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Nice to see ex-players still having affection for us


Was great seeing messages and hearing of support from ex-shrimpers following last nights successSpinner and Stan Collymore (both legends) tweeted positive messages after reaching Wembley, Britt Assombolonga posted a video or him and family/friends celebrating Timlin's goal, Chris Phillips always tweeted that Anthony Grant was "jumping up and down like a fan tonight"I would expect the messages from Spinner and Stan as they never forget their affection for our club, but I was so chuffed to hear the well wishes from Britt and Granty!!! I'm not big on social media but did anyone else see any others, please shareUTB
Would love Granty back - Lenny is starting to master the art of winnings fould a 'la GrantyBig Roy - boom, top lad
And this from Spencer Prior (in reply to a question about split loyalties given he's an old friend of Gareth Ainsworth:

Saw Cauley Woodrow tweeting messages of support too. Plus Ryan Cresswell during Sunday's game.

Britt Assombalonga seems a real Shrimper.
Agreed, but some of our 'hardcore' 12 year old supporters on Twitter (aptly named ?) take great delight in telling some of them to **** off.
Not an ex-Shrimper but when I searched for Southend on twitter this morning the first thing that came up was a congratulatory message from West Ham's official page. Much to the disgust of a bunch of their fans.
Saw Tilly today, had a great big grin on his face as he was talking about it. 10 years since we did it with him, time is right for a repeat performance.