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Cheap Gifts to Keep the Doris Happy


I used to play a little.
Dear all,

I was thinking when I received 2 PMs in the space of a week and had to turn down a beer before a Southend game due to prior commitments with the bird that I should start sorting my priorities.

She is a good lass. However, not comparable to football. I hate that she does not like football and doesn't care whether Southend win, lose or draw. She is currently on a placement for a few months and therefore just as I started questioning my masculine dominance over her I have been handed a lifeline.

The opportunity is to not commit to weekends as I have done since we have dated. The reason I would give is to 'give her time to do her work'. The real reason would be to 'watch football and get ****ed with the lads'.

Now, unfortunately it does not come quite as easy as that. Whilst she does not ask for dinners, presents, etc (quite frankly birds that expect that can go **** themselves) I am not silly enough to believe she will completely believe that I am going to have chilled out, relaxed weekends. She knows I will be out with the boys on the lash and she will have to deal with that.

To comfort this improvement in my life and significant loss in hers I am considering buying her some crap from time to time such as the token feminine cuddly toy and the like. e.g. Cheap items that will make her think that I care. Now, what I really would like is some suggestions as to what else I can do to make this bird realise that football comes above her whilst her still knowing I care (sort of).

I have aimed this at the blokes of this site. I didn't intend this to be loving or caring in nature whilst I admit I do love the girl. However, I know that there are plenty of blokes out there that have stumbled across this disease which is known as 'women'.

I plead for your help and understanding on this matter.
Do what a mate of mine used to do. He would go to Elizabeth Duke and by the cheapest ring he could find and give to his Doris. Then another of my mates would speak to her and imply he spent a fortune on it!
Touch of reverse psychology is the order of the day in this most sensitive of cases. Invite her to a game with all the false sincerity you can muster, with the promise of a meal out afterwards. Her flat refusal will give you the moral upper hand. Your more than generous offer to wine and dine her after the game will give you right to look outraged the next time she tries to block you going. Don't rule out crying in front of her as a last resort.

WARNING. Women fight dirty (tears, silence etc) to gain the upper hand, you will have to stay on top of your game once you've got your nose in front.
Christ on a bike you are a real catch,please oh please if you ever godforrbid become single let me know so i can fix you up with my daughther,oh how proud i would be to have a real man like you for a son-in-law.
Do what a mate of mine used to do. He would go to Elizabeth Duke and by the cheapest ring he could find and give to his Doris. Then another of my mates would speak to her and imply he spent a fortune on it!

Erm, what happens if she gets it valued sometime in the near future?