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Question Will you attend the first two home games?

Are you attending?

  • Yes, I'm going regardless.

  • No, not until Ron has completely gone.

  • Not sure, need more info from club on sale process.

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Fully agreed that Lower south is a bark.

Should be reserved for any away fans who's club made us unwelcome, squeezed us into corner or uncovered stand. If they were good then South Upper.

First thing any new owners should do is make the North Bank for home fans. If you don't know why then you never lived it. For those to young to remember then ask your dad or grandad.....Watch the warm glow spread across his face.
You don’t think he’s already got the message?
The time to push on is when your enemy is on the floor. I think collectively we’ve put him on the floor with the pressure mounted so far, as well as his perilous decision making causing him to stumble. Relaxing and pretending it’s totally ok that he gambled with the club today rather than accepting the deal on the table wouldn’t be supporting the club in my book.
And how are the players going to feel in a near-empty stadium?
I would hope as adults they would be able emotionally mature enough to A) understand that the fans are supporting them by staying away and B) not be dependent on people cheering for emotional stability.
Not going whilst that scumbag is still there. Can stick his embargo, what fun that has been for fans, year after year. I'd join a protest before or after a game.
The time to push on is when your enemy is on the floor. I think collectively we’ve put him on the floor with the pressure mounted so far, as well as his perilous decision making causing him to stumble. Relaxing and pretending it’s totally ok that he gambled with the club today rather than accepting the deal on the table wouldn’t be supporting the club in my book.

I would hope as adults they would be able emotionally mature enough to A) understand that the fans are supporting them by staying away and B) not be dependent on people cheering for emotional stability.

Your flogging a dead horse here I'm afraid. Too many people enabling RM by buying their season tickets so "they can sit in 'their' seat" blah blah blah. I've stopped going for nearly 2 years now due to RM and that'll continue going forward. I used to sympathise with some people for continuing to go to games at RH but now I just pity them! There was some lady on BBC Essex earlier who was complaining that she had paid for her season tickets in cash and was now a bit concerned if she would actually have anything to show for her money. I felt a bit sorry for her initially but too many people for far too long have blindly supported the club without thinking about their actions. If no-one would have bought an ST, that would have sent a very clear message.

Your flogging a dead horse here I'm afraid. Too many people enabling RM by buying their season tickets so "they can sit in 'their' seat" blah blah blah. I've stopped going for nearly 2 years now due to RM and that'll continue going forward. I used to sympathise with some people for continuing to go to games at RH but now I just pity them! There was some lady on BBC Essex earlier who was complaining that she had paid for her season tickets in cash and was now a bit concerned if she would actually have anything to show for her money. I felt a bit sorry for her initially but too many people for far too long have blindly supported the club without thinking about their actions. If no-one would have bought an ST, that would have sent a very clear message.

I bought a season ticket because I'm 14 and have never had the experience of buying one before. Hope you can make an exception in my case, Kev.
Your flogging a dead horse here I'm afraid. Too many people enabling RM by buying their season tickets so "they can sit in 'their' seat" blah blah blah. I've stopped going for nearly 2 years now due to RM and that'll continue going forward. I used to sympathise with some people for continuing to go to games at RH but now I just pity them! There was some lady on BBC Essex earlier who was complaining that she had paid for her season tickets in cash and was now a bit concerned if she would actually have anything to show for her money. I felt a bit sorry for her initially but too many people for far too long have blindly supported the club without thinking about their actions. If no-one would have bought an ST, that would have sent a very clear message.

Well, please don't pity us. There was some great football to watch last season and I will continue to support the team I have watched for 55 years - I am not 'enabling RM'. Of course I want him gone but I will never let him stop me supporting the team I love and my Dad before me. I was there before him and very much hope to be there long after he has left.
Well, please don't pity us. There was some great football to watch last season and I will continue to support the team I have watched for 55 years - I am not 'enabling RM'. Of course I want him gone but I will never let him stop me supporting the team I love and my Dad before me. I was there before him and very much hope to be there long after he has left.
Well said young lady.

When you get slagged on here.....Remember when it really counts, the loudest ones are always the weakest
People saying they want to support the club so will keep attending, I’ll say it one last time as it keeps coming up: you’re supporting Ron not the club.

Short-term pain for long-term gain is a much better course of action than short-term gain for long-term pain.

In my opinion it’s far more accurate to say “I want to enjoy cheering the boys on for 90 minutes as that’s my right” and that would be fine, but I don’t see how it’s supporting the club if it’s enabling that cretin to continue to control our future.
Living where i live its impossible for me to go, if i were living there i wouldnt attend ,i would wish the team , Maher and co well ,but i couldnt for the life of me put money into RMs pocket. I respect everyones right to choose for themselves and hope no one decides to castigate another for their decision. Freedom of choice is every ones right . Also hopefully no protests during the game ,before and after. Protestors if you see the players arriving wish them well ,players from both teams,let the country know its not them its the count of an owner whose at fault.
Off subject with no DD why cant Kimura give us their thoughts on the offer they have made and what they are after , and why its unacceptable to RM .
RM has made a statement why cant Kimura also reply to that statement.
Of course I would go. The football club existed long before RM and will exist for a long time after he has gone.

The biggest boost to the three amigos and the players we might have at the time would be to see a bumper crowd irrespective of the result. In the same vein and protest should be after the game and not before it.

I don’t get the lining Ron’s pockets comments I really don’t and he’s unlikely to be there anyway.
My last season ticket was in 08/09, at that point it felt like Ron was losing interest and not investing enough in the team, ergo I wasn't happy to shell out for an increased season ticket for 09/10.

Sheesh, 2008 Ron was the current Notts Forest owner compared to now.