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Post-Match Thread and Ratings Boreham Wood 1-0 Southend United

Definitely season over, well done RM you have f¥¢π€d yet another year, you arogant, lying, incompetent t¥@t. You won't get season ticket money out of me.

To add to it I love the 3 Amigos dearly but they really have to wake up to the league we are playing in, this isn't football it's lump it up field, wack it in the box at every opportunity & fall over rolling on the ground feigning injury every time someone comes near you. Sunday afternoon rubbish & we need to get dirty & mix it with the absolute dross in this league (Notts County (only) excluded). Wrexham do it brilliantly well & that's why they are top of the league, Notts C will probably miss out because they play football 🤦

If we can't adapt & keep playing the very predictable style we repeat every game then I fear it's National League football for many years to come 😭

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At 1-0 we played with all the pace of a pre season friendly in 30c heat.

No ambition to drive the ball forward and no clue up top.

This sideways and backwards football is doing my brain in.

4 defeats on the bounce. Maybe unlucky in some but you make your own luck amd we just don't play with any belief that goals will come. The team just seems to be going backwards.
Yeah it’s not looking good for play offs.
ZAC Brunt......no class and little respect. Following the dubious penalty he celebrated like a something which rhymes with his name. Will be assured of a good reception should he return to the Hall next season.
Perhaps being goaded and barracked by Southend supporters when he took a couple of first half corners in front of them might have contributed to that somewhat excessive celebration.
Sorry but if that had happened at Roots Hall and not been given we’d have been hounding the ref for the rest of the match.

The issue is not the goals we are conceding, however weak, it’s the lack of hitting the onion bag that has cost us dearly.

No we wouldn't, he clearly won the ball. If that happened against us, I certainly wouldn't have been screaming for a penalty!!
So, so harsh on some players.

To call Ralph a hoof merchant is just plain wrong. He is probably the most skilful player we have and one who can play at a much higher level, but he's being told to play the way he is. That's not always been his game.

Husin in much, much better than a Conference South player. He was in that league because he was part time. He does need to be more consistent, granted, but he could be a L1 player if he gets that confidence and consistency.

As for Cardwell not timing a header... is that the same Cardwell that forced a wordly from their keeper in the second half with a superb header?

Also Kensdale is not a captain yet IMO. He probably will be, but he's too hot headed at the moment.
What was your take on last nights game could you let us know how you believe they performed as opposed to a general analysis
Waste of time cheers Ron THIS IS ALL YOU

862 Southend fans 1700 attendance and we have to put up with this ****
I felt it was a poor decision at the time, but as I was 100 yards away I reserved full judgment until seeing a replay. Having now seen it a truly shocking call, almost verging on a dive from Brunt.

However, not the reason we didn’t win, as has been adequately discussed elsewhere.
Last night's result could impact the team in one of two ways. It could demotivate them, and Saturday's game will be a hard watch, or it could work the other way and they think 'enough' and tear Aldershot apart. I'm hoping for the latter.

When I look back on last night's game now I remember the diving header from Harry where I thought 'get in', and then Murph's header where I thought 'Knob', but because Murphy and Cardwell are strikers, they will be desperate to stick the ball home very soon. We had the chances and didn't convert, but that was definitely an improvement on the previous game where we didn't even make the chances. There have been a lot of comments on Fonguck's performance, or lack of it, but he certainly gave Bridge far more freedom by him being there. This in turn helped Jack cross the ball earlier, and crosses make chances! For some reason he decided to revert to not crossing in the second half, but there you go. I won't dwell on their penalty again, or for that matter, ours, but had our two first half headers gone in, together with our penalty, we would have come home with three points and smilie faces on the coach and on here.

As for the commencement of the 'Maher out' posts, each to their own opinion, but I would say 'get a ****ing life'. It will be difficult to make the last play-off place now, but still not impossible. So we go again against Aldershot and let's see what happens on the reaction front. Rose tinted glasses? maybe, but I feel better now for off loading that brain dump as we are only a little way off being play-off class, be it down to confidence or a new player or two, and none of us expected this amount of progress when the season started. COYB

My view was from under the shelter at the away tea bar, which is a good place to loiter in the rain. I knew last night i could put bet my house that that was a never a pen.

Perfectly timed tackle and watch carefully because there was actually a clear yard of daylight between the players. Their lad has to close the gap and trip himself up as he is not close enough to dive over Kensdale's leg. I watched the ref and he only gave it on the crowd and player reaction.

Having said that, as a team we are still a boxer with out a punch. Under MM and Sol we weren't capable of a punch. I find this season even more frustrating because we refuse to throw a punch.

We have lost 4 in a row but each game could have been won if we came out more positive. Taylor's embarrassing effort at the end sums up our season, not just las night.
Not at the game, thank god!

Seems to me the departure of Lopata has had more of an effect on the team psychology than him being specifically missed at the back. Clearly others are thinking of doing the same now.

In terms of those targeting Maher then shame on you. All the teams around us have refreshed their squads over the course of the season, that’s how it works in the NL. Saying we have a good squad is all well and good but when we have injuries we have to carry them whereas other teams get a loan in to cover. It’s not a level playing field.

As for goals, well we haven’t had one forward stay fit the entire season meaning it’s an inconsistent line up every week almost. How are the players supposed to play together week after week when the forwards are constantly changing?
The goal vs Wrexham and today vs Borehamwood couldn't have been prevented by Lopata or any other defender...

Our flaw right now is elsewhere on the pitch. We have an ineffective Bridge since his interest from Notts began.

We have Taylor/Fongcuk/Husin in midfield who seem to be going nowhere in an attacking sense.

We have Mooney who is out of position and painfully out of form.

We have strikers getting no service as a result of all the above, no confidence because of no goals or injuries.

You could argue that Maher needs to explore different set ups, but the counter argument is we dominate games and are just missing a little spark. He is dammed if he sticks and dammed if he twists, luckily (if that is the right word?) Ron and the terrible financial circumstances have given the management trio a free pass for the rest of the season.

Lets see where the next few matches give us in terms of points, I would imagine once play offs is out of reach, we can start giving young players more minutes and trialling new set ups in preparation for whatever the summer or next season hold... That is, if the three amigos & SVC & Still are staying around...

I think he does need to explore different set ups. We're tactically inflexible and other teams are quite happy to let our back 3 play it between themselves for half the evening. Midfield is the issue - the blend isn't right there - and I suspect in an ideal world he'd change some personnel. I personally think we have a really useful group of forwards - all be it with injury problems.

Surely last night - when we are clearly struggling to break them down - there was an opportunity to switch to a back 4, put a wide man on each flank, and bombard them? Either a 4-4-2 or a 4-3-3? Whatever our financial situation, we've got a far better squad than Borehamwood (who have a decent and well organised first XI) so we should be using it to our advantage.