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Message for geoffrey king from the east stand!!

Oh it will work!!!

Scott if this campaign to oust Mr King works, I'll treat you to a steak meal before every home game next season.

king is a **** and passes the blame rather to block w. not even noting the fact that if the stewards did their bit in the first place none of this would have even happened.

typical and un-surprising response by king.

If you think that four letter name calling is going to make a difference then you are also deluded. Anyone taking recourse to four letter insults will be given no credence whatsoever.

Please make your points but make them in a lucid and structured manner.
I'd just like to thank the club and Geoffrey King in particular for making Saturday's game a wholly unpleasurable experience from my position immediately below these morons in the back row of the East Blacks. Next time I won't bother to go and complain to the stewards - they did nothing.

Can I suggest you read the response of one of these stewards on the Club Statement:True Blues thread, post nos. 143, 157 and 164? You might then realise what they were trying to deal with. I'm not defending the people at the top here but I do think the stewards were pretty powerless to deal with what kicked off, especially when recommendations to evict the box users was completely over ruled.

If you really feel your enjoyment of the game was ruined because of the failure of the club to properly accommodate the Leicester fans, then I do suggest you write and express your dissatisfaction and request a refund.
Scott if this campaign to oust Mr King works, I'll treat you to a steak meal before every home game next season.

If you think that four letter name calling is going to make a difference then you are also deluded. Anyone taking recourse to four letter insults will be given no credence whatsoever.

Please make your points but make them in a lucid and structured manner.

What is that supposed to mean?

I'll assume by the remark that you have indeed sent your email littered with 4 letter invective.

you assume wrong then, i would not email the club swearing and insulting them.

i did however email the club about my views about what happened stating a lot of facts and how i and many others feel it is un-acceptable and veyr badly treated by the club.
Can I suggest you read the response of one of these stewards on the Club Statement:True Blues thread, post nos. 143, 157 and 164? You might then realise what they were trying to deal with. I'm not defending the people at the top here but I do think the stewards were pretty powerless to deal with what kicked off, especially when recommendations to evict the box users was completely over ruled.

If you really feel your enjoyment of the game was ruined because of the failure of the club to properly accommodate the Leicester fans, then I do suggest you write and express your dissatisfaction and request a refund.

I'm not going to request a refund, I've been a die-hard fan of this club for 22 years and have no wish to take money out of the club's pockets. However I stand by my comments, the way it was dealt with was a joke. If that had happened anywhere else those morons would either have been slung out or forced to all walk the perimeter of the pitch and put in the away end. If the stewards needed help to do this there were plenty of police standing by at this time as we saw towards the end of the game. Somebody needs to be held accountable for what happened on Saturday, if not the stewards then certainly Geoffrey King without a doubt.

Rest assured I've posted a letter explaining my views on Saturday.
Jesus Christ who is this idiots advisor on these things?.

First of all the club has nobody to blame but themselves for pure greed in letting groups of Leicester fans buy boxes in the East Stand pure and simple. aAso for letting in Leicester fans in the West where they know the more shall me say passionate (because thats what it boils down too) supporters sit.

I mean what these guys meant to say, "please gentlemen sit down because its a bit annoying you being in our home end celebrating your promotion"?. Bollocks they are going to get slapped and rightly so because you just dont do that in football and any football fan will tell you the same.

I would like too say the club will learn from their mistakes but it has happened many times in the past and will happen again no doubt until thry get their act together and do a proper job. Blaming the fans for their reaction is a joke and too all those who did react well I dont blame you as I would have done the same.

Just picking up on this from Bazza and especially about the reaction of home fans to boisterous away fans around them, i heard of the magical wonder-structure that is Wembley having the exact problems before the kick-off in this year's Carling cup final.

Somehow, Man Utd fans acquired half a dozen seats in the Spurs end and began singing Manc songs. Not clever. There were no stewards in sight when rows of Spurs fans ripped into them. There were still no stewards at the scene by the time my mate counted EIGHT rows of Spurs chaps were piling in and it was still going on as one of the Man Utd chaps got kicked in the face whilst lying on the steps and then kicked down the steps continuously.
It looked like a bloodbath. Parents taking their children out of the stadium and husband and wives walking out in disgust all saying "how can this happen at Wembley?"

And the game hadn't even began!

That wasn't reported in the 'papers unsuprisingly.
Mr King

Speaking as someone who was not at the Leicester game, and who has only heard about it from the various accounts on fan sites and the official website, I have to say I am disappointed.

I realise that, ultimately, stewards have little choice but to ask permission to do anything, but even when they did ask, they were still told to do nothing, despite what was going on in the East and West stands. I know that the club has to liase with various police and security services, but are the actions taken at the game in question by these services really all they could do? If not, why was leniency shown to the fans in question?

In addition, I find your comments regarding the Southend fans fighting each other (which Ron Martin himself has refuted in his blog on the official website, as you are no doubt aware of by the time you read this), derogatory and highly offensive. In some six or so years of supporting Southend United, I have never seen a incident of fan violence from Southend supporters. I also find your comments that effectively pinned the blame on The Blue Voice offensive. It is known that The Blue Voice will hopefully be occupying a block close to where the incident in the West stand took place. It is also where they currently sit at most home matches. Were your comments just a case of The Blue Voice being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or were you trying to find a scapegoat to pin the blame on?

Should you read this, I hope you find the time to answer my questions, and so thank you in advance should you do so.

Yours Sincerely,
