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Time for action?

  • Total voters
I know , I just wasn't going to name him,
IIRC he stopped posting on here when the questions about the Consortiums viability and intentions were not getting answered.

I believe the offer made was particularly derisory

At 2015 accounts, GSC Property holdings had debts of 21.7M

The offer made wasn't derisory for a club on the brink of administration, and would have looked after creditors as well.
The offer made wasn't derisory for a club on the brink of administration, and would have looked after creditors as well.

A while back Leyton Orient (complete with debts) was available for a fiver.
The offer made wasn't derisory for a club on the brink of administration, and would have looked after creditors as well.

Note the phrase "Looked after creditors", not "cleared the debt". I believe it did not cover any of the debts to MD and the offer for the B&l plot is nothing to do with a club on the brink of administration either.
Well this poll has gone exactly how I thought it would. Not enough of the fanbase want or cant be arsed to raise concern over the current state of affairs and are happy to see it play out to success, or death. Thats me done on the matter.
SZ currently has 5,848 members, of which active membership is 1,474. 150 members cast a vote in this poll, so by my simplistic maths a little over 10% of the active base voted. Looks like Smithy has it right.
But what do you think you can actually achieve? Ron holds all the cards and unless you've got a spare £20M in the bank he won't give you the time of day.
SZ currently has 5,848 members, of which active membership is 1,474. 150 members cast a vote in this poll, so by my simplistic maths a little over 10% of the active base voted. Looks like Smithy has it right.
Personally I only try to comment on things I know about and I have no idea on what is best for the club behind the scenes. Many probably won't vote because they don't know which way to vote rather than not caring about the club. A few people are happy to say 'do something' but unless I've missed it I don't thing anyone has stated what to do. If there is a feasible plan then people will probably back it.
Well this poll has gone exactly how I thought it would. Not enough of the fanbase want or cant be arsed to raise concern over the current state of affairs and are happy to see it play out to success, or death. Thats me done on the matter.

I am very much concerned thank you very much and have been for the past 30 plus years. A proper plan of action rather than "Martin is a w****** LA LA LA LA" (which is exactly what will happen) and I might be more inclined to be "arsed"
Who votes on ShrimperZone is not the issue - cheers.
Shrimperzone has been very interesting this week. Some people are getting more delusional by the day. How exactly do you propose to oust someone from a business he owns and you have absolutely no claim to what so ever.

Exactly !

Ron holds every ace !

Sadly we have been boycotting/staying away/refuse to pay admission fee to watch us tumble out of this division playing the most inept footy of all time.

FF is one fat nonsense,Brown still here is one fat mockery,yet fans still attend in decent numbers,you crazy souls.
Exactly !

Ron holds every ace !

Sadly we have been boycotting/staying away/refuse to pay admission fee to watch us tumble out of this division playing the most inept footy of all time.

FF is one fat nonsense,Brown still here is one fat mockery,yet fans still attend in decent numbers,you crazy souls.

Now, do we mock you for staying away mrsblue? Nope, we applaud the fact that you're not attending. Leave us crazy souls alone thank you.
Ron may well reply that anyone could have attended the open days with BL and his good self on hand to answer your questions. Regards non match revenue their will be a hotel on site.

Has anyone actually contacted their local councillor and asked what his views are on the project. My one, Ron Woodley, was very positive but the biggest hurdle is that the high street retailers are against it for there own obvious interest. Part of the project, new training ground and parking etc falls on Rochford councils patch and from what I'm told they are not to keen because they like to say NO and they can.

Unless you attended the open day and have spoke to your council why are you whinging and demanding Ron out. Some of the levels of ignorance on here is astounding. Ron can't grant himself planning permission....That is down to the council, so ask yourself what are you doing about that.

By the way BL pulling out is only a rumour and nothing has been confirmed yet. Maybe if fans and council alike acted a bit more positive then we might get somewhere. It would be a lot harder to get elected to Scunthorpe council if your campaigned was NO to a new stadium.

Please explain why on earth anyone would attend an "Open Day" for a project that was/is no more than a complete fantasy??
Another plastic model? Of course. Any actual progress? None..zero, zilch, nein. NOTHING.

Please, anyone - explain the point of an open day for a project that has absolutely no foundations!!

PR stunt.
Exactly !

Ron holds every ace !

Sadly we have been boycotting/staying away/refuse to pay admission fee to watch us tumble out of this division playing the most inept footy of all time.

FF is one fat nonsense,Brown still here is one fat mockery,yet fans still attend in decent numbers,you crazy souls.

Ron owns the club. Whatever you feel about RM - he is the legal owner and of course he holds all the aces. He bought them.
Nobody can argue that Ron desperately wants a new stadium - I just argue there is zero evidence to suggest it will ever happen.

As for PB and the football side? Jeez, this is about lack of progress OFF the field but still the haters and moaners can infiltrate a thread and direct it towards the manager.
Please explain why on earth anyone would attend an "Open Day" for a project that was/is no more than a complete fantasy??
Another plastic model? Of course. Any actual progress? None..zero, zilch, nein. NOTHING.

Please, anyone - explain the point of an open day for a project that has absolutely no foundations!!

PR stunt.

Isn't every building project, before you get planning permission.

We have had planning granted FF1 but as you know Sainsbury's pulled out of the deal otherwise we would have been in a new stadium by now and more than likely anew chairman as well.

So the current project clearly does have foundations because its absolutely in Ron's interest to make FF happen. What is not going to happen is any money spent on RH, no matter how many times fans throw teddy in the corner. Why some people on here can't face the truth is bizarre.

We have a choice, enjoy our L2 football on our L2 income with an occasional few seasons in L1 or FF and Possibly a brighter future.
Well this poll has gone exactly how I thought it would. Not enough of the fanbase want or cant be arsed to raise concern over the current state of affairs and are happy to see it play out to success, or death. Thats me done on the matter.

As mentioned before, come up with a realistic business plan ( together with 30m +) and I suspect getting on for 100% of supporters will be behind you.