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Shrubs being cut back at Fossetts

Before changes get approval, is it too late to incorporate a special little room for the match day ref. Where after each game he can go and hang his head in shame, maybe 3 hail marys and prey to St Pieruigi collina (God of refereeing) asking for forgiveness for costing us yet another game with some hairbrained, self invented, penalty decision.
The Ref at Boreham Stiff, I mean Wood. Gave us a soft Pen ,to make up for his earlier f*** up And we Miss Ours FFS.
I drove past there today aswell, i only saw one digger sitting still at the top of the field. The land looks like it is being cleared but i would hardly say it's full steam ahead otherwise there would be more than just a solitary machine over there.

When they started the project just up by the roundabout there were about 40 machines on site from day one. It does however constitute a start and would be in keeping with any of the building owners in town who knock things down to keep the planning intact.

Lets hope we see a lot more movement over there in the coming weeks.
Maybe Ron has bought a prefab stadium like the one at Colchester and it just needs a level bed of hardcore to stand on?
Unsure if this is in gest, but there is nothing modular or prefab about that stadium. In fact, it sits on whacking great driven concrete piles....
It looks to me that the temp facilities for the training ground are to have approval in the next 7-8 days if I'm reading the dates correctly?

I very much doubt it, the Rochford Development Control meetings tend to be on the 28th of the month and as the expiry date for the latest site notice is 27/3 I doubt there's time to get it to the March meeting.

The problem is then I think the council will go into purdah because of local elections so it may well be May before a decision is made (unless this is big enough to be considered by full council, or small enough to be considered under delegated powers.)
The Ref at Boreham Stiff, I mean Wood. Gave us a soft Pen ,to make up for his earlier f*** up And we Miss Ours FFS.
No much worse. Our pen was one all day long. Impossible not to give even for Mr. Magoo and we missed. Their pen would see a ref missing games for retraining if there was even the slightest interest in raising refereeing standards, which there isn't.
I very much doubt it, the Rochford Development Control meetings tend to be on the 28th of the month and as the expiry date for the latest site notice is 27/3 I doubt there's time to get it to the March meeting.

The problem is then I think the council will go into purdah because of local elections so it may well be May before a decision is made (unless this is big enough to be considered by full council, or small enough to be considered under delegated powers.)
No impact on planning from purdah
Apparently the temporary units are already purchased and with clearance going on for the next stages at least it looks like the development is pressing ahead- notwithstanding the unacceptable situation elsewhere….
Latest docs (one posted yesterday) on Rochford website are 2 letters from Essex County Council saying they do not have enough information to assess surface water drainage strategy - and so they recommend a 'holding objection'. It's a bit odd though, the dates on the letters are from 2020, the 'you ref' refers to a different planning application, although the subject heading is correct.
Latest docs (one posted yesterday) on Rochford website are 2 letters from Essex County Council saying they do not have enough information to assess surface water drainage strategy - and so they recommend a 'holding objection'. It's a bit odd though, the dates on the letters are from 2020, the 'you ref' refers to a different planning application, although the subject heading is correct.
Yes, I read that too. It’s a weird one - only just uploaded but clearly an old letter.