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The EU Referendum - What are the facts, Where are the facts


I'm a Gnu, how do you do!⭐⭐
Staff member
Mrs RHB asked me last night where she could find out what the impact of coming out of Europe or staying in could be found, delivered in a totally unbiased way. I was a bit stuffed for an answer, so this thread may be an opportunity for posters to provide unbiased information as and when they come across it. We will undoubtedly be deluged with stuff from the 'In' and 'Out' Groups and it is often difficult to tease out the actual facts from the rhetoric.

So, if you come across good stuff worthy of others reading it on here, then this thread is the place to drop it into. Also, if you haven't got a clue what's going on, then again, you may learn something from the thread. This will only really work if we keep it clear of tub thumping or telling people yours is the only view.

Anyone interested?
The BBC has some useful 'what you need to know' pages. I think it's very important that people read up about the EU and educate themselves before this crucial referendum, the more you learn about the EU the more you realise how undemocratic and damaging it is.
The BBC has some useful 'what you need to know' pages. I think it's very important that people read up about the EU and educate themselves before this crucial referendum, the more you learn about the EU the more you realise how undemocratic and damaging it is.

The more you learn about the Eu, makes you glad we are part of the package and not the outsiders looking in

The BBC has some useful 'what you need to know' pages. I think it's very important that people read up about the EU and educate themselves before this crucial referendum, the more you learn about the EU the more you realise how undemocratic and damaging it is.

In what way is it damaging shrimpboy?
The more you learn about the Eu, makes you glad we are part of the package and not the outsiders looking in


Net migration 330,000 !

Schools ,roads,healthcare simply cannot cope,where is the extra housing required?

Take Essex,

How many brand new schools/hospitals have been built within the last 5 year's?,and the same period how many extra people have increased the county's population?

Net migration 330,000 !

Schools ,roads,healthcare simply cannot cope,where is the extra housing required?

Take Essex,

How many brand new schools/hospitals have been built within the last 5 year's?,and the same period how many extra people have increased the county's population?

Agreed, let's invest in infrastructure.
Haha typical !

Tories have built more in their short time in office than Labour managed in their entire term,and I'm not even a Tory voter.
What have they built? There is the cable car thing Boris did and they allowed people to set up schools in disused offices etc but I can't think of any major infrastructure building works - what are you referring to specifically?
So, the idea of this thread was to provide posters with unbiased facts about leaving or staying in the EU. Then along comes mrsblue with totally unrelated bollocks and *** reacts, nice one.