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The average SUFC Fan IQ?

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I don't profess to be the brain of Britain, but a lot of the comments with regard to student loans are obviously from people who have never been anywhere near a uni or have any children at the desired intelligence level either. Pure Sun reading diatribe. Football supporters or come to that players are not known for having their brains, well in their brains.

To prove and force home the point there were SUFC fans at the beginning of the season and the majority on Shrimperzone praising
the sacking of management,signing of players, release of quality players, signing of a manager and his assistant( he has lasted all of 4 months) and to rub salt into the wounds still talk of "Stadia Ron Martin". There are still fans out there completely taken in by "the stadium will defo be built".
There are fans supporting the current manager who to the best of my knowledge is more interested on where his cabbage patch wil be positioned at the training ground and pondering on the formation of what vegtables and where he will place them on this cabbage patch. should the potatoes be at the back and the carrots up front? and so the indecision goes on. Oh and there is also the small fact of the putting green! is it to go next to the cabbage patch or on the wing?

And yet Fans still hold undying trust in our Chairman and Management team.
Based on the above, forget politics lads and lasses it is way above your level and completely out of your depth.

you would be better off giving PS advice on what vegatable should go where but don't talk to long otherwise you may find yourselves right at the front of the patch with the other vegatables.

P.S. the first fan to spot the spelling mistake will be awarded the prize of placing the first brick at the new stadium.
by the way I'm guessing the average IQ is 100.

On a different note, I've got a Masters and I read the Sun. Plus I believe over the age of 18 you should pay for education. Why should it be free?

Finally, definitely is not spelt defo. :smile:
The first spelling mistake is actually "wil" although vegetables is the more obvious mistake as he's spelt it two different ways, both wrong.

There's also an argument for Uni. If we were talking about errors in grammar we could have a field day. My suspicion is that Pak is a student as his post is on a par with the majority of graduate C.V.s and resumés passing through my pinkies.
Grammar is also obviously not a strong point. My IQ, last ime I checked, was around 130 - that's not massive but not too shabby either. I don't believe the points you raise have anything to do with IQ anyway, more whether people are optimists or pessimists (or cynics).
I've never been accused of having a low IQ but I've no idea what you're on about Pak66. You lost me at the vegetables. 66 isn't your IQ by any chance? :winking:
Grammar is also obviously not a strong point. My IQ, last ime I checked, was around 130 - that's not massive but not too shabby either. I don't believe the points you raise have anything to do with IQ anyway, more whether people are optimists or pessimists (or cynics).

Actually OBL that is very much higher then average . Id take a guess and say Nap's is closer to 140-150 .
I have a iq of 45 i cant spell and my grammer is rubbish,but you all enjoy your day at work whilst i do,well what ever i want really.I love these im better than you posts,they make me feel all warm inside.
Nothing to do with I'm better than you. The originator built a platform and we all shot him down from it. Live by the (pork) sword, die by the (pork) sword is the motto often associated with parties at Michael Barrymore's. Top, middle or bottom also takes on a whole new meaning. Awwwight at the back (door) ?
I have a iq of 45 i cant spell and my grammer is rubbish,but you all enjoy your day at work whilst i do,well what ever i want really.I love these im better than you posts,they make me feel all warm inside.

That wasn't how mine was intended at all, I know plenty of people with much higher IQs. We're all different. The point I was making is that the OP was casting aspersions and it was merely an illustration.
Stephen Fry might think he has a high IQ but if he came down my local and tried to mug me off he would find his dry wit is no match for a dry slap.
This thread has the potential to turn into fantastic ****ing contest.
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I don't profess to be the brain of Britain, but a lot of the comments with regard to student loans are obviously from people who have never been anywhere near a uni or have any children at the desired intelligence level either. Pure Sun reading diatribe. Football supporters or come to that players are not known for having their brains, well in their brains.

To prove and force home the point there were SUFC fans at the beginning of the season and the majority on Shrimperzone praising
the sacking of management,signing of players, release of quality players, signing of a manager and his assistant( he has lasted all of 4 months) and to rub salt into the wounds still talk of "Stadia Ron Martin". There are still fans out there completely taken in by "the stadium will defo be built".
There are fans supporting the current manager who to the best of my knowledge is more interested on where his cabbage patch wil be positioned at the training ground and pondering on the formation of what vegtables and where he will place them on this cabbage patch. should the potatoes be at the back and the carrots up front? and so the indecision goes on. Oh and there is also the small fact of the putting green! is it to go next to the cabbage patch or on the wing?

And yet Fans still hold undying trust in our Chairman and Management team.
Based on the above, forget politics lads and lasses it is way above your level and completely out of your depth.

you would be better off giving PS advice on what vegatable should go where but don't talk to long otherwise you may find yourselves right at the front of the patch with the other vegatables.

P.S. the first fan to spot the spelling mistake will be awarded the prize of placing the first brick at the new stadium.

You sir are clearly a jumped up little ponce in need of a slap.
I don't profess to be the brain of Britain, but a lot of the comments with regard to student loans are obviously from people who have never been anywhere near a uni or have any children at the desired intelligence level either.

But they probably pay taxes and so irrespective of IQ may have a passing interest in how their hard-earned is spent - either subsidising the further education of a few fortunate recipients, or the cost of tidying up the mess made by those who think that they should get more for free.
I don't profess to be the brain of Britain, but a lot of the comments with regard to student loans are obviously from people who have never been anywhere near a uni or have any children at the desired intelligence level either. Pure Sun reading diatribe. Football supporters or come to that players are not known for having their brains, well in their brains.

To prove and force home the point there were SUFC fans at the beginning of the season and the majority on Shrimperzone praising
the sacking of management,signing of players, release of quality players, signing of a manager and his assistant( he has lasted all of 4 months) and to rub salt into the wounds still talk of "Stadia Ron Martin". There are still fans out there completely taken in by "the stadium will defo be built".
There are fans supporting the current manager who to the best of my knowledge is more interested on where his cabbage patch wil be positioned at the training ground and pondering on the formation of what vegtables and where he will place them on this cabbage patch. should the potatoes be at the back and the carrots up front? and so the indecision goes on. Oh and there is also the small fact of the putting green! is it to go next to the cabbage patch or on the wing?

And yet Fans still hold undying trust in our Chairman and Management team.
Based on the above, forget politics lads and lasses it is way above your level and completely out of your depth.

you would be better off giving PS advice on what vegatable should go where but don't talk to long otherwise you may find yourselves right at the front of the patch with the other vegatables.

P.S. the first fan to spot the spelling mistake will be awarded the prize of placing the first brick at the new stadium.

I have been to a student uni bar and that's about it. Somehow, though, in my last IQ test I achieved a score of 142, having spent a lifetime reading magazines and watching Countdown. I don't read the Sun, but neither do I think Sun readers are dim, nor do I believe that higher education should be the sole preserve of those who can afford it.

Even I, though, can see that this is the most patronising chilly torrent of dribble since I spoke to Ed Miliband.
You sir are clearly a jumped up little ponce in need of a slap.
There you go again presuming. As previously mentioned it once again proves you know nothing but say everything.
Be careful it mat be a long time before you see anyone again, with yet another temper tantrum you may end up slapping a wall or even your own a****se.
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