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Laser Eye Surgery


Moderator of Moderators
I'm off to London tomorrow for all my pre-op checks before having laser surgery on Tuesday

Must admit to crapping myself a little so having a round of golf in the morning to take my mind off it

Anyone here whos had it or thinking about it ??

i'll report back after assuming i can see :Scared2:
I'm sure it's not really like this...


seriously, I know it's easy to worry about, but so many people have had it now that I'd say it's pretty much a routine job. You'll be fine, the only downside is you'll now be able to read the crap that some people post on here.
Get yourself a braille keyboard mate.:smile:

A bloke I worked with had it done some years ago and it worked a treat. Two days after the op he was driving, which to be fair was odd, as he couldn't drive before the op. :unsure::winking:
Rather you than me, wouldn't have it done if you paid me! Eyes are the one thing I'm really squeamish about - I'm sure you'll be fine though!
UGH, I'm getting specs tomorrow as my eyes are getting old lol!
Lee, let me know how u get on mate. What was the diagnosis about your eyes & doesn't it cost alot?
Good luck fella!
Lee in the 5 years ive been in france ive had my eyes lasered 14 times and another one due in nov,what i have done starts off ok but aropund the 200/250 shot mark it starts to hurt.
Because the drops open the eyes so wide you will be blind as a bat after but im sure you have had that donr before.
If you are having it done to stop wearing glasses ask yourself one question,why do optictions always wear glasses and not have the op done,me i need it doing because my eyes are leaking at the back so no laser = blindness,but i hate having it done so much.
good luck
Had it done about 8 years ago or so. You'll be fine, it's completely painless and over in a few minutes. They give you beta blockers to calm you down if you're still nervous.
I'm sure it's not really like this...


seriously, I know it's easy to worry about, but so many people have had it now that I'd say it's pretty much a routine job. You'll be fine, the only downside is you'll now be able to read the crap that some people post on here.

Like this?:smiles:
Btw,BB I know a couple of people who've had the op done and they were fine.Never much fancied it myself though.
I guess at least you will be able to see now when you bump into those nasty tall skirting boards.

I keep getting request from Ultralase but so far declined. I know a few people who have had it done and absolutely swear by it.....must admit im getting tempted myself now...
I keep getting request from Ultralase but so far declined. I know a few people who have had it done and absolutely swear by it.....must admit im getting tempted myself now...
<br><br>You just want to be careful your Mrs does not have it done :hilarious:
I know a few people who have had it done and have not regretted it either.
Can think of nothing worse than having poor eyesight
I had it done last year at Optimax in Southend. Cant fault the customer service and staff, procedure painless. I did however suffer a slight complication with my right eye and as a result it lag slightly behind my left eye in terms of vision (have 20-20 in my left). Not a massive problem but not how it should have panned out but apparently I was in the very tiny minority! The other people I met there were all very positive about their experiences. The one thing I would say is that you can get dry eyes for a while (im talking months) after. I still take drops occasionally. WOrking in front of a pc all day doesnt help. I would say though (and just my honest opinion) if they tell you have a dry eye problem at your assessment, do not have the treatment.

All in all I dont regret having it done but I would say dont take the plunge without researching first!
Well i'm back, but far far from 100%

First up they clamp your lid open and apply suction to your eyeball to keep it steady THIS HURTS !!! with a laser they cut the clear front part of your eye (the cornea) and fold it to one side then laser the bit underneath to your precription fold back the flap and place a contact lens over the top while your cornea heals .. in my left eyer the initial cut was insufficient so they had to resuction it, as a result of this i have a totally red eye ball, no white whatsoever, i look like i've gone ten rounds in the ring such is the swelling, oh and when the cornea was folded back it didn't sit quite flat so is causing immense irritation .. it SHOULD gradually sink back into place over the next couple of days but have to return to my optician on Saturday to check, if its not settled i'll have to return to the clinic for another operation

Right now it feels about the worst thing i've ever done in my life and a complete waste of time effort and money, my optician says my sight is returning at the expected rate and within a couple of days will be spot on but right now (NO PUN INTENDED) i can't see beyond the fact i can't bear daylight and can barely see the television let alone drive or go the the match Friday

Oh and as Clint says above .. the eye drops .. i think i'm on about 50-60 a day .. lovely

My right eye is ok, still a bit blurry but no pain here whatsoever, its just a small comfort
Wow sorry to hear that mate, I will call in to you tomorrow to make sure you are ok.
Sounds nasty mate, hope you get better quickly!

Never really thought about getting it done myself, tbh I'm not that bothered about wearing glasses anymore.
Wow sorry to hear that mate, I will call in to you tomorrow to make sure you are ok.

No worries mate, Karens Sandwich Bar up by Belle Vue Motors will be open so an egg and sausage sandwich on white no sauce will be splendid :winking:
Sorry to hear that blueblood, you have to be patient though. I had some problems straight after, and its taken me probably 6-8 months to get my sight to what it should be, which is perfect bar a small prescription in right eye.
Out of interest who did you get it done with? I went with Optimax, apart from the initial problem I had must say their follow up and aftercare has been top class. Within a few days you should be able to see well, but it will take a few months before you get the full 20-20 vision. This isnt just my experience but I know others have said that too. The drops do make a difference and are also there to prevent infection. Just dont rub your eyes for a few days and use goggles in the shower.
Sounds nasty mate, hope you get better quickly!

Never really thought about getting it done myself, tbh I'm not that bothered about wearing glasses anymore.

I've been wearing them for 30 odd years save for a 4/5 spell wearing contacts but i'm so clumsy i keep breaking them plus there's the sheer inconvenience of watching telly in bed, playing football et al
I know you are right Clint but thanks for the encouragement, i'm quite a dour bloke most of the time (what can go wrong will etc :violin:) so i;m not surprised its not been a piece of **** like most people say .. its just that no one said it will take so long to recover though they did mention it in the paperwork you're given as you leave (funny that)

I went to AVC in Harley Street as they were recommended by my optician, he's been treating my eyes for over 25 years so i trust him totally .. my surgeon, Mr Pillai has performed 25,000 procedures and is reputed THE top man, i guess i've just been unlucky up to now