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Tax self assessment.

Mad Cyril

The Fresh Prince of Belfairs⭐⭐
Is anyone else about to get F'd in the A by the government?

I registered for self assessment a month ago and still haven't received my unique taxpayer reference (UTR) required to submit my assessment online.

I just called the *******s and they have sent the UTR to my old address despite providing my new address when I applied for a UTR. Apparently it takes two or three days for address updates to take effect.

In retrospect this whole sorry affair could have been avoided if I hadn't left things to the last minute bit that's not the point. The point is I am soon to be 100 sheets out of pocket because of government incompetence.

If anyone wants to start an online petition, hunger strike or campaign of civil disobedience to highlight my situation it would be appreciated.
Is anyone else about to get F'd in the A by the government?

I registered for self assessment a month ago and still haven't received my unique taxpayer reference (UTR) required to submit my assessment online.

I just called the *******s and they have sent the UTR to my old address despite providing my new address when I applied for a UTR. Apparently it takes two or three days for address updates to take effect.

In retrospect this whole sorry affair could have been avoided if I hadn't left things to the last minute bit that's not the point. The point is I am soon to be 100 sheets out of pocket because of government incompetence.

If anyone wants to start an online petition, hunger strike or campaign of civil disobedience to highlight my situation it would be appreciated.

haha i've just done mine for the first time this year.

submitted by self assessment online but the system hasn't updated to say that it's been 'received'.

i'm guessing until it's been 'received' i can't pay the tax i owe... and all indications suggest that i'm supposed to pay it before tomorrow night.... fuuuuuuuuu
haha i've just done mine for the first time this year.

submitted by self assessment online but the system hasn't updated to say that it's been 'received'.

i'm guessing until it's been 'received' i can't pay the tax i owe... and all indications suggest that i'm supposed to pay it before tomorrow night.... fuuuuuuuuu

You can pay the amount due even if the system hasn't been updated to show the return has been received.
You can pay the amount due even if the system hasn't been updated to show the return has been received.

**** that! I'm only paying it once the system says I have to.

however - could fine me £100 even though I got my return in 2/3 days early and they haven't yet requested what I owe?
haha i've just done mine for the first time this year.

submitted by self assessment online but the system hasn't updated to say that it's been 'received'.

i'm guessing until it's been 'received' i can't pay the tax i owe... and all indications suggest that i'm supposed to pay it before tomorrow night.... fuuuuuuuuu

Is anyone else about to get F'd in the A by the government?

I registered for self assessment a month ago and still haven't received my unique taxpayer reference (UTR) required to submit my assessment online.

I just called the *******s and they have sent the UTR to my old address despite providing my new address when I applied for a UTR. Apparently it takes two or three days for address updates to take effect.

In retrospect this whole sorry affair could have been avoided if I hadn't left things to the last minute bit that's not the point. The point is I am soon to be 100 sheets out of pocket because of government incompetence.

If anyone wants to start an online petition, hunger strike or campaign of civil disobedience to highlight my situation it would be appreciated.

You may get lucky, as sometimes when you apply for a UTR within a month or two of the filing deadline, you get a special dispensation from HMRC and a small deadline extension past 31st January to get your return in.
Is anyone else about to get F'd in the A by the government?

I registered for self assessment a month ago and still haven't received my unique taxpayer reference (UTR) required to submit my assessment online.

I just called the *******s and they have sent the UTR to my old address despite providing my new address when I applied for a UTR. Apparently it takes two or three days for address updates to take effect.

In retrospect this whole sorry affair could have been avoided if I hadn't left things to the last minute bit that's not the point. The point is I am soon to be 100 sheets out of pocket because of government incompetence.

If anyone wants to start an online petition, hunger strike or campaign of civil disobedience to highlight my situation it would be appreciated.

You shouold be OK, since I think the letter states that the SA needs to be in by the end of January, or 3 months from the date of the letter, whichever is the later.
**** that! I'm only paying it once the system says I have to.

however - could fine me £100 even though I got my return in 2/3 days early and they haven't yet requested what I owe?

I don't think they will request what you owe : that's the idea of self assessment!

Interest and penalties if you don't pay your tax on time

Interest charges if you pay late

You will have to pay interest on anything you owe and haven't paid, including any unpaid penalties, until HMRC receives your payment.

Find out the latest interest rates on late payments

Penalties for paying late

If you don't pay the tax you owe for the previous tax year on time, you'll have to pay a penalty after 30 days and the longer you delay, the more you'll have to pay. So it's important to pay the tax as soon as you can.

Penalties for paying late

Length of delay

Penalty you will have to pay

30 days late

5% of the tax you owe at that date

6 months late

5% of the tax you owe at that date. This is as well as the 5% above.

12 months late

5% of the tax unpaid at that date. This as well as the two 5% penalties above
I don't think they will request what you owe : that's the idea of self assessment!

Interest and penalties if you don't pay your tax on time

Interest charges if you pay late

You will have to pay interest on anything you owe and haven't paid, including any unpaid penalties, until HMRC receives your payment.

Find out the latest interest rates on late payments

Penalties for paying late

If you don't pay the tax you owe for the previous tax year on time, you'll have to pay a penalty after 30 days and the longer you delay, the more you'll have to pay. So it's important to pay the tax as soon as you can.

Penalties for paying late

Length of delay

Penalty you will have to pay

30 days late

5% of the tax you owe at that date

6 months late

5% of the tax you owe at that date. This is as well as the 5% above.

12 months late

5% of the tax unpaid at that date. This as well as the two 5% penalties above

Cheers, I'll just pay it.

It's confusing because the online thing says I don't owe anything, when I clearly do (it's just been calculated). I guess once the return is 'received' they'll update the system to say that I do owe some tax.
My accountant did mine. All I had to do was pay over the money when it was due. All done and dusted without any stress.

Apart from one email from me to him to ensure that the self assessment had been filed, and a confirmation of the amount of tax I owed.
I'm an accountant currently dealing with numpties who had'nt bothered to give us their stuff until today - I have done a couple of jobs & have had a couple of clients go off on one when told they have tax to pay today.
Despite us sending out info requests pretty much on 6th April lots of folks leave it to the last minute & expect us to "fix it" so they either don't have tax to pay or to delay payment for "a few months".
(Written in my break - i got here at 7 & have no intention of missing the game tonight!)
I'm an accountant currently dealing with numpties who had'nt bothered to give us their stuff until today - I have done a couple of jobs & have had a couple of clients go off on one when told they have tax to pay today.
Despite us sending out info requests pretty much on 6th April lots of folks leave it to the last minute & expect us to "fix it" so they either don't have tax to pay or to delay payment for "a few months".
(Written in my break - i got here at 7 & have no intention of missing the game tonight!)

I feel your pain!!