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Benfleet A1

Hector Of The House
Trying to play the class card again. Almost nothing on what he will do for the economy and even nicked the 'One Nation' slogan from Disraeli, a Conservative Prime Minister. Loved all his bluster about the forgotten 50% who dont go to university which is going to blow up in his face on wednesday when The Labour Party Political Broardcast is going to bang on about his time as a teacher at Harvard. I'm sure that Harvard is teeming with council estate and latch key kids.

I'd suggest you look at the entrance criteria for Harvard and other Ivy Leaf seats of learning before making that assertion. It may well be that who, and in what way, they accept students puts the British universities to shame.
Trying to play the class card again. Almost nothing on what he will do for the economy and even nicked the 'One Nation' slogan from Disraeli, a Conservative Prime Minister. Loved all his bluster about the forgotten 50% who dont go to university which is going to blow up in his face on wednesday when The Labour Party Political Broardcast is going to bang on about his time as a teacher at Harvard. I'm sure that Harvard is teeming with council estate and latch key kids.

the suggestion is that vocational courses are targeted and improved so that they are of a standard and valued as much as a degree - when you think that businesses keep saying the youth are ill prepared for work then on the face of it looks like a sensible aim
Loved all his bluster about the forgotten 50% who dont go to university [/URL]

This could also be referred to as the 50% who want to go out and get a job rather than spend their late teens on the **** whilst taking time out to study for 2 hours a week.
I saw the speech in full and got the impression I was hearing the next PM of the UK speaking.Some excellent ideas on the banks,the Bacc Tech and the NHS.He fired the first shots in the 2015 GE campaign.
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I saw the speech in full and got the impression I was hearing the next PM of the UK speaking.Some excellent ideas on the banks and the Bacc Tech.He fired the first shots in the 2015 GE.

You must have been watching a different channel to me. Cant see anyone ever voting him in, he is just not likeable and just reminds of a Wallace and Gromit character.

The moment labour voted in the wrong brother was the moment they threw away the next election.
You must have been watching a different channel to me. Cant see anyone ever voting him in, he is just not likeable and just reminds of a Wallace and Gromit character.

The moment labour voted in the wrong brother was the moment they threw away the next election.

Bloke is a prick. If him and Balls run the country, we are truly ****ed.

Saw it on BBC2.DM was too much of a Blairite for the unions to stomach.At least EM and EB have a Plan B.The present Government clearly doesn't and it's obvious that deflationary policies are not working.What the UK (and the rest of the EU)need are stimulus measures for growth.
Is he going to get a personality transplant and stop looking like a bit of a knob ? :smile:

I couldnt stand Cameron, but he at least looked credible. Everything about Ed is wrong.
.At least EM and EB have a Plan B.

Workers of the world unite. We will eliminate the structural deficit in 7 years rather than 6! They don't have a plan; they have announced nothing.

The present Government clearly doesn't and it's obvious that deflationary policies are not working.What the UK (and the rest of the EU)need are stimulus measures for growth.

We have an 8% budget deficit. How much stimulus do you want? Why not make another trip to the magic money tree, Barna? What would you like to spend all that imaginary money on?
Is he going to get a personality transplant and stop looking like a bit of a knob ? :smile:

I couldnt stand Cameron, but he at least looked credible. Everything about Ed is wrong.

Politicians have the knack of looking credible when they win elections.Cameron did.And so will Miliband.
Politicians have the knack of looking credible when they win elections.Cameron did.And so will Miliband.

Cameron looked credible before being elected (and this is coming from someone who couldnt stand the guy), and he had Brown to go up against.

People will not want Miliband ahead of Cameron. If David had got the nod he would have had a decent chance, people would take him seriously but Joe Public will see Ed as the snotty little brother who talks and looks funny.

People are shallow....
Workers of the world unite. We will eliminate the structural deficit in 7 years rather than 6! They don't have a plan; they have announced nothing.

It would be ingenous to announce detailed plans more than two years in advance of an election.Labour have clarified their aspirations.The road map will follow in the 2015 election manifesto and after they've had a chance to have a full look at the books in their first year of office.
We have an 8% budget deficit. How much stimulus do you want? Why not make another trip to the magic money tree, Barna? What would you like to spend all that imaginary money on?

You will have noticed that the present Government's borrowing is more than 20% in excess of its own forecasts for the first five months of this year.
The deficit is increasing under the Tories.Not decreasing as they promised
I didn't watch the speech but I have just read the text. I understand that the presentation was good, it must have been because the content is vacuous.

I don't mind Milliband. He seems a decent, genuine person unlike the awful Gordon Brown. I'm not going to vote for him though. He was at the heart of the Treasury operation that gave us the huge deficit post 2008. He has never had a real job in his life and clearly doesn't understand how business or the real economy works.

His section on tackling vested interests wasn't bad. One of the major problems with our economy in my opinion is that it is more corporatist than capitalist. That is that a number of sectors can do as they please because they know that the government (funded by the taxpayer) will stand behind them. That stifles innovation, reduces productivity and rewards failure. It isn't just the banks and energy firms but also the health and education sectors.

Milliband's problem here is that his party is owned by and run for those vested interests: the unions. He has no creditbility on the issue.

Oh... and Ed Balls would be Chancellor. Even Milliband hates him so why should the rest of us have to put up with him?
It would be ingenous to announce detailed plans more than two years in advance of an election.Labour have clarified their aspirations.The road map will follow in the 2015 election manifesto and after they've had a chance to have a full look at the books in their first year of office.

They haven't clarified their aspirations. What would Miliband broadly seek to achieve and how would he broadly do it? I have no idea. What would the direction of fiscal policy be? Is immigration deemed to be a problem and what would be done? Would the education reforms be reversed? What is the attitude to welfare and how would it be reformed?

The spending review position is not a serious aspiration. It was announced to try to avoid announcing what they would actually do on fiscal policy. The position is essentially, "vote for us but we won't tell you what we'll do until after the election."
You will have noticed that the present Government's borrowing is more than 20% in excess of its own forecasts for the first five months of this year.
The deficit is increasing under the Tories.Not decreasing as they promised

The first statement is certainly true. I've been trying to find some data on the second but I've given up. I'm pretty certain that the deficit is falling, just not as quickly as forecast.

You are perhaps getting confused between debt and the deficit? It tends to happen to most on the left...
It would be ingenous to announce detailed plans more than two years in advance of an election.Labour have clarified their aspirations.The road map will follow in the 2015 election manifesto and after they've had a chance to have a full look at the books in their first year of office.

Hmm, he's alienated labours' real allies, the unions already. His speech seems a little too close to communism for me. The educational bluster was a decent idea, but is only a small detail of the bigger picture when running a government. You mention about them looking at the books when they get into power yet you fail to remember how labour flushed us down the pan financially last time they were in power and left the Tories with "nothing left in the kitty" and that's a quote from a supposed "treasurer"...how professional! (like him carrying out a vid conference for his speech!)

Also, the more I hear him speak, the more I realize that he reminds me of Alan Partridge. A complete numpty of a man with all the charisma of a snail. I would not want him as PM, and I think you are delusional if you think he'll win the next election. When it comes to the real deal and he comes up against Cameron, he will get creamed on live tv as Cameron easily takes him to pieces.

You have this blind faith in EM, but why don't you try reading the BBC comments on his broadcast and you'll see what the views of the nation are. The bottom line is thy people will not vote for a PM they do not "like"