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Lack of Subs, Lack of Cash, answer simple.


The PL League Boss⭐⭐
Apr 28, 2006
PL Headquarters Hullbridge
So we're struggling to find seven subs for the bench, and the clubs desperately short of cash then the answer is simple, put the subs positions up for auctions with the fans.

Just picture the scene the pre match warm up Barney, etc taking pot shots at Joycie in goal and up steps Ldnfasto with a rocket thats bound to break the back of the net or his own foot.


Cricko (asissted by two young nurses as support for his frail old legs) trying to keep up with the rest of the team.


OBL getting into tricky pre-match manouevers with Macca

These has got to be worth the admission money itself.

Come to think of it we can only use three out of seven subs so their could be four places up for offer.

If your interested go to www.comparethesubstitutes.com


Only downside is if anyone got injured pre match we might have to Bring on Ldnfasto to replace Barney.

What a bloody great idea! Not for me obviously, I wouldn't get out of the dressing room!
actually think there could be something in this... however for a player to be named officially on the bench they'd have to be registered, can't see why they couldn't be 'pretending' to be on the bench... warming up etc.

i'd love it!
Typical of my old man to nick other peoples ideas and pass them off as his own. I had an idea for a book on my life supporting Southend and told him. Before I knew it he had written a book on his life and had it published.......
I apologise if others already thought of it I was unaware, Ldnfasto and I talked about it on the train this morning and the thought of him squeezed into a shirt shooting for goal inspired me!

Better still, if they need to be registered yet will only be on the bench for one game, we could send them on to "do a job" on opposing players.

Duguid anyone?
Can you imagine SZ's finest as ball boys for one match? It would be hilarious!!!!