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Jamie Rednapp is 'literally' tickling my funny bone.....


Does Jamie Redknapp understand the meaning of the word 'literally?'

Picture some of these situations:

"These balls now - they literally explode off your feet."

"Alonso and Sissoko have been picked to literally sit in front of the back four."

"He's literally left Ben Haim for dead there."

“Centre forwards have the ability to make time stand still. And when Chopra got the ball, it literally did just that.”

“Messi literally sends people out of the stadium with his skill.

“He had to cut back inside onto his left, because he literally hasn’t got a right foot”

.....and, even more startlingly.....

“He literally turns into a greyhound.”

Literally is a wierd word, its unbelievably overused and also always used in completely the opposite capacity to what it means. Everytime I hear it misused I literally pull my hair out.