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Cricket World Cup (50 Overs)


"Good morning everybody........"
England have announced their squad, with Prior coming in, somewhat out of the blue, for Davies being the main surprise. Also very disappointed that Tredwell and Wright have made the cut. They seem like good pro's to go on a tour where they may not play and spend most of their time fielding as 12th man, but they really lack the class at the longer format of the one day game to do anything of substance. In the 20/20, as YB argued recently, the number 6 often doesnt do much, but in the longer format Im not sure Wrights bowling or batting is good enough, and I would far rather Bopara (who has played in India in the IPL for a couple of seasons now(I know...one was in S.A) be in the squad to give additional options as a possible opener, middle order batter, or late order hitter

The squad is as follows: Andrew Strauss (capt), James Anderson, Ian Bell, Tim Bresnan, Stuart Broad, Paul Collingwood, Eoin Morgan, Kevin Pietersen, Matt Prior, Ajmal Shahzad, Graeme Swann, James Tredwell, Jonathan Trott, Luke Wright, Michael Yardy

It it suggested that Prior is now almost certain to start as an opener with Strauss. I presume the middle order will contain KP, Bell and Morgan, with Trott and Colly battling for another place. Anderson, Broad (if fit) Swann and Yardy look certain to play (I presume they will need at least 2 slow bowlers) so Bresnan, Shahzad and Wright will battle for the remaining place. Sadly I think that team carries one too many passengers to be succesful. However the format is once again pretty rubbish and guaranteed to see the 'big 8' getting through to the quarter finals (no dount India have devised this to ensure there is no repeat of their early exit in 07). Therefore, only 3 must win games will decide the winners, and so a big innings from KP or Morgan, or a fine bowling spell from Broad or Swann COULD see us win. I don't fancy our chances though.
Tredders is presumably in the side in case there's a bunsen or two to play on (which there may be, in the subcontinent). Rightly or wrongly, it has always seemed to me that the selectors see Luke Wright and Ravi Bopara as, essentially, offering the same skill-set (with Wright perhaps fractionally better with the ball in his hand, and Ravi fractionally better with the willow). They've gone for Wright - not necessarily the right choice, but there you go.

Flower was typically Southern African & ruthless in his assessment of why Davies is being dropped for Prior (in not so many words, "we think Prior is better").

Really not sure how Trott can be seen as an ODI player - bit of an odd one there. Wonder whether the selectors might have been a bit braver (foolhardy?) and gone for someone like Blackwell. Out of that squad, I'd been inclined to line-up as follows:


Actually, when you write it down like that, it makes the omission of Bopara look even stranger; he'd be my no. 6 without a doubt. Ho hum.
Tredders is presumably in the side in case there's a bunsen or two to play on (which there may be, in the subcontinent). Rightly or wrongly, it has always seemed to me that the selectors see Luke Wright and Ravi Bopara as, essentially, offering the same skill-set (with Wright perhaps fractionally better with the ball in his hand, and Ravi fractionally better with the willow). They've gone for Wright - not necessarily the right choice, but there you go.

Flower was typically Southern African & ruthless in his assessment of why Davies is being dropped for Prior (in not so many words, "we think Prior is better").

Really not sure how Trott can be seen as an ODI player - bit of an odd one there. Wonder whether the selectors might have been a bit braver (foolhardy?) and gone for someone like Blackwell. Out of that squad, I'd been inclined to line-up as follows:


Actually, when you write it down like that, it makes the omission of Bopara look even stranger; he'd be my no. 6 without a doubt. Ho hum.

That batting line up looks precarious.....Strauss has been batting well but you can never be confident of him scoring runs in the one day format when it matters. Prior has continually failed and Wright is at best a bits and pieces player, so you would be relying on just 3 batsmen (Bell, KP and Morgan). I think they will go with an extra batter as an out and out 6 with Collingwood chosen ahead of Wright. That gives a bit more depth to the batting and if any of the 5 bowlers is proving expensive Colly can bowl a few. I think his lack of pace with the ball will be more useful than Wright, who bowls at the right pace to go for plenty on the subcontinent. I can understand their need for a third spinner as cover, and if they think that is Tredwell, fair enough (though I disagree) but Wright just seems like a waste of a squad place, particular with Colly's poor form placing him firmly in the 'Allrounder' category again rather than as an out and out batter.
This squad has a very Moores feel to it:thumbdown:

If the first 15 overs powerplays are important during this World Cup I think we're going to be screwed. The batting has a stodgy look to it, with Capey the only batsman who can take a game away from you. I suppose that's where Wright comes in, as he could but it's a long-shot and I don't fancy the chances of him firing more than once in the tournament. Moreover, I think there are actually better alternatives for this role in 50 overs. Prior's a better player than his one-day record suggests, but it seems to be a backward step to take.

England have some good players but few matchwinners - players who could really hurt you.
I'm surprised that Kieswetter has been completely overlooked too; I thought his recent minor surgery was just that - minor.

Ho hum.
This squad has a very Moores feel to it:thumbdown:

If the first 15 overs powerplays are important during this World Cup I think we're going to be screwed. The batting has a stodgy look to it, with Capey the only batsman who can take a game away from you. I suppose that's where Wright comes in, as he could but it's a long-shot and I don't fancy the chances of him firing more than once in the tournament. Moreover, I think there are actually better alternatives for this role in 50 overs. Prior's a better player than his one-day record suggests, but it seems to be a backward step to take.

England have some good players but few matchwinners - players who could really hurt you.

I'd put Morgan in the same category as KP as potential match winner, but as you say that is it. When you compare it to the South African and Indian squads I dont feel over confident.

However the format does help us.......whilst we have marginally the tougher of the groups, the way I understand it, we just have to finish in the top 4 of a group of India, South Africa, Windies, Bangladesh, Netherlands and Ireland. A couple of potential banana skins, but in essence we will have to finish above one of Bangladesh and Windies to get through. This time around there are no supergroups with points carrying over, its a straight knock out with top of one group playing 4th in the other, 2nd v 3rd etc. Whilst Im not sure that squad we have can sustain a run of wins like we did in the 20/20, we are capable of beating anyone on our day with a big knock from KP and Morgan. Win 3 games on the bounce and you win!
Prior and Strauss have opened together four times before in ODIs - all in India.

0 off 0.3 overs (run-rate 0 runs per over) England lost
66 off 15.2 overs (rr 4.34) England lost
8 off 2.6 overs (rr 2.67) England lost
10 off 2.5 overs (rr 3.53) England lost
Prior and Strauss have opened together four times before in ODIs - all in India.

0 off 0.3 overs (run-rate 0 runs per over) England lost
66 off 15.2 overs (rr 4.34) England lost
8 off 2.6 overs (rr 2.67) England lost
10 off 2.5 overs (rr 3.53) England lost

Haha, nice!

Can't be as bad as the last World cup game against South Africa? Remember following that on cricinfo and just seeing a procession of dots at the start of the innings......
I'd put Morgan in the same category as KP as potential match winner, but as you say that is it. When you compare it to the South African and Indian squads I dont feel over confident.

However the format does help us.......whilst we have marginally the tougher of the groups, the way I understand it, we just have to finish in the top 4 of a group of India, South Africa, Windies, Bangladesh, Netherlands and Ireland. A couple of potential banana skins, but in essence we will have to finish above one of Bangladesh and Windies to get through. This time around there are no supergroups with points carrying over, its a straight knock out with top of one group playing 4th in the other, 2nd v 3rd etc. Whilst Im not sure that squad we have can sustain a run of wins like we did in the 20/20, we are capable of beating anyone on our day with a big knock from KP and Morgan. Win 3 games on the bounce and you win!

Morgan's an excellent player but he's a finisher rather than a destroyer. An hour of Morgan might win you a tight game, but it won't turn a close game into a formality. Not like an hour of Tamim or Gayle will.

The Windies and the Bangles are far better one-day outfits than test sides. I'm going to probably have a cheeky each-way flutter on Bangladesh. They have home advantage and may surprise a few people. Sri Lanka came from nowhere in '96 and Bangladesh are making progress - they whitewashed a weak NZ team recently.
Morgan's an excellent player but he's a finisher rather than a destroyer. An hour of Morgan might win you a tight game, but it won't turn a close game into a formality. Not like an hour of Tamim or Gayle will.

That's right very much in the mode of England's best recent finishers Fairbrother & Thorpe, must be something to do with being left handed. :unsure: I've grown to really like Prior, but it's possible that England could have taken Davies as well as a back up batsman rather like the convicts have with Paine. Ravi is currently out of favour, but I would have taken him over Wright and another out of favour player Samit Patel over Tredwell. My main hope for England is that they improve on the lack lustre performances they've had since reaching the 92 final.
I expect Bell to open with Strauss, followed by KP, Morgan, Prior, Colly / Wright and then the 5 bowlers

For all wickets

Bell and Strauss average 38.10 as a partnership at a runrate of 4.95 (from 20 innings)
Prior and Strauss average 21.25 at a run-rate of 4.28 (from 13 innings, 1 no)
Bell and Prior average 41.38 at a 5.20 (from 15, 2 no)
Davies and Strauss average 65 at a run-rate of 6.24 (from r 6 times)
Kieswetter and Strauss average 37.44 at 6.20 (from 9 innings)
Bopara and Strauss average 40.84 at 5.24 (from 13 innings)
Trott and Strauss average 62.11 at 5.23 (from 9 innings)
For all wickets

Bell and Strauss average 38.10 as a partnership at a runrate of 4.95 (from 20 innings)
Prior and Strauss average 21.25 at a run-rate of 4.28 (from 13 innings, 1 no)
Bell and Prior average 41.38 at a 5.20 (from 15, 2 no)
Davies and Strauss average 65 at a run-rate of 6.24 (from r 6 times)
Kieswetter and Strauss average 37.44 at 6.20 (from 9 innings)
Bopara and Strauss average 40.84 at 5.24 (from 13 innings)
Trott and Strauss average 62.11 at 5.23 (from 9 innings)

I've got a hunch that Pakistan are going to get on a roll and reach the final.

Is that what Salman Butt told you ??

FWIW i'm quite happy for Strauss to open and bat long with a hitter alongside him, but that certainly wouldn't be Prior, i'd back Ravi in the role as he's done it often and well for Essex but in his absence i'd go with Bell

As for the outcome of the competition? I don't think you can look beyond India really, we won't because by the end of the comp we'll have been away from home for 4 months and that is bound to have an effect eventually
Not overly surprised by Davies omission, but saying that, it has come as a bit of shock. As already mentioned, we do look a batter light and taking Ravi must have been something Andy Flower and the selectors were close to deciding upon. Ravi's problem is that he has genuine natural ability and perhaps in his younger days was a bit blaise about it all and this would have been at a time when Flower was at Essex. The other temptation must have been to call Cook up. He is certainly no worse a player than Trott in the OD format and there's nothing better than a player in form. Im unsure of Cook's OD record but whenever i've seen him, be it in Chelmo / on TV, he is no slug and can play his shots. Think he even hit a 55/60 ball ton in BT20 last season to prove that!

Little underwhelmed with our squad and cant us making it a World Cup double!
Not overly surprised by Davies omission, but saying that, it has come as a bit of shock. As already mentioned, we do look a batter light and taking Ravi must have been something Andy Flower and the selectors were close to deciding upon. Ravi's problem is that he has genuine natural ability and perhaps in his younger days was a bit blaise about it all and this would have been at a time when Flower was at Essex. The other temptation must have been to call Cook up. He is certainly no worse a player than Trott in the OD format and there's nothing better than a player in form. Im unsure of Cook's OD record but whenever i've seen him, be it in Chelmo / on TV, he is no slug and can play his shots. Think he even hit a 55/60 ball ton in BT20 last season to prove that!

Little underwhelmed with our squad and cant us making it a World Cup double!

Apparently it's "lifestyle issues" for Ravi.

He's supposed to have forgotten his passport on a team bonding trip to Belgium and his time-keeping has reputedly been erratic.

Agree Cook wouldn't have been a bad pick in his current form but I don't think Trott's a bad pick.
Not overly surprised by Davies omission, but saying that, it has come as a bit of shock. As already mentioned, we do look a batter light and taking Ravi must have been something Andy Flower and the selectors were close to deciding upon. Ravi's problem is that he has genuine natural ability and perhaps in his younger days was a bit blaise about it all and this would have been at a time when Flower was at Essex. The other temptation must have been to call Cook up. He is certainly no worse a player than Trott in the OD format and there's nothing better than a player in form. Im unsure of Cook's OD record but whenever i've seen him, be it in Chelmo / on TV, he is no slug and can play his shots. Think he even hit a 55/60 ball ton in BT20 last season to prove that!

Little underwhelmed with our squad and cant us making it a World Cup double!

Im personally in favour of Trott's inclusion as he adds a nice stability to the line-up. SS spoke to Ravi at Loughborough earlier and he didn't seem to dissapointed about being left out but then i think thats part of his character and doesn't let things affect him, be it good or bad. He is part of the Lions squad, which im sure is a bit of a comedown for him, but this can only be a good thing for Essex and if he starts the season well, then hopefully he will be involved during the summer, where im sure he will shine!