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National League Meeting | 13/07/2023

Our licence/membership is subject to the conditions, so they have already been backed into a corner to a degree. When making a statement and definitive deadline they can state that xyz must be competed by x date. Failure to complete will result in y consequence (expulsion) unless the league is provided with sufficient supporting documentation that is acceptable to amend x date.

There are means and ways of ensuring this is enforced but also giving themselves some legal loophole should it require an additional 24 hours like an emergency appeal process etc.

The long and the short of it, Martin doesn’t respond unless there is a hardline drawn in the sand, ala accounts being filed etc.
I am far from sure that there will be any warning , well certainly not put in the public domain.
Sadly I suspect RM will know exactly what need to be done and by what date . The league is due to start in 3 weeks and one day would it be any surprise if ultimately the NL say sorry but no
I am far from sure that there will be any warning , well certainly not put in the public domain.
Sadly I suspect RM will know exactly what need to be done and by what date . The league is due to start in 3 weeks and one day would it be any surprise if ultimately the NL say sorry but no
They can't just keep it under their hat from the whole of league/teams/police/police etc surely?.

Too much at stake in terms of planning, TV rights/money and everything else at stake.
I am far from sure that there will be any warning , well certainly not put in the public domain.
Sadly I suspect RM will know exactly what need to be done and by what date . The league is due to start in 3 weeks and one day would it be any surprise if ultimately the NL say sorry but no
I'm not sure about it either, although it might be felt expedient.

The reality is that the club's pre-season has been ruined really ; a fresh deadline won't help that, to my mind anyway. And after months of prevarication, is the owner really going to make big advances in all the areas of breach? It feels unlikely, unless he really has just been gaming the system all along. Setting the basic morality of it to one side, I'm not sure he is bright enough to be able to do that.
I'm not sure about it either, although it might be felt expedient.

The reality is that the club's pre-season has been ruined really ; a fresh deadline won't help that, to my mind anyway. And after months of prevarication, is the owner really going to make big advances in all the areas of breach? It feels unlikely, unless he really has just been gaming the system all along. Setting the basic morality of it to one side, I'm not sure he is bright enough to be able to do that.
Ron will probably be well aware of what he’s doing sadly. The season preparations, threat of players and staff walking and anything thrown at us by the NL is collateral damage .. he usually does what’s right for Ron. Giving him a final deadline or a timeline to adhere to might well force his hand in some ways. Let’s hope that the NL don’t give him an inch.
You’d hope for a statement from the league, or at least something! I know the club won’t tell us….
They may not have a choice before too much longer. For those of us with long memories I give you Babylon 5 and that master quote - 'Our best last hope', well that's the NL in my view.
Is it likely they would reinstate Torquay or run a team short if worst case scenario happened. Obviously one of those options would need NL to make a decision quicker than the other.

I think most genuine Col U fans are with you on this, your predicament is bigger than any rivalry. Hoping you pull this out of the bag
They'll run a team short. It's not ideal but the scenario they want to avoid is having to void a load of fixtures mid-year