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Who's the winger then?

Spaceman Spiff

Attila the Admin ⭐
Staff member
Oct 26, 2003
Kennington, London
So, we've talked about the possible striker targets until we're blue in the face - but Tilly has also said he's looking for a winger with pace...

As yet we've had no suggestions - anyone care to speculate who could be top of the list Tilly mentioned?

Nothing wrong with a bit of speculation...


Wasn't he after someone experienced? If so that pretty much rules out that Mitchell Cole lad from Grays which is a shame as he sounds like the real deal.

Bullock's been mentioned a few times hasn't he?

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Mr Wooly @ June 24 2005,12:15)]Wasn't he after someone experienced?
Not necessarily

I think the 'experienced' quote referred to the striker - the only quality mentioned in relation to the winger was pace. So maybe the lad at Grays is a possibility...
I was wondering about Delaney actually. He still doesn't appear to have signed a new deal, and I haven't heard of any clubs linked with him for the last few weeks.
If his wage demands are realistic then I wouldn't say no to Salako. Very experianced, local and on the look out for a new club.

I'd imagine he's not as pacy as he used to be, but he knws how to cross a ball....
Sam Aiston from Shrewsbury was mentioned on here before. Turned down Darlo and Grimsby. Was described as a talented player with a lot of pace.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (BoyWonder2 @ June 24 2005,12:45)]Sam Aiston from Shrewsbury was mentioned on here before. Turned down Darlo and Grimsby. Was described as a talented player with a lot of pace.
Given that Shrewsbusy released him though, and they only just avoided relegation to the Conference, is he really what we need in League One?