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  1. Interpol Shrimper

    Excellent News

    Here's hoping 2008 becomes the year of the celebrity comeuppance! Although it will have to go some if it carries on in this vein, an excellent start to the New Year, IMHO! :p
  2. Smiffy

    TrueBlue - New SUFC Ultra's Group..

    Whilst watching the Besiktas V Liverpool game on Wednesday night, it amazed me how much colour and noise the Besiktas Ultra's created.. So it got me thinking.. We should create our own group of Ultra's, to help improve the atmosphere when we move to Fossetts Farm. My idea's/thoughts are as...
  3. fbm

    The fbm view and ratings

    BLUES SHOW PROMISE IN PRESTON PERFORMANCE This game was always going to be a case of whether the huge morale boost that Tuesdays win gave us would counter the sheer mental and physical fatigue that the players must have suffered after the Man Utd game. The Blues made 3 changes, all enforced...
  4. J

    probablyAn Apology From CS J

    I am sorry.. i have merely been here, and have given my opinion.. which none of you like.. I think Paynter is crap.. i think JCR is crap, i think clarke is crap.. now many of you think this is "Fishing".. well it isn't.. it is my view... but i am a reformed character.. so instead...
  5. Clarky_Blues

    FAO Steve Clubshop

    Steve On the OS there is an article re the SUFC branded golf merchandise. Will this be available online for us exiles?
  6. Telegraph Report

    There really is more to Southend than the pier, jellied eels and white stilettos," insisted Southend United's centre-half, Adam Barrett, as he shared Football Focus reporting duties with Garth Crooks on Saturday. It was an overdue re-branding attempt on the back of the team's excellent start...
  7. Crazy new turnstiles

    ENGLAND: Southend United Goes High-Tech With SkiData Southend United has installed a new integrated ticketing, access control and customer relationship management (CRM) system from APT SkiData at its Roots Hall stadium. The Coca-Cola (sponsor) League One club said that the new solution...
  8. Official site

    What is the point of the official site if it cannot be bothered to update at crucial times?. I know it is the weekend but thats when football is at its peak. I have logged on for some team news or up to date positive comments or even an injury list, but no, zip! I thought we were to believe...
  9. Chav: The Movie

    STREETS rapper MIKE SKINNER is being lined up to star in a new movie that celebrates chav culture. As Britain’s leading urban poet and unofficial spokesman of the chav lifestyle, Mike is ideal to take a main role in Chav: The Movie. Like the 1979 film Quadrophenia which was set in the Sixties...
  10. The Championship

    ITV are to extend their coverage of highlights for Championship, League 1 & 2 games until 2005/6. [link] ITV SPORT Re-branded due to the new sponsorship deal with Coca-Cola, the program will now be shown on a Sunday Morning [get your videos ready!   ] and will feature extended highlightes of...
  11. Bart a bit of an Embo??

    I have a horrible feeling Bart may be a bit of an Embo >> Apparently one mistake and he cracks up. He seems to have let in an aweful lot of goals over the years.!! A few things that a Yahoo search threw up on Bart >>> "For the first time since the departure of Steve...
  12. Leon Constantine

    In todays EE Leon is responding to criticism by people who have branded him a moneygrabber! Sorry, Leon but whatever you say in the paper about your paltry £700 per week offer from SUFC you are still a gloryhunting moneygrabber! Truth is though, I would be the same in his position!  