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  1. Chapel Down Sparkling Wine - SUFC branded!

    I recently went to a wine tasting at the Pipe of Port (well worth doing, £10 and you get try loads and if you have dinner they knock the tenner off the bill) and the first one I tried was a sparkling English wine called Chapel Down Blanc de Blanc. When I looked at the bottle I noticed it had an...
  2. Uncle Leo

    The EFL

    So The Football League is being re-branded as the English Football League (EFL). Don't like it myself; sounds a bit too much like the EDL. And The Football League had worked ok as a name for quite a while I thought.... 664827510484529156
  3. davewebbsbrain

    Questionnaire pop up

    Hi guys, I logged into SZ late last night and I got an SZ branded pop up asking me to fill in a questionnaire. I did so then was offered a free trial of a product which I declined. Reading the small print of the offer, it is a bit of a con as if you don't cancel you get a big charge out of your...
  4. Mad Cyril

    Quality club merchandise.

    Nothing is going to beat the SUFC branded car footwear carpets but can anyone beat these for understated style and quality?
  5. Kent Shrimper

    We Will Rock You Parody

    Our industry (promotional merchandise) has a "week" each year to promote all that is great about branded giveaways. Everyone does there bit and this year the theme was Promotional Merchandise ROCKS. Here is my company's effort, what do you think? http://youtu.be/aWi7SHVtB0w
  6. Ok so 'B' teams are out. Feeder clubs are out. What SHOULD we do?

    So the FA have come up with their master plan for improving the quality of the English game and as a result the England side. And predictably their suggestions have found themselves the victim of an almighty backlash...
  7. Chairman's Cheque book Needed

    Please read article from the Echo web-site, especially the bold bit News By Stephen Hackwell A LEADING Tory’s claims that single mothers, alcoholics and drug addicts are damaging Southend High Street have been branded “unacceptable” by fellow Conservatives. Anna Waite said big chain shops...
  8. Smiffy

    Blue Voice/Fans Group - Re-launch?...

    Is it time for TBV to make a comeback? - perhaps slightly re-branded, with a renewed focus and direction. Would you welcome it and would you support it? Is a fans group focussed on improving the atmosphere needed at RH and eventually (maybe) FF? Are any of you willing to get involved and help...
  9. Mad Cyril

    Worst club shop item.

    Does anyone remember the SUFC branded mountain bikes (Universal I believe) that used to be on sale in the club shop. Did anyone buy one and if so did your son/daughter start crying when they received it as a Christmas/birthday gift?
  10. Thorpe Groyney

    Blues Call Centre Staff Are Laid Off

    For the record, another Echo article confirming staff redundancies (Christine Sexton, Wed 7 July 2010) Southend United have laid off call centre staff at the club in the wake of mounting financial pressure. Young people employed to sell Southend United branded products to shops and season...
  11. Jay_Shrimper

    Articles Typed Up (For those who don't have access to them)

    For those of you that do not have access to the Echo, I have typed up some of the sections in the paper. I hope these are of interest to someone, and also hope it's OK to post them here. If there not - remove them.. I have posted them in the Echo thread, but people might not see them in there...
  12. Southend special purple kit for Walsall?

    Just got this through email as did many of you i suppose but thought I would post it here... Looking forward to see it, Have the club ever done something like before for charity or are there any other one offs made?
  13. Smiffy

    Official Match Thread HMRC v SUFC

    Ok, so this is in effect a match. So I thought I would start a match thread. Beautiful conditions at The High Court today, perfect for silky style of play. People's thought's on how the match will go? I personally think the bill will be part paid this morning and an agreement reached for...
  14. Slipperduke

    The Ballad of Balloon Boy

    No matter how lethargic and fuzzy-headed you feel this Monday morning, no matter how unenthusiastic you were about the idea of leaving your bed, console yourself with the knowledge that at least one person out there is having it worse than you. Somewhere, presumably on Merseyside, one little boy...
  15. Thorpe Groyney

    14 Months For Stoned Trucker Killer - Who's To Blame?

    The place where I work are running this story on their news page: A lorry driver who killed a young woman on the A13 in Basildon, while under the influence of drugs has been jailed for 14 months. The parents of Louise Cooper say they are outraged at the sentence given to trucker...
  16. Slipperduke

    Pistol-Whip The Cheats

    Nothing irritates me more than diving. Seriously, it's right up there above noisy eating, people who play tinny R'n'B through their cellphones on the bus and that invisible scratch on my West Wing DVD that smashes straight through the important bit ten minutes into every episode when you're...
  17. Slipperduke

    Taxing Times For EPL

    Have you noticed anything strange about this transfer window? Usually by this stage of the summer the Premier League is awash with new superstars from every corner of the planet, all clutching whopping great contracts and glibly swearing their allegiance to the cause, but with the exception of...
  18. Hotman

    what a joke

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/education/2261307/Toddlers-who-dislike-spicy-food-racist,-say-report.html Toddlers who turn their noses up at spicy food from overseas could be branded racists by a Government-sponsored agency. The National Children's Bureau, which receives...
  19. Branded clothes

    Simple, do you care if they've got a "name" on them? Me, I get clothes when I have to in sales in cut price clearance Next in MK or only when there are sales on. £5 is the max I'd pay for a perfectly good T-shirt! So, do you blow your dosh on clothes just because they've got a little symbol and...
  20. Irish_Shrimper

    Kate Lawler - Hottie or Munter

    After heated debate in the Woodgate thread with regards the general good looking nature of the above female - I was amazed to see nobody agreed with me...'Munter Alert' and other such things were branded towards the lovely Miss Lawler :( So the question i put to SZ is - what do you think?