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Say No To Id Cards

Id cards

  • Yes,I have no Problem with ID Cards.

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • No, I am totally against them.

    Votes: 13 65.0%
  • Other and reason why.

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters


As most people, know the age of big brother is upon ,us your movements are tracked from cradle to grave, and the latest imposition by this goverment of ours is to introduce the id card, which at current rates is going to cost £199
and will be offence if you lose it!!!

But there is still time to stand up to this, Have a look at this video by the
Pet shop boys(who are good friends of mine) if you have a phone with scanner capacity you can put it over the video, for links to the campaign against id cards, or simply follow the links

I am also in the video, as I was asked by the lads to be one of the cast
see if you can see me in the video

say no to the id card
Totally agreed mate, a total joke is that..

PS, loving the cameo in the white stripey polo!!..
I guess you are on the Train platform at the end (Kind of Ironic);) ..

However I agree with you 100% on this subject ..I have a Passport who says who I am ..why do I need an ID card...More bureaucracy gone mad......"1984 "..is alive and well it seems. Everyday lately it seems we get a new rule "which is for our own good", but the Government will use the excuse it is because of terrorism and the trouble in the outside world (that we actually add to) and is for the long term benefit of British people and our wellbeing.....

Total bollocks if you ask me, all they want is total control over the people and I don't go for that "If you have nothing to hide crap either"

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I'm in that video as well, believe it or not. And I totally agree with this thread, too. *faints*
Hmmmmmmmmm, tricky subject. If I thought ID cards would solve benefit fraud and illegal immigration at a stroke I'd be all for them. Sadly I'm not convinced.

The only thing I would say in their defence is that Europeans don't think twice about producing identity cards upon demand.

However given the track record over here ours won't just be a card with some form of unique identifier (fingerprint, iris etc) it'll be a full blown GPRS system tracking our every move which is one of the reasons ORM disposed of his Oyster Card as soon as he found out how they were used. I wouldn't mind betting the output from these Oyster cards is sold to markting operations to target a potential customer base. I know it's not GPRS but it ain't far off it.

Having said all of this I fear the tide is already too far in for us to do much about it. We can't fart without this being caught on CCTV somewhere along the line.
I'm not fussed either way. Love how everyone bleats on about civil liberties in topics like this like their lives are in anyway important enough to warrant any interest whatsoever.
I'm not fussed either way. Love how everyone bleats on about civil liberties in topics like this like their lives are in anyway important enough to warrant any interest whatsoever.

Oh I'm sorry my life is soooo boring, but I don't want my every action recorded and tracked. I don't want my taxes to rise to pay for a £10bn project that is bound to go wrong and vastly overbudget where the NHS is in **** street and old people are dying because they can't afford to turn the heating on.

Benefit fraud and illegal immigration still exists in the countries where these cards exist - they won't stop it at all.

And your rep was supposed to be -negative for such a blinkered response.
Oh I'm sorry my life is soooo boring, but I don't want my every action recorded and tracked. I don't want my taxes to rise to pay for a £10bn project that is bound to go wrong and vastly overbudget where the NHS is in **** street and old people are dying because they can't afford to turn the heating on.

Benefit fraud and illegal immigration still exists in the countries where these cards exist - they won't stop it at all.

And your rep was supposed to be -negative for such a blinkered response.

Your move is already tracked anyway unless you stay indoors.

Pay by credit card - the company knows where you shop, etc.
Use a Loyalty card - the shop knows what you buy
CCTV watches you everywhere you go (almost)
Some car insurance is "pay as you drive" and you mileage is tracked by GPS
You may pay home insurance so they know where you live
You may pay car insurance so they know what you drive
Your health records are stored so they know how ill you have been
And so on.....

It would be better if these ID cards combined say Driving Licence and Passports into one ID card. The price should also be set realistically and not just because they faffed about so long making a decision to do it.

I agree though, these sorts of things need to have proven benefits. There is no point spending out that much money if there are no real benefits. That sort of money could be better spent sorting out public transport, health, eduction and pensions, etc etc.

They could also make the rules for benefit and immigration tighter and enforce what rules there already are would perhaps be a better spend of the money.
You are also relying that the information on any database is factual. A typo by a bored data-entry clerk and you could find your entire life blighted.

As for loyalty cards - cut them in half and don't use them. Simple.