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Conservative party conference

During Mrs Mays speech she highlighted the recent incident when the Brownlee brother sportingly helped his brother over the finishing line. She showed this as an example where people can help each other. Why then did she not mention throughout an hour long speech what her government is going to do to help the thousands of refugees fleeing war torn African states. This is the biggest issue in our continent of Europe yet she ignores it. So much for helping your fellow man. It is all words and no action, this government is quite happy to see the poorer European countries like Greece bear a heavy load while we do next to nothing.


How many any should we take then ?

1000...10,000...100,000.....1 million....5 million.....lstate your preffered figure

Truth is the mass movement can never be sustained by any nation showing kindness,there literally are too many trying to enter Europe.

Perhaps your talking about the "migrant children"...you know the ones 6ft tall with full beards.

Shame on you.Don't you have any compassion at all for refugees?

Personally,I've always argued there should be an EU quota.While we're still members of the EU I hope that will apply.

A more compassionate goverment than the Tories would already have followed Germany's example.

Shame on you.Don't you have any compassion at all for refugees?

Personally,I've always argued there should be an EU quota.While we're still members of the EU I hope that will apply.

A more compassionate goverment than the Tories would already have followed Germany's example.

Name a figure then .
Frankly, I find your vision of the future unrealistic and repugnant.

The difficulty for the EU now is how they respond to a rise in nationalism across Europe, by default the UK leaving the EU has made Germany weaker and France stronger....with both having up and coming elections.

With the Visregard countries starting to flex their muscles, and southern Europe not fully recovered from the financial crash, on top of an inadequate common currency which lacks a central taxation policy, the future of the EU is not bright.

Whilst you may find a vision of the EU fracturing unrealistic, it does remain a possible outcome.
During Mrs Mays speech she highlighted the recent incident when the Brownlee brother sportingly helped his brother over the finishing line. She showed this as an example where people can help each other. Why then did she not mention throughout an hour long speech what her government is going to do to help the thousands of refugees fleeing war torn African states. This is the biggest issue in our continent of Europe yet she ignores it. So much for helping your fellow man. It is all words and no action, this government is quite happy to see the poorer European countries like Greece bear a heavy load while we do next to nothing.

We have directed a large amount of our overseas budget to help the Refugees, and are taking I believe 25,000 refugees.
Masses of EU funds have been directed towards Turkey, and we have been sensible in not following Merkels inhumane encouragement to refugees to use people smugglers...if in your opinion this isn't it enough what else would you have us do?
Amazing !

Whenever somebody states "we need to help the migrants" ,then asked how many...they rarely answer.
We have directed a large amount of our overseas budget to help the Refugees, and are taking I believe 25,000 refugees.
Masses of EU funds have been directed towards Turkey, and we have been sensible in not following Merkels inhumane encouragement to refugees to use people smugglers...if in your opinion this isn't it enough what else would you have us do?


Merkel invited over 1 million,yet she wanted them to walk to Germany after taking the dangerous boat trip....inhumane definitely.
Tangled tell us your figure !

My understanding is that Barna supports the quota system proposed by the EU....under that system the UK wasn't expected to take any refugees so the figure Barna wants us to take can only be Zero.
Name a figure bloke.
You don't agree with the notion of refugees. You stated that Syrians should stay in Syria as the death rate there was at a level where their chances of survivable were high enough that they should stay put. So with that as your start point I don't see why you would be so eager to get any random football fans to state an arbitrary figure when 1 refugee would be 1 too many from your perspective.
So the "party of the people" overturn a ban on fracking imposed by the local council in Lancashire despite the people of Lancashire not wanting it.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
You don't agree with the notion of refugees. You stated that Syrians should stay in Syria as the death rate there was at a level where their chances of survivable were high enough that they should stay put. So with that as your start point I don't see why you would be so eager to get any random football fans to state an arbitrary figure when 1 refugee would be 1 too many from your perspective.

Why wont you state a figure you personally would be happy with ?

I think the UK cannot take anymore thus my figure would be very very low...any children in Calias and I mean children under say 10 years of age and if family can be verified living in this country then take them all in that camp .But then no more.
You don't agree with the notion of refugees. You stated that Syrians should stay in Syria as the death rate there was at a level where their chances of survivable were high enough that they should stay put. So with that as your start point I don't see why you would be so eager to get any random football fans to state an arbitrary figure when 1 refugee would be 1 too many from your perspective.

I don't think you need worry AAS, Barna is clearly on record as stating he favours the Quota system proposed by the EU which of course the UK didn't sign up to ...instead electing to give large amounts of the aid budget to their plight, and take in 25 k direct from Syria rather than encourage the refugees to use the Criminal gangs using perilous routes which has sadly and tragically led to loss of life.

From memory there was no appetite on the part of the EU to take in huge numbers of refugees, but plenty to send wads of cash to Turkey.

The refugees have been failed, and continue to be failed by the EU....if any poster believes the UK could or should be doing more it is legitimate to question what, who and how (many) equally it is fair to scrutinise the EU response to the crisis as well.
I don't think you need worry AAS, Barna is clearly on record as stating he favours the Quota system proposed by the EU which of course the UK didn't sign up to ...instead electing to give large amounts of the aid budget to their plight, and take in 25 k direct from Syria rather than encourage the refugees to use the Criminal gangs using perilous routes which has sadly and tragically led to loss of life.

From memory there was no appetite on the part of the EU to take in huge numbers of refugees, but plenty to send wads of cash to Turkey.

The refugees have been failed, and continue to be failed by the EU....if any poster believes the UK could or should be doing more it is legitimate to question what, who and how (many) equally it is fair to scrutinise the EU response to the crisis as well.

I doubt they will actually answer you ,but excellent points and bang on the money !

The EU have indeed shafted every migrant with a promise of work and a better life,the innocent migrants are being targeted and abused by right wing nutters,Merkel should hang her head in shame.
Why wont you state a figure you personally would be happy with ?

I think the UK cannot take anymore thus my figure would be very very low...any children in Calias and I mean children under say 10 years of age and if family can be verified living in this country then take them all in that camp .But then no more.
Why not state a figure? Because I don't put figures on things without proper reasons to believe my figure would be accurate. You and me have a fundamental disagreement on the use of 'statistics' and the concept of refugee status.
Why not state a figure? Because I don't put figures on things without proper reasons to believe my figure would be accurate. You and me have a fundamental disagreement on the use of 'statistics' and the concept of refugee status.

Unbelievable Jeff !

You refuse to name any figure because if it's too high then people will ridicule you,too low and more ridicule from the left.

I will try again...tell us how many !
I don't think you need worry AAS, Barna is clearly on record as stating he favours the Quota system proposed by the EU which of course the UK didn't sign up to ...instead electing to give large amounts of the aid budget to their plight, and take in 25 k direct from Syria rather than encourage the refugees to use the Criminal gangs using perilous routes which has sadly and tragically led to loss of life.

From memory there was no appetite on the part of the EU to take in huge numbers of refugees, but plenty to send wads of cash to Turkey.

The refugees have been failed, and continue to be failed by the EU....if any poster believes the UK could or should be doing more it is legitimate to question what, who and how (many) equally it is fair to scrutinise the EU response to the crisis as well.
We can probably assume Barna was suggesting the UK should be in the quota system.

Agreed that refugees have been let down by the UK, the EU and the wider world.
Whatever the rights or wrongs of Cameron's refugee offer I always felt putting a figure on how may the UK would take 'by 2020' was a drastic lack of understanding. 'Stay where you are for 5 years then we will help you out' is such a weak response.
The refugees have been failed, and continue to be failed by the EU.

Although it must be said that some fleeing Africa are the beneficiaries of a free ferry service which is now picking up passengers bound for the EU from as little as 20 miles from the coast of Libya, which in turn encourages people to set sail in vessels that are barely seaworthy. All paid for by the EU taxpayer. What could possibly go wrong?
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