from Cluny Square Southend.