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This postal quiz, we could make it a mixed bag, some SUFC, some music, some general knowledge etc etc....I am sure Kay would help me organise it :smile: x....If you are up for it, depending on numbers ,we could have maybe a nice prize at the end.
Hi All,

First I would like to thank the people who contribute their time and money to keep this great forum running, without them we would be nowhere.

How about a sponsored combined Quiz/raffle/Prediction league winners presentation event?

At the end of the season we could invite SCP and any staff/players that are available to present the Prediction league winners a certificate

There seem to be plenty of balls around for raffle prizes and could we maybe get a signed shirt from the player of the season to raffle too?

Have "we" approached the company that runs the club shop? They must have an interest in the club/fans and may be persuaded to sponsor or stock Shrimperzone merchandise in a corner of the shop. If prominently advertised on here could help sales. I would be up for a mug and a good quality polo shirt too.

I agree a fee would likely end up killing the forum but a new sponsor or some fundraising events would help, especially in good weather!

Ill send a donation too :smile:
We used to do PL league trophies a few years back at the end of the season, I see no reason why we cant do that again.

Going through old shirts and SUFC stuff of mine, not because I don't love the club, but because it just lies there in a drawer or 3 never to be used again.

It is about time I got rid of all that.. so I will start a thread tomorrow with what we can raffle etc.
We will open a new forum for all this, as it does not let you continue the flow of SUFC chit-chat without us sticking our oar in now and again.
Will the be any teasers on the way for these mugs? My work are getting personalised mugs [at our own cost] to try and avoid the mountains of washing up that keep appearing in the sink and I’ve said no thanks, I’ve got a SZ mug on the way.
Will the be any teasers on the way for these mugs? My work are getting personalised mugs [at our own cost] to try and avoid the mountains of washing up that keep appearing in the sink and I’ve said no thanks, I’ve got a SZ mug on the way.

Well this is the image on the front of the mug with some added words :winking:

like the mug idea. mods will send something after pay day (can't do paypal) pm me n let me know how

Will the be any teasers on the way for these mugs? My work are getting personalised mugs [at our own cost] to try and avoid the mountains of washing up that keep appearing in the sink and I’ve said no thanks, I’ve got a SZ mug on the way.
You can place orders here: http://www.shrimperzone.com/vb/showthread.php?95502-SCP-amp-SZ-mugs&p=2035980#post2035980
Yep, it's just an 'x'.

Does it work if it's re-saved as a .jpg and then posted as an attachment, rather than an embedded image?
Thanks very much to Shrimpfan who handed me £20 today at the game towards out costs. :thumbsup: