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I'm starting the paleo diet from today. I have been changing my diet and eating habits for about the last 6 months but i'm going for it properly now, I'm allowing myself 1 day off a week when I can eat and drink what I want but for the rest of time no alcohol, dairy, tea, coffee, fizzy drinks, sweets/chocolate or virtually any processed food at all so fruit, vegetables, meat (red meat preferably grass feed), fish (line caught not farmed) and eggs are the way forward. Wish me luck!
Good luck Rich! Mine starts tomorrow too, hoping to follow fbm's lead here at least partly - not sure if I can do the 100% juicing and might have to have one actual meal. We'll have to see. Got to be a way to speed my metabolism up though, and obviously, knocking the drinking on the head for a while will help.
Gawd, I feel like I'm French - so much raw garlic! Day 1 has passed ok though I have had a cup of tea - I have decaff and only a dash of skimmed milk anyway so didn't see that one would be too bad a thing. Food portions are huge, like fbm said!

He must be about at the end of his 15 day stint so it'll be interesting to hear how it all went and what he's going to do now.
Good luck Rich! Mine starts tomorrow too, hoping to follow fbm's lead here at least partly - not sure if I can do the 100% juicing and might have to have one actual meal. We'll have to see. Got to be a way to speed my metabolism up though, and obviously, knocking the drinking on the head for a while will help.

Kay, come out on the bike with me or the gym. I am loving it at the moment. Went for a 10 mile bike ride tonight
I was concerned that I'd taken on 4 or 5 kilos extra this year .........a bit too much wine.....not enough exercise etc. etc. Just completed a fortnight in England which I'm certain, hasn't helped the situation. The food seems to have got unhealthier, even at my brother and sister's.........fruit is there but not often offered. Wine has really gone downhill .........just how bad is all this screw top, world wine at a fiver or so a bottle?.............I think it would eventually lead to me giving it up if that was all I had to drink!
I'm going to do something about it in a couple of weeks, when my brother's return visit is over......don't like this 'spare tyre'. Will be interested to see what you put up but I may well tackle it in my own way. As with all these situations the most important step is to realise you have a problem and then to consider a method of solving it.
Gawd, I feel like I'm French - so much raw garlic! Day 1 has passed ok though I have had a cup of tea - I have decaff and only a dash of skimmed milk anyway so didn't see that one would be too bad a thing. Food portions are huge, like fbm said!

He must be about at the end of his 15 day stint so it'll be interesting to hear how it all went and what he's going to do now.

What plan are you following ?

Just read FBM's blog and it is inspiring, but I do have to say I cant imagine not having any food. I lost a stone at Christmas last year in a week due to illness and managed to keep it off with some fairly sensible eating, but last few months Ive just piled it back on. Recently Im finding Im getting really hungry in the evening, which I think is mainly boredom, but it does make me wonder if I could do this juicing thing.

Can't imagine anything worse Jackie!!! :nope: I never have liked exercise at all!

Know what you mean, Ive never liked exercise for the sake of it. Used to play football and enjoyed the sport, but not the fitness aspect. I did however do a lot of hiking /walking a few years ago, and whilst it was nice to get fitter it was the enjoyment of the walking in the Lakes etc that I did it for. Unfortunately I went from walking 25 miles + a week to zero and Im paying the price now!
What plan are you following ?

Just read FBM's blog and it is inspiring, but I do have to say I cant imagine not having any food. I lost a stone at Christmas last year in a week due to illness and managed to keep it off with some fairly sensible eating, but last few months Ive just piled it back on. Recently Im finding Im getting really hungry in the evening, which I think is mainly boredom, but it does make me wonder if I could do this juicing thing.
I'm following the plan that fbm did here, definitely paying the price for so much raw garlic yesterday but then I suppose it disguises any bad breath from withdrawal of certain food types! Feel great today, lots of energy and you certainly very quickly pick up on little tricks to make things easier - for instance the "green" juice today, which is 2 cucumbers(!), 2 pears, 6 sticks of celery and 6 handfuls of kale, is so very much better for the addition of some fresh mint.

Only early days yet but belly is already less bloated, definitely have a look at the plan.
Dawn of day 3 , lost 4lbs but, more importantly for me, a total of 5 inches. Have to say, the green detox soup is gorgeous and I could happily eat that for lunch almost every day! Wasn't so impressed with the stuffed squash yesterday, called out for some good blue cheese as part of the "stuffing", which, of course, is not allowed!

Going to the Trust's Chinese night tonight which will be difficult, not even sure if I'll find anything there to eat.....steamed vegetables, I hope :sad:
Dawn of day 3 , lost 4lbs but, more importantly for me, a total of 5 inches. Have to say, the green detox soup is gorgeous and I could happily eat that for lunch almost every day! Wasn't so impressed with the stuffed squash yesterday, called out for some good blue cheese as part of the "stuffing", which, of course, is not allowed!

Going to the Trust's Chinese night tonight which will be difficult, not even sure if I'll find anything there to eat.....steamed vegetables, I hope :sad:

That is really good Kay - keep going
Dawn of day 3 , lost 4lbs but, more importantly for me, a total of 5 inches. Have to say, the green detox soup is gorgeous and I could happily eat that for lunch almost every day! Wasn't so impressed with the stuffed squash yesterday, called out for some good blue cheese as part of the "stuffing", which, of course, is not allowed!

Going to the Trust's Chinese night tonight which will be difficult, not even sure if I'll find anything there to eat.....steamed vegetables, I hope :sad:

Kay, where was the reciepe for this?
Kay, where was the reciepe for this?

It's on the 15 day "Reboot" plan recipes...
2tbsp olive oil
1 leek
2 cloves chopped garlic
1 small head of broccoli
6 kale leaves
1 or 2 courgettes
1 litre of veg stock
handful of herbs (to taste - they suggest parsley, I used basil and coriander)
salt and pepper to taste

Chop the veg, fry the leeks and garlic off in the oil slowly. Add the stock and veg after about 5 minutes and slowly bring to the boil until the courgette softens. Add salt and pepper, then blend using a hand blender to desired consistency, before adding chopped herbs. You can add in a few chilli flakes or spices if you want to give it a kick.
A slight digression I know but since I've been going to the gym I have put weight on (I'm the heaviest I've ever been, 78 kg) yet people keep telling me "You've lost weight!". I must be re-distributing it.
A slight digression I know but since I've been going to the gym I have put weight on (I'm the heaviest I've ever been, 78 kg) yet people keep telling me "You've lost weight!". I must be re-distributing it.

That is exactly what has happened to me. I initially lost a stone and now I cannot shift a pound and yet I am exercising daily. I know I .hve lost weight as my clothes are now loose and I have dropped a size.