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After reading some mixed views on last nights performance's here is my take on the players on show last night and whether they will make the first eleven this season.

Keeper- bit unlucky to conceaded 3 as pulled of 4 very good saves, would like to see him again.

Hunt - i get frustrated with hunt and last night was no exeption, he just seem to be in first gear all night and being part of a back line that let in 3 goals a no for me.

2 centre halfs had an ok game but for two big lumps we did arf lose lots of headers from set plays , looked fairly comfortable on the ball.

Wilson- got the short straw again as up against a lively winger who caused Che a lot of problems, and that is a bit worrying for me.

Black - MOM , tidest player on the park , he took his goals brilliantly and also gets in some great positionsas always willing to run beyond our front 2 which is something we really lack at the moment, should get a lot of games this season if stays fit.

Peggy - one for the future , good vision , worked very hard and was always looking for the ball, needs to bulk up a bit IMO.

Bailey- Thought it was an ideal opportunity for him to stake a claim , but feel he done well without standing out , good back up for Maher and Macca.

Foran- Should glimses of beening a good player , but his touch when running with the ball and his finishing need improvement - back up player.

Paynter- Worked hard but just doesn't look like its going to happen for him at the Hall, everthing he tried just didn't quite come off , but did did work hard and looks a lot fitter than last season.

Bradbury- up there with Black as MOM, won every header , hold up play was tidy and was willing to run the channels, looks as though he knows his place is under threat as is really upping his game.

Mc'd- took his goal well and looked lively, would be a good asset to bring on in last 30 min to run at defenders.

Also would like to give credit to Chelmsford who looked very good side and should do well in that league, liked the look of the number 10 and also the right back who never gave the ball away all night.
pretty much agree with the above post, but i'd put peggy as my MOM. Its a shame he plays in a position we are already well covered for.
pretty much agree with the above post, but i'd put peggy as my MOM. Its a shame he plays in a position we are already well covered for.

Can understand you view there mate , but he had a few chances to pull the trigger but seemed reluctant to do so which was a shame, whereas with Black he is always looking to shoot which gives him the edge IMO.
Can understand you view there mate , but he had a few chances to pull the trigger but seemed reluctant to do so which was a shame, whereas with Black he is always looking to shoot which gives him the edge IMO.

Black was great in the second half but he tried a few tricks in the first that didn't come off when there were better options, don't get me wrong I think he's a great signing and in an area we need good cover, he has impresssed me at both Maldon and Chelmsford. On the night I thought peggys movement was good, and he has some pace about him. His touch was also excellent, he always got the ball back on the deck when it was bouncing around the middle of the park, much like Maher usually does.
I think the thing with Black is that he is a very passionate bloke and he really does want to do well. Its clear he has the skill, the vision and the ability to do so and when it doesn't quite come off, he gets a bit frustrated with himself and can lose his rag. It was interesting that he was over nearly every set-piece last night and his free-kick which Foran nearly scored from in the 2nd half was a delight.

Personally, having seen 7 of the 9 games in pre-season, Black and JCR should be the 2 wingers come 3pm Saturday. Gower has looked in-effective in comparison and his fitness issues are still a concern IMO!
Personally, having seen 7 of the 9 games in pre-season, Black and JCR should be the 2 wingers come 3pm Saturday. Gower has looked in-effective in comparison and his fitness issues are still a concern IMO!

I think we're going to fall out Kevin....
I think the thing with Black is that he is a very passionate bloke and he really does want to do well. Its clear he has the skill, the vision and the ability to do so and when it doesn't quite come off, he gets a bit frustrated with himself and can lose his rag. It was interesting that he was over nearly every set-piece last night and his free-kick which Foran nearly scored from in the 2nd half was a delight.

Personally, having seen 7 of the 9 games in pre-season, Black and JCR should be the 2 wingers come 3pm Saturday. Gower has looked in-effective in comparison and his fitness issues are still a concern IMO!

There was also a few times last night when Black got on the ball straight away when we had a free kick and was frustrated that no one seemed on his wave length as you could see he was looking for a bit of movement to dink a ball over the top.
Black's impressed me most times I've seen him play this pre-season.
Nice to have a viable alternative to JCR on the wing.
There was also a few times last night when Black got on the ball straight away when we had a free kick and was frustrated that no one seemed on his wave length as you could see he was looking for a bit of movement to dink a ball over the top.

Indeed but with Billy and Foran 2 of his options, he didn't exactly have 2 many options.

Last night i must admit i was quite impressed with Peggy Lonkando (sp). He seemed good on the ball, quite quick footed and seemed to link up well with Bailey. It would have been nice to see Moussa in action again but thats not possible as he is currently with the under 19 belguim squad.
Looks like a very good option in the squad and a really nice guy in his interview too. He'll be pushing Gower/JCR for sure.