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Some Happy News

One of the murderers of Lee Rigby lost two teeth whilst being "restrained" by prison officers.
Hopefully someone will cut off his thumbs next.
Who's says prisons are too soft?
Lets hope the murdering scum is in lots of pain and in constant fear for his safety.
One of the murderers of Lee Rigby lost two teeth whilst being "restrained" by prison officers.
Hopefully someone will cut off his thumbs next.
Who's says prisons are too soft?
Lets hope the murdering scum is in lots of pain and in constant fear for his safety.

This incident happened some time ago but is in the news because this murdering piece of scum is claiming £20,000 from the prison service. It was investigated by police who decided to take no action against the prison officers.

He refused to recognise the court, even at his appeal. But now there's some money up for grabs he suddenly wants British justice. Should never have been granted legal aid for his claim and it only brings up more pain for poor Lee's family

Real shame the police didn't do there job properly in the first place as they were shooting to kill.
He can FRO. Scumbag. Why was he being restrained in the first place? Because he was a threat to either officers or inmates, therefore it's his own fault.

Of course, our weak legal system will probably grant him the award. :facepalm:
He can FRO. Scumbag. Why was he being restrained in the first place? Because he was a threat to either officers or inmates, therefore it's his own fault.

Of course, our weak legal system will probably grant him the award. :facepalm:

If it's a weak legal system it will let the prison officers be above the law.
Agreed,they must pay for their actions,say 50p each into the staffs tea kitty meanwhile hang that filth upside down by his wedding tackle.:thumbsup:
We don't know the facts of the case but they have been cleared of any crime by the police. Perhaps you know more which is why your making accusations.


Which is why I made no comment as to whether the prison officers had acted above the law. If they haven't they have nothing to fear. If they have acted outside the law then they should be punished according to the punishments set out in law.

Which is why I made no comment as to whether the prison officers had acted above the law. If they haven't they have nothing to fear. If they have acted outside the law then they should be punished according to the punishments set out in law.

But you already Know they are innocent because they have been investigated and cleared. Or don't you agree with that part of the law
Ok folks, panic ye not, he wont be getting a bean. There was a very intersting chap on the radio today who explained exactly what the situation would have been. Abobayo or whatever he's called would have been on 5 man unlock which is common for 'cat A' prisoners. The whole area has both cameras and microphones recording 24/7. When this ******** kicked off the officers used tried and tested and above all, legal restraining methods. Also, he refused to see a doctor or accept medical treatment. The officers have all been investigated and returned to work having been told there is no case to answer. Matey boy has been told he can have a claim up by some other mug of his brotherhood but he has left too long so he wont get diddly squat from the courts if it even goes that far.
But you already Know they are innocent because they have been investigated and cleared. Or don't you agree with that part of the law

Oh dear you seem to be getting very confused.

The prison officers have not been cleared under the law as it never went to a court of law.

Whilst there is a general presumption of innocence it is just a presumption and can therefore be rebutted.

The criminal burden of proof is that a case must be proved beyond reasonable doubt. This, quite rightly, is a stringent test that must be met in order to convict someone of a criminal offence.

Should it go to a civil hearing - which is what is proposed here anyway and so completely separate to the police investigation - the burden of proof is that it is on the balance of probabilities. This is a lesser burden. Should the claimant win the civil case it would still be open (and quite possibly likely) for criminal charges to be brought against the prison officers.
Oh dear you seem to be getting very confused.

The prison officers have not been cleared under the law as it never went to a court of law.

Whilst there is a general presumption of innocence it is just a presumption and can therefore be rebutted.

The criminal burden of proof is that a case must be proved beyond reasonable doubt. This, quite rightly, is a stringent test that must be met in order to convict someone of a criminal offence.

Should it go to a civil hearing - which is what is proposed here anyway and so completely separate to the police investigation - the burden of proof is that it is on the balance of probabilities. This is a lesser burden. Should the claimant win the civil case it would still be open (and quite possibly likely) for criminal charges to be brought against the prison officers.

They have been cleared under the law. As you have pointed out this is a civil case which is the whole point of the thread.
I think above all mind the important thing here is the murdering scum has lost two teeth. As for his human rights - oh sorry, but I get pulled up for trying to avoid the swear censor (unlike some) but basically **** HIM!