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Life President⭐
Jan 21, 2007
Just a simple question as it seems our less than illustrious leader hasnt had a word to say in quite some time.

Before you all jump on and say he gets shot down everytime he says something so perhaps hes just keeping quiet , id just like to point out that the reason he gets slated is that whatever he says turns out to be a lie or a selective truth.

Just for once i would like him to make an honest statement.

Even if it says the club is going nowhere and the ground is a no go for now and we will be treading water for a while.

He said the end of summer we will have news . Where is this news?

The planning application expires next year. Are we likely to have to reaply?

If the ground is a no go then questions need answering about sainbury's wanting there cash.

Has he budget for us getting crowds of just 5.5k this season or are we liable to appear in court again.

What are his plans long term and short term for the playing side of the club?

Are you alive Ronald?

The silence is deafening!

Sorry if people think this is going over old ground , but im ****ed off waiting.

I mean how patient are we supposed to be ?

Are we just to wait until the day when it all goes tits up again before complaining?
Even if he gives an 'honest' statement no one will believe him. I'd rather he kept quiet and just got on with things.
Even if he gives an 'honest' statement no one will believe him. I'd rather he kept quiet and just got on with things.

But thats my point beefy. WTF is he getting on with? For all we know the club could be going to the wall again. For all we know sainsbury's maybe about to sieze control.

We were told that funds were in place and the contract was being put out to tender and we would be onsite by the end of the summer. Nothing. No news or updates.

We were told we would have one of the biggest budgets in the league. I cant see that at all. And im all for cutting your cloth , especially after what we went through , but Ronald sees us a big fish in this division but our squad and dissapointed stay away fans may say otherwise.

Id rather just have the dissapointment now rather than wait an age for it.
Even if he gives an 'honest' statement no one will believe him. I'd rather he kept quiet and just got on with things.

I agree.

Actions speak louder than words. And as smooth as the words have been over the last couple of years or so, the actions have left a lot to be desired. Based on recent history of what was said and what was done, I'd rather less was said and there were better actions!
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I agree.

Actions speak louder than words. And as smooth as the words have been over the last couple of years or so, the actions have left a lot to be desired. I'd rather less was said and the actions taken were better!

Thats fine and i agree , but at the moment we have neither. So how long are you prepared to wait. Another month? Christmas? Next may?

At what point does it become a concern to you?
But thats my point beefy. WTF is he getting on with? For all we know the club could be going to the wall again. For all we know sainsbury's maybe about to sieze control.

And if he came out waving one of those "Believe" banners, shouting "It's all good in the hood, we're financially secure for the time being and building should start any day now," would you believe him? As I said in the other thread about the stadium, I think it's pretty clear that RM has learnt from making idle promises that, when he can't keep them, come back to bite him in the arse and has refrained from the blogs until there's something cast iron and meaningful to announce.

And I think the general noises from the squad would indicate that they believe they can be successful in this division.

At what point does it become a concern to you?

Around June if there's still bugger all happening, what with the deadline being July.
I agree with you Tommy, the silence is a bit worrying. Didn't he say after the last court case that the next thing was to get the building work started.
Surely he's learnt by now A; Not to use lies or spin. B; To keep us informed.
Thats fine and i agree , but at the moment we have neither. So how long are you prepared to wait. Another month? Christmas? Next may?

At what point does it become a concern to you?

Everything about the way OUR club is being run concerns me, but no amount of words will make me feel any better. If he gave us a statement, would you then feel ok or would you ask questions about what's said? The words are irrelevant to me - it's the actions of seeing the club actually run well and in the fans' interests that matter to me.
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But thats my point beefy. WTF is he getting on with? For all we know the club could be going to the wall again. For all we know sainsbury's maybe about to sieze control.

For all we know the club could be picking up the pieces and starting to gain stability with the new ground to start building soon, simple answer is we dont know, and my advice is dont worry. RM has fallen down the trap of givng information out that due to unforseen circumstances has seen his actions dissolve and cause set backs....I recentley interviewed Gary Numan who has been setting dates for two new albums which are now a year overdue and he admits he should not have not set dates as it can cause a stumbling block....and bite you on the bum !...all we can do is keep the faith...UTB
Everything about the way OUR club is being run concerns me, but no amount of words will make me feel any better. If he gave us a statement, would you then feel ok or would you ask questions about what's said? The words are irrelevant to me - it's the actions of seeing the club actually run well and in the fans' interests that matter to me.

If he came out and said that we had an agreement with the contractors to build the stadium and that materials were being purchased with a view to starting the work on the coming month/s i would certainly be more inclined to beleive that.
Surely it'd be easier if you just pm'd me every time you denounced one of my posts? You know, you could do four or five at a time then...

Trouble is your posts are mainly defending what I see as the indefensible. You appear to be chief propaganda man for Mr Martin. You say something that looks wrong to me I'll put my view. I try not to "bite" but I just can't help it. Not that dissimilar to the way you jumped in every time ElstreeBlue made a reasonable comment.
Surely it'd be easier if you just pm'd me every time you denounced one of my posts? You know, you could do four or five at a time then...

I've just seen how many posts you've made. That's a hell of a lot I've missed ... I'd better get cracking on some of those others.