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I certainly do not tar you ladies all with the same brush, you are all as divers (freudian slip ) of course i meant diverse as what us guys are.

Sometimes blokes like to come across like that Sam with in a group of guys but get them on there own and they become a lot more sensitive.

Hit the nail on the head here. I think a lot of men on here and in general like to look like the man and a bit of a jack the lad in front of everyone else where as I dont think women ever need to do that kind of thing?

got nothing against any man that wants to go and "doink" who he wants but dont complain if you cant get rid of her after lol.

I dont really have one night stands but always made the rule for myself that I only ever sleep with people if given the chance i would be interested in more. If I get the impression that it wasnt going to go further I wouldnt put myself through it in the first place, it saves a lot of the hassle that some of you seem to get for not thinking it through!
You would think, wouldn't you? However, when that was my mantra in my younger days, it seemed to serve as a red rag to a bull. You women only ever want what you can't have.

Despite being an unattractive, skinny bloke with hair like Tina Turner's pubes, as soon as I said those words, women would try and convince me otherwise. Quite handy really. Looking back, I'd never have got laid without that little gem.

I do agree with that to some degree. Its not personally true for me but Ive had friends that have had some really nice guys after them but they arent interested. Then they will get an absolute ar*ehole giving them the runaround and blatantly not interested and they will want them more than shoes or handbags.

What the **** son. Dont come across all hollier than thou......You have done exactly the same as EBS and the rest of us I am sure.......

All this "I am a new man stuff" is not going to work on here with these doris's.....

What the **** son. Dont come across all hollier than thou......You have done exactly the same as EBS and the rest of us I am sure.......

All this "I am a new man stuff" is not going to work on here with these doris's.....

Sorry Dave but he is right, I have a lot of bloke mates that will act COMPLETELY different in front of his mates than they do around women etc. Get them on their own and they will act like a normal person, see them in front of men and they are like a different personality. You are guilty of this Im sure! I mean half the smut you post on here or many of the comments you have made Im sure you wouldnt ever have spouted within a 5 mile radius of the Mrs!!!
Hit the nail on the head here. I think a lot of men on here and in general like to look like the man and a bit of a jack the lad in front of everyone else where as I dont think women ever need to do that kind of thing?

got nothing against any man that wants to go and "doink" who he wants but dont complain if you cant get rid of her after lol.

I dont really have one night stands but always made the rule for myself that I only ever sleep with people if given the chance i would be interested in more. If I get the impression that it wasnt going to go further I wouldnt put myself through it in the first place, it saves a lot of the hassle that some of you seem to get for not thinking it through!

I would make you breakfast in the morning!!!

What the **** son. Dont come across all hollier than thou......You have done exactly the same as EBS and the rest of us I am sure.......

All this "I am a new man stuff" is not going to work on here with these doris's.....

Mate, see the bigger picture......method in madness and all that

What the **** son. Dont come across all hollier than thou......You have done exactly the same as EBS and the rest of us I am sure.......

All this "I am a new man stuff" is not going to work on here with these doris's.....
Top stuff DtS - back on form again today rather than talking about cooking b*llocks :p

Every guy has been here and done it, and usually more than once.

And the ones who haven't? Well IMO they were just too ugly to get the chance anyway! :whistling:
Blokes should never give their number to women, if (like this) they are ****ing nuts, she doesn't know your number, and having the girls number means you can pick and choose who you call and when you call.

The simple line of 'I don't give my number to girls I've just met' works wonders but girls, if they like you enough, will gladly give you their number.
Blokes should never give their number to women, if (like this) they are ****ing nuts, she doesn't know your number, and having the girls number means you can pick and choose who you call and when you call.

The simple line of 'I don't give my number to girls I've just met' works wonders.

See this is what I am talking about - a bit of forward thinking is golden. Saves you the hassle in the future and having to moan to your mates that she wont stop texting you.
Top stuff DtS - back on form again today rather than talking about cooking b*llocks :p

Every guy has been here and done it, and usually more than once.

And the ones who haven't? Well IMO they were just too ugly to get the chance anyway! :whistling:

More than one way to skin a cat.....and i am not talking Rohypnol here!!!

My success rate when i was younger was very impressive if i do say so myself, i went for the

softly softly catchy monkey approach.

Sorry Dave but he is right, I have a lot of bloke mates that will act COMPLETELY different in front of his mates than they do around women etc. Get them on their own and they will act like a normal person, see them in front of men and they are like a different personality. You are guilty of this Im sure! I mean half the smut you post on here or many of the comments you have made Im sure you wouldnt ever have spouted within a 5 mile radius of the Mrs!!!

Yes were all different infront of our mates to other people. Funny enough when I go over my Nans I dont discuss which one of girls aloud I would most like to smash up the dirt box like I do with the lads....

All blokes who are worthy of being called a man have slept with women and never called her back or lied to her.

On the flip side if you really like a bird then you dont have any issues and come together naturally.
Yes were all different infront of our mates to other people. Funny enough when I go over my Nans I dont discuss which one of girls aloud I would most like to smash up the dirt box....

All blokes who are worthy of being called a man have slept with women and never called her back or lied to her.

On the flip side if you really like a bird then you dont have any issues and come together naturally.

Think thats the bottom line really. If its meant to happen then it will. Anything else will just be another notch on the bedpost!
Think thats the bottom line really. If its meant to happen then it will. Anything else will just be another notch on the bedpost!

Hence why I think women cant accept one nighters...

ESB says he did a bird and now wants shot. All blokes bar a few go "yeah been there" and all women go "Oh no thats so wrong".

Blokes should never give their number to women, if (like this) they are ****ing nuts, she doesn't know your number, and having the girls number means you can pick and choose who you call and when you call.

The simple line of 'I don't give my number to girls I've just met' works wonders.
This is why lads holidays/weekends away work well. They simply can't chase you on 'home territory'.

Don't sh*t on your own doorstep is personally the best advice you can give to anyone. If ESB didn't have a connection with her through mates, then he wouldn't be in this situation. Personally, I think if you are just after one thing, then there's a simple solution. Find a random, go back to her place so she doesn't know where you live and then just belt the living daylights out of her. Everyone's a winner (maybe slightly untrue, but you are at least) and you know you'll never have the same issue again.
There's some excellent lessons for youngsters everywhere here...
Some of you lads really prove why you are from Essex! All this talk of birds and belting living daylights out of them and smash up the dirt box.... how lucky the "birds" are!!!