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Until you (and your fellow Kippers) start addressing the issues which rightly surround UKIP's rise, rather than merely resorting to petty,personal insults,you will never be in a position to achieve real political power in the UK,fortunately.
In all seriousness, finding, doing and posting a UKIP quiz on Christmas Day does suggest an obsession with something.

He only got 4 out of 10 and Michael Gove did away with retakes so I think he needs to spend a lot more time on his UKIP obsession to keep up to speed.

Who was the only party leader photographed at a fox hunt today? It was Nigel Farage. Why has Barna not brought us this news? He is slacking that is why. Sort it out Barney - we are days away from 2015, the year when this **** gets real!
He only got 4 out of 10 and Michael Gove did away with retakes so I think he needs to spend a lot more time on his UKIP obsession to keep up to speed.

Who was the only party leader photographed at a fox hunt today? It was Nigel Farage. Why has Barna not brought us this news? He is slacking that is why. Sort it out Barney - we are days away from 2015, the year when this **** gets real!

Except that fox hunting has been banned in this country for quite a few years now so Nigel Farage wasn't photographed at a fox hunt at all. I have never considered you on a par with the Plastic Commie so don't lower yourself to his level and get your facts correct first.
Except that fox hunting has been banned in this country for quite a few years now so Nigel Farage wasn't photographed at a fox hunt at all. I have never considered you on a par with the Plastic Commie so don't lower yourself to his level and get your facts correct first.
He was at a hunt. The hunt was formed many years ago to hunt foxes. Fox hunting to a large extent has been banned but the riders and the packs still meet and it is not unknown for a fox to cut across the path of the pack and accidently get ripped to shreds.
he was there to show his support for fox hunting - any other conclusion would be naive. He is the one lowering himself to be photographed aligning himself with the pro-hunt lobby. As a nation we have moved on from that and it is embarrassing that some people still won't let it go.
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He was at a hunt. The hunt was formed many years ago to hunt foxes. Fox hunting to a large extent has been banned but the riders and the packs still meet and it is not unknown for a fox to cut across the path if the pack and accidently get ripped to shreds.
he was there to show his support for fox hunting - any other conclusion would be naive. He is the one lowering himself to be photographed aligning himself with the pro-hunt lobby. As a nation we have moved on from that and it is embarrassing that some people still won't let it go.

Oh get off your ****ing soapbox it's getting boring. So what if he was there to support hunting, its still allowed and isn't illegal. Get the fact into your head that their wasn't any foxes involved so saying he was supporting Fox Hunting is both misleading and unfair.
Oh get off your ****ing soapbox it's getting boring. So what if he was there to support hunting, its still allowed and isn't illegal. Get the fact into your head that their wasn't any foxes involved so saying he was supporting Fox Hunting is both misleading and unfair.
This is a soapbox thread - it's in the politics section which was created to discuss exactly this kind of thing. If he embarrasses you by his actions take it up with him, I'm merely discussing the actions of a politician in the politics section on a politics thread for us all the get out our soap boxes. That's the whole point.

Nigel Farage was at the Surrey and Burstow hunt on Boxing Day - a traditionally significant date in the fox hunting calendar and a time when the hunt still meets with packs of dogs to signify their support for repealing the hunting with dogs act. People will draw their own conclusions on why Farage was there - clearly we are drawing different conclusions.
Of course - if you are pro hunting with dogs then his support is a positive thing, my opinion is that it is not. Stats would say it's not a vote winner either.

But to claim someone is lowering himself because he does something you don't agree with cant be right.

I'm not pro hunting - I was very anti hunting but when you hear both sides of the argument there were valid points for and against.
But to claim someone is lowering himself because he does something you don't agree with cant be right.

I'm not pro hunting - I was very anti hunting but when you hear both sides of the argument there were valid points for and against.
I think you are being a bit picky there. I used the word 'lowering' in response to a post saying I was lowering myself - it was just taking someone else's words to respond to their words.
Nigel Farage voted "Britain of the Year".....:stunned:

Well, at least we know which side Murdoch is coming down on then (for an Aussie living in the US)
He only got 4 out of 10 and Michael Gove did away with retakes so I think he needs to spend a lot more time on his UKIP obsession to keep up to speed.

Who was the only party leader photographed at a fox hunt today? It was Nigel Farage. Why has Barna not brought us this news? He is slacking that is why. Sort it out Barney - we are days away from 2015, the year when this **** gets real!

Ha! I was over in the UK (for the Daggers game) without my laptop.

Normal service will shortly be resumed.:smile:

NF will always be "a pound-shop Enoch Powell" for me though.
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