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It's always singers and/or dancers that win BGT - it's so old fashioned.

Hopefully next year we will see a blue comedian or a ventriloquist act wearing the crown.
I think that's neither here nor there, or there or even that place over there if I'm honest MakkyD'Shrimper.

I completely disagree. It speaks volumes about a woman who has trouble making relationships with other human beings, and not just sexual ones.
What a stupid nickname Subo. O well, my mrs managed to find Diversity @ 18-1 and whacked £30 on them!
I haven't seen any of the programmes, but from the media coverage I'm pretty sure that 'SuBo' was never anything more than an opportunity for us to slap ourselves on the back for allowing somebody who doesn't fit the mould an opportunity, whilst back in reality the music industry remains as obsessed with image and marketability as ever. Far from opening doors for plain Janes everywhere, she has probably (through no fault of her own) killed the novelty factor for some time to come. It's a bit like giving foreign aid worth a tiny fraction of what our governments and corporations scam out of the developing world via tax avoidance and fuelling the race to the bottom.

To be honest, if you're standing on a stage singing love songs then your appearance is always going to impact upon your ability to seduce the audience. It's not particularly fair, but it's a fact of basic biology. It doesn't just affect the Susan Boyle's of the world, if ridiculously talented women like Ingrid Michaelson or Regina Spektor were more than moderately attractive then I'm pretty sure that they'd be best sellers and household names.
I feared the worst for her when that "greasy-haired ****" (apologies for talking like a LibDem) Alex Salmond jumped on the bandwagon and said she had 'done Scotland proud'.
She was admitted to the Priory with 'an illness.'

That illness sure as hell aint the clap.
Even if she's (a bit) mentally ill? I'm sorry but someone who gets to her mid 40's and has not even kissed a man is not the full ticket.

Its not that she's not the ticket that she hasn't kissed a man , its more to do with no one going near her as she's an old dog !!
Even if she's (a bit) mentally ill? I'm sorry but someone who gets to her mid 40's and has not even kissed a man is not the full ticket.

She isn't "Mentally ill", she was starved of oxygen at birth and as a result has "Special Educational Needs" or whatever the PC shorthand for brain-damaged is these days.

There is absolutely no reason why a disabled person like her shouldn't have a crack at realising her dreams, but it behoves the company making BGT to ensure that all contestants give informed consent, including having some understanding of all the possible outcomes resulting from entering, and to have proper support systems in place, which means a damn site more than Piers Morgan bleating on to the media to "give her some space".
She isn't "Mentally ill", she was starved of oxygen at birth and as a result has "Special Educational Needs" or whatever the PC shorthand for brain-damaged is these days.

There is absolutely no reason why a disabled person like her shouldn't have a crack at realising her dreams, but it behoves the company making BGT to ensure that all contestants give informed consent, including having some understanding of all the possible outcomes resulting from entering, and to have proper support systems in place, which means a damn site more than Piers Morgan bleating on to the media to "give her some space".

Oh I don't disagree at all with that, but people who are "normal" struggle with the pressures of fame, what chance does she have? And if you think Cowell can see past the ££££'s....well.....
She isn't "Mentally ill", she was starved of oxygen at birth and as a result has "Special Educational Needs" or whatever the PC shorthand for brain-damaged is these days.

There is absolutely no reason why a disabled person like her shouldn't have a crack at realising her dreams, but it behoves the company making BGT to ensure that all contestants give informed consent, including having some understanding of all the possible outcomes resulting from entering, and to have proper support systems in place, which means a damn site more than Piers Morgan bleating on to the media to "give her some space".

Spot on. I read a quote recently, though I can't remember where, from a University researcher saying that if it were one of his experiments they'd be obliged to call time on her participation for ethical reasons. obviously that's not something that ITV or the production company are overly troubled by.
I think she's probably what used to be termed "simple" in days gone by, she was quite happy living her life on her own with her cat, with what seem to be a nice bunch of people living locally that look out for her, and singing when she got the chance to. The fact this is not the first time she's entered a singing type competition on tv does beg the question, who has been advising her this was a good thing to do as this seems to go against the "having her best interests at heart" thing.

The best thing for her to do now as far as I see it would be to go back home and be with her friends for at least a month, and THEN see how things are. If America is still in love with her, then by all means, as long as she's got a decent support network with her, let her go and make some money. For now, I think the British public and the media need to leave her alone. I don't believe this monster was of her making at all, and fwiw I don't think she was anywhere near as good as either Paul Potts in series 1 or Faryl Smith in series 2, she's got a beautiful voice and natural talent, but it's not as exceptional.
Alternativly she could lock herself in her home for 18 months solid , read and reply to every post on this site just for the sake of it , amass 15,000 posts in that time and then bake some cakes and then bake some more cakes and then some even more cakes , and then nick a Aberdeen Flag to hang above her PC .:O