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Awkward moments at work


I used to play a little.
Being aroused at work... Has this happened to you?

So there we are sitting at the desk drifting after lunch on a cold winter's day as I normally do and I start thinking of smashing 7 shades out of Jennifer Lopez. I naturally get barred up and excited with a little smirk rising and a bulge in the pants.

The boss comes back and calls you into her office urgently when you have full piece of rock. How embarrassing. Repeated calls to enter the office. But with the stiff in the trousers it was just not possible. So what do you do?

Well, I looked around and had my coat. I grabbed it and held it up so the body covered the southern regions. I walked into the office and she looked at me bizarrely. I said "oh I am just off to lunch."

When she sat there looking even more bemused and replied "what? Again?"

I've still got my uneaten lunch on my desk. I had to make a claim that I am a smoker and this is part of my diet. " I didn't know you smoke" was followed by a classic " I don't "

This couldn't have been any more awkward.

Put it down to stress and asked for the day off on Friday which I wanted all along..... and GOT IT!

Haha Bingo!!

Good times!

Any similar awkward moments?
yes, I called in an employee who I thought was skiving on the Internet. When eventually he came in my office, he had a huge boner. He then claimed he was off to lunch. He reckons it's stress, but I think he's keen on me. Embarrassing!
As a gynaecologist I'm afraid it is not allowed. I think of Margaret Thatcher at certain times to cure the stiffening of the limb concerned.