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I've just read the audience split released from the BBC in regards to the televised debate. Now I really can't stand Farage, but actually looking at those figures, he really does have a point. Just over 100 were made up of Lab/Libdem/Others, 55 of Con/UKIP and the others undecided. So out of the 200 audience only around 25% were from two parties, that according to the polls make up nearly 50% of the electorate as opposed to the others which also equate to similar figures. I see a big issue for the BBC looming here.
I might be being dim but that isn't making sense to me. Do you have actual figures by party rather than the lumped in version? I don't get why Lab/LibDem/others would be one category - the Lib Dems are in government with the Tories is the obvious point to note from that.
I might be being dim but that isn't making sense to me. Do you have actual figures by party rather than the lumped in version? I don't get why Lab/LibDem/others would be one category - the Lib Dems are in government with the Tories is the obvious point to note from that.

More to the point,

Cameron decided not to attend and Clegg wasn't invited,so why should any of their supporters gain an invite?
I might be being dim but that isn't making sense to me. Do you have actual figures by party rather than the lumped in version? I don't get why Lab/LibDem/others would be one category - the Lib Dems are in government with the Tories is the obvious point to note from that.

I have no idea, but that is the way the BBC have released them. Personally by going by polls CON/LAB should have made up around 35% of the 200, UKIP around 13% LIB DEMS 10% and the others make up approx 10-11%. SO based on the BBC figures and the way they have stated them then CON/UKIP should have made up around 100 members of the audience as the others did.

Can't explain why the BBC released them that way but I feel there will be more questions asked of them because of it.
More to the point,

Cameron decided not to attend and Clegg wasn't invited,so why should any of their supporters gain an invite?
I did think that but they make up part of the electorate.
Seemingly Cameron decided Clegg wouldn't do it as then he would be representing the government but without a mandate to do so or some **** like that. Cameron has been such the boy who takes the ball home so no one else can play.
I have no idea, but that is the way the BBC have released them. Personally by going by polls CON/LAB should have made up around 35% of the 200, UKIP around 13% LIB DEMS 10% and the others make up approx 10-11%. SO based on the BBC figures and the way they have stated them then CON/UKIP should have made up around 100 members of the audience as the others did.

Can't explain why the BBC released them that way but I feel there will be more questions asked of them because of it.
If that is the way they have done it they may as well have not bothered as it doesn't seem to clarify anything.
If that is the way they have done it they may as well have not bothered as it doesn't seem to clarify anything.

Well it certainly clarifies that the Conservatives and UKIP and were very much under represented in regards to an unbiased and left leading audience. A lot of questions will be asked of the BBC over this.
:dim:Yeah the BBC must be biased.I've just seen NF interviewed by Andrew Neil on the Sunday Politics.

Why did such a large organisation as the BBC feel the need to NOT directly invite the audience but preferring to sub contract the invites.

The audience should have been made up with supporters of the parties present on that night with representation matching current poll percentage.

Firm but fair.
Why did such a large organisation as the BBC feel the need to NOT directly invite the audience but preferring to sub contract the invites.

The audience should have been made up with supporters of the parties present on that night with representation matching current poll percentage.

Firm but fair.

That would have been far too easy and would of only offered a fair reflection of the voting public, but that is the public funded BBC for you. This is coming from someone cannot stand Farage.
I love South Thanet. Big contingent of Labour canvassers out for their big push day - around 500 signed up (100 on a standard day apparently) but in order to use that wisely people were shipped out as soon as they arrived to make the use of their time. I took a selfie with leftie poster boy Owen Jones and South Thanet's next MP Will Scobie and got bear retweets by sending it to Croydon Central's next MP Sarah Jones telling her I had a new Jones in my life.

I went out to very picturesque Sandwich and leafleted with a cool couple and their teenage daughter who live in Whistable and a retired guy who lives in Sandwich. Straight forward and nice outing. The older guy took us to his house where his wife had baked cake for us. At the bottom of their road is the guesthouse owned by the Gogglebox couple so I saw the very spot where Nigel Farage spilt his drink down himself because even the thing he wants everyone to think he is good at - he is not good at.

Met up with the cool couple's mates back in Ramsgate which is a nice looking harbour town and then on to a venue where Owen Jones gave a rousing 'we can make this a better country' speech and gave everyone a sense of rallying together.

Mostly locals out but with a fair few 'down from London' types (£30 train fair though) and all decent people who want to so their bit. Very well organised - lifts to and from the train station, home baking, well organised canvassing and leafleting routes, a beer and speeches.

Lovely place, lovely people, they just really really don't want their town associated with that **** and the fact the Tories have put up an ex UKIP guy against Farage means that more people are seeing Labour as the way of saving South Thanet from indignity.
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I love South Thanet. Big contingent of Labour canvassers out for their big push day - around 500 signed up (100 on a standard day apparently) but in order to use that wisely people were shipped out as soon as they arrived to make the use of their time. I took a selfie with leftie poster boy Owen Jones and South Thanet's next MP Will Scobie and got bear retweets by sending it to Croydon Central's next MP Sarah Jones telling her I had a new Jones in my life.

I went out to very picturesque Sandwich and leafleted with a cool couple and their teenage daughter who live in Whistable and a retired guy who lives in Sandwich. Straight forward and nice outing. The older guy took us to his house where his wife had baked cake for us. At the bottom of their road is the guesthouse owned by the Gogglebox couple so I saw the very spot where Nigel Farage spilt his drink down himself because even the thing he wants everyone to think he is good at - he is not good at.

Met up with the cool couple's mates back in Ramsgate which is a nice looking harbour town and then on to a venue where Owen Jones have a rousing 'we can make this a better country' speech and gave everyone a sense of rallying together.

Mostly locals out but with a fair few 'down from London' types (£30 train fair though) and all decent people who want to so their bit. Very well organised - lifts to and from the train station, home baking, well organised canvassing and leafleting routes, a beer and speeches.

Lovely place, lovely people, they just really really don't want their town associated with that **** and the fact the Tories have put up an ex UKIP guy against Farage means that more people are seeing Labour as the way of saving South Thanet from indignity.

More interested in this "cool couple" than the left one eyed view of the world.

Why were they cool?
More interested in this "cool couple" than the left one eyed view of the world.

Why were they cool?
Appreciate the interest in my first hand experience of South Thanet- just in the middle of something at the moment - could you give me the BBC quotes that you referred to above and then I'll get back to you on the cool couple. Thanks.
I love South Thanet. Big contingent of Labour canvassers out for their big push day - around 500 signed up (100 on a standard day apparently) but in order to use that wisely people were shipped out as soon as they arrived to make the use of their time. I took a selfie with leftie poster boy Owen Jones and South Thanet's next MP Will Scobie and got bear retweets by sending it to Croydon Central's next MP Sarah Jones telling her I had a new Jones in my life.

I went out to very picturesque Sandwich and leafleted with a cool couple and their teenage daughter who live in Whistable and a retired guy who lives in Sandwich. Straight forward and nice outing. The older guy took us to his house where his wife had baked cake for us. At the bottom of their road is the guesthouse owned by the Gogglebox couple so I saw the very spot where Nigel Farage spilt his drink down himself because even the thing he wants everyone to think he is good at - he is not good at.

Met up with the cool couple's mates back in Ramsgate which is a nice looking harbour town and then on to a venue where Owen Jones gave a rousing 'we can make this a better country' speech and gave everyone a sense of rallying together.

Mostly locals out but with a fair few 'down from London' types (£30 train fair though) and all decent people who want to so their bit. Very well organised - lifts to and from the train station, home baking, well organised canvassing and leafleting routes, a beer and speeches.

Lovely place, lovely people, they just really really don't want their town associated with that **** and the fact the Tories have put up an ex UKIP guy against Farage means that more people are seeing Labour as the way of saving South Thanet from indignity.

That's a minute of my life I'll never get back reading this. You'd have been told to "do one" politely, and to shut the gate as you left my premises.

Do you actually support Southend United, or have you targeted Shrimperzone as an online canvassing site? Your posts seem to come directly from the soapbox.
Can't remember to be honest, it started with Cameron not being invited onto the BBC debate and then they all rolled off his tongue from then on. Was quite unashamedly misinforming. He was on right at the start of the program so a look on iplayer will only cost you give minutes if of interest.

Do you have evidence that he was actually invited? Do you have further evidence to support these so-called lies? Otherwise it's technically slander.
That's a minute of my life I'll never get back reading this. You'd have been told to "do one" politely, and to shut the gate as you left my premises.

Do you actually support Southend United, or have you targeted Shrimperzone as an online canvassing site? Your posts seem to come directly from the soapbox.
It was 12 hours of my life and one minute of yours so I wouldn't be too down on yourself. If you want to make the journey yourself you could make up your own mind. Or you can sit on Mrs Blues sofa and keep sniping without having the energy to actually get involved. If Farage doesn't win this seat he quits as leader of the party and potentially UKIP spiral into oblivion the same way BNP did. Maybe that means more to me than it does to you.

If you check your posts you'll see you are soapboxing as much as me, but again my soapbox leaves the house.

Southend? Yes, about 10 games a season, I'm on around 60 away grounds. I tend to write lengthy reports so that would be more minutes of your life you won't get back so maybe just avoid those when they happen.
Do you have evidence that he was actually invited? Do you have further evidence to support these so-called lies? Otherwise it's technically slander.
It was stated many many times when the negotiations were going on that the broadcasters had made suggested formats and Cameron was the stumbling block. This carried on for a long time. On Question Time on Thursday it was stated again that Cameron was invited onto the debate that had been shown a couple of hours before. You do yourself a disservice to pretend not to know this - that is real head in the sand stuff.

You asked me about this before and I politely told you exactly where on the program you needed to look so you didn't have to watch the whole thing. You really do seem to be turning into a very low effort WUM if I may be frank and I politely suggest you up your game.
It was stated many many times when the negotiations were going on that the broadcasters had made suggested formats and Cameron was the stumbling block. This carried on for a long time. On Question Time on Thursday it was stated again that Cameron was invited onto the debate that had been shown a couple of hours before. You do yourself a disservice to pretend not to know this - that is real head in the sand stuff.

You asked me about this before and I politely told you exactly where on the program you needed to look so you didn't have to watch the whole thing. You really do seem to be turning into a very low effort WUM if I may be frank and I politely suggest you up your game.

Yawn, more fluff.

so you can't actually "prove" what he was saying are lies? You just made a statement about something you have no knowledge of, because you don't want it to be true? In your words, but somewhat paraphrasing "he trotted out lie after lie". So there was only one lie and you can't really prove that he wasn't invited to that show at that time? I'm aware of the live show prenegotiations, but the fact could remain that he wasn't "invited" to that show.

I think it was clear to all and sundry that it made no sense for the incumbent to attend these debates as it basically 6 v 1 and the PM in power never comes off looking great. Look at brown 5 years ago.
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