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I'm a Gnu, how do you do!⭐⭐
Staff member
Aug 14, 2009
Westcliff riviera
The back page of the Echo today has an article on PB having two days of talks with Anton in a bid to keep him at Southend. It seems PB knows there are other clubs monitoring the situation as Anton would be available on a free. Ferdinand is seen as an important player by the club and his signature would lead to others signing new contracts too, Thompson being specifically mentioned.

So is he pivotal to our squad? After his performances this year, and with proper pre-season nurturing, I would say yes he is, especially if he is as influential as Phil believes he may be. Dig deep Ron, make Anton feel loved.
Two days of talks? Are they talking about holiday plans, the dog, politics, OFSTED and the merits of renewables in power stations?
Ferdinand should be the back up next season to Thompson, and a decent centre back signing who can last a full season.
I believe he would be very hard to replace.
And getting him to sign on would be a positive sign for others that PB wants, it would send out the right message.
Well done PB. now get Anton signed!
Ferdinand has been great but is getting towards the end of his career so won't be getting any faster or fitter.

However, I would like him to stay in the squad as his experience is great, but I would splash the cash on making sure Thompson stays.
Yes. Get him signed up ASAP. I'd have him and Thompson with ideally another solid centre back who can rotate with Ferdinand to get the most out of him and avoid injuries.
Ferdinand should be the back up next season to Thompson, and a decent centre back signing who can last a full season.

I can't see Ferdinand being back-up to anyone. If he stays, he plays, form and injury permitting. It's his influence over others that I see as important as his experience. I reckon there is one last very good season left in him and that could help us to the Championship next season.
He seemed quite emotional at the end of season gala dinner, making them stop the music so he could give a speech recognising the team and how proud he was to captain them. It did get me a bit worried that it may have been a goodbye speech. I really hope we can get him signed up for next season, the difference he makes to the defence is massive. I never really liked him before he came here but I am a big Anton fan now.
Would be interesting to know what teams are after him. At 32 and with his injury problems I really can't see any Championship clubs coming in for him aside from perhaps the likes of Burton etc. However, he is undoubtedly a class act at this level and you wonder if someone like Portsmouth is sniffing around to try and help them settle in a new division.

He's near his family here and playing for a side that should in theory be challenging for a playoff place next year. I am hopeful he may decide to stay. Would be very disappointed if he left, even if his occasional bigging up of the scum from up the A13 is extremely irritating. He's been superb this season but he'll play no more than 30 games next year so not sure how wise it would be to break the bank for him.
Besides the end of the season when we had to rush him back from injury, how many games did AF struggle? He reads the game so well that he can get away with his legs being a little rusty!
Really need his experience and what he brings to the team.A cool head and someone who reads the game and can help the younger players
The season was a month too long for him and if Inniss hadn't got injured I think he'd have sat out a few of the last 3/4 games. I'd love him to stay, he's very classy and such a calming influence but wages are going to play the biggest factor.
As mentioned elsewhere.....Dorian Dervite would be a great signing....not sure if we could tempt him back though :unsure:.

And yes, Ferdinand is a prized asset, plus is a good tutor for Tommo :thumbsup:
There was a Phil Brown clip earlier this year where he called him the manager rather than the captain. I've never been sure how much of a slip of the tongue that was.

Might the 2 days include something on the coaching/management side? That might be a way of ensuring we get value from him even when he's injured again.
Maybe old dogs mess at Billericay Town is signing him up .. "The World's Greatest" :smile:
I like Anton, he makes Thomson look good. Imagine Anton with Derviitte and Thomson at full back and you've got yourself a very tidy back three at least, at this level. I'd actually like to see more of Innis and Ferdy together, think theyd make a fearsome combo after a short while. Thomson (for me) struggles with the ball put in behind him, this is where Anton reads the game so well. I think Anton would really benefit from playing with a big lad next to him that took most of the ball for him and Anton playing that sweeper role a bit more. He really is the stand out player in the team for me, better than Leonard in that respect and crucial to our success next season. He also attracts other good players no doubt at this level. To be honest, i think our defence has been weak, that we failed to stop rubbish teams scoring against us when we were having (far too many) "off days" and eventually stopped the promotion dream. Demitrou had a lot of good and bad games, defensively not good enough. Coker's injuries cocked that defence up as well as keeper injuries. When Anton got injured and played with an injury, it really showed up that defensive deficiency. And a good wide player on the right this season also wouldve taken a lot of pressure off the defence. Yep, Anton is certainly key and he is my player of the year.
I don't think there is one single key player on who we are completely dependent at the moment but I would definitely like to see Ferdinand here again next season