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Shrubs being cut back at Fossetts

The hotel operator walked away from the deal, hence why the North Stand design was changed with 40+ additional resi units.
RM needs to provide the info being requested by the Planning Case Officer, and obtain the necessary Planning Consent.
RM then has to find a Main Contractor to build the stadium. Sounds easy but won’t be with RM’s credit rating. 😂
Much of the old planning permission is the same as the new, so could in theory make a start under the existing approved planning permission. IMHO would be a risky thing to do, but not 0% chance
Since when has Ron been afraid of a risk or 2 :ROFL:
In that case why wouldn't ron just sell the club now and walk? Why bother to pay the tax bill? It's his pot of gold at the bottom of the rainbow
I'm not an expert in the art of borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, but just a thought, it might be that RM knows he can't run away from the tax man, but he could potentially run away from a loan if the Ltd company who's name its in went bust.. who knows.
Sort of but not really related - How Old is Ron? If as we believe he is going to make Millions from the stadium being built etc. surely he needs to get a shift on or else he will be dead before it is finished! If I was him I would be busting my B*lls to get it done ASAP but he seems to be doing the opposite - really don't understand!
Sort of but not really related - How Old is Ron? If as we believe he is going to make Millions from the stadium being built etc. surely he needs to get a shift on or else he will be dead before it is finished! If I was him I would be busting my B*lls to get it done ASAP but he seems to be doing the opposite - really don't understand!
He turned 70 in January.
maybe things have progressed during the radio silence (unlikely i know) and we will wake up one day with something happening.
Much of the old planning permission is the same as the new, so could in theory make a start under the existing approved planning permission. IMHO would be a risky thing to do, but not 0% chance
I can see this happening, knowing the only real changes are to the main stand, knowing that the 3 mains stands were going to be build first any way, I cannot see any major impactful reason as to why they shouldn't/couldn't start now.
I can see this happening, knowing the only real changes are to the main stand, knowing that the 3 mains stands were going to be build first any way, I cannot see any major impactful reason as to why they shouldn't/couldn't start now.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think there are changes to all stands. But things like access roads, paths, utilities provision etc could all be started. And whilst the external appearance of the stadium may have changed, it could be that foundations, some other elements are the same.
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Before changes get approval, is it too late to incorporate a special little room for the match day ref. Where after each game he can go and hang his head in shame, maybe 3 hail marys and prey to St Pierluigi collina (God of refereeing) asking for forgiveness for costing us yet another game with some hairbrained, self invented, penalty decision.
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