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Post-Match Thread and Ratings Southend United 4-2 Boreham Wood

Thought Waldron was immense first half and like others have said Morton had a great game as well.

Controversy Alert:
Was our penalty a penalty? Personally though it was a little soft and as I thought Danny was going away from goal I drifted my gaze to others to watch their movement.
I thought it was a sandwich and one of them must have taken the ball, the other the player, so pen for me.

Also the Ref might have been on a bit of a guilt trip for not giving the blatant two handed push in the area a couple of minutes earlier.
Thought Waldron was immense first half and like others have said Morton had a great game as well.

Controversy Alert:
Was our penalty a penalty? Personally though it was a little soft and as I thought Danny was going away from goal I drifted my gaze to others to watch their movement.
it was handball - their no 12 slid in to block the shot and basically caught the ball
Actually, I thought we s scored against the run of play with the first 7 minutes all Wood.

Once the lively Waldron made the first it was most unlike Southend to be 3-0 up within 20 odd minutes.

I missed the first 10/12 minutes of the second half (thanks NLTV) but that may have been a blessing. Returned in time to see the penalty (thought it looked soft) and their second goal, free header from a corner. Before that thought that Miley was fortunate to escape a second yellow. Tough to choose between Waldron or Morton for mom, the former had outstanding 1st half faddd a bit before going off, Morton followed up his good performance at Ebbsfleet and good for the midfielder to score with his head, he reads the game well.

Also shout out to GSM, how many goals is that now, 7?

At 4-2 I thought that there were more goals, but alas Kensdale missed the best chance and on another day Cards, Dackers and Coker could have added to our total.

Although a big advocate for the inclusion of Jack Wood, I thought that Kev got the subs more or less spot on this afternoon.
it was handball - their no 12 slid in to block the shot and basically caught the ball
Yes it was good save low down and not protecting his body. Definitely a pen but often not given. Particularly last season when lots teams got away with those at RH
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Thought today was a great glimpse into what could be the norm next season. Players making the step up to full time football will take time to adjust, let’s not forget. Today it all clicked, 1st half anyway.

I was expecting a tough, close fought game with them in the relegation zone but in the first 45 they couldn’t lay a glove on us after our first goal. Cav and Morton were brilliant, the front two of Cards and Waldron were a constant threat .. we had movement.. variety of passing, good crosses..

Even in the 2nd where as expected the Wood grabbed a couple of lifelines, we stayed calm, took the sting out the game .. saw it out professionally. Kev hates conceding goals and he hated the 2nd going in but did it matter? No. This team will get better and with some additions we will be a team to watch next season. Damn that 10 point deduction.
Thought Waldron was immense first half and like others have said Morton had a great game as well.

Controversy Alert:
Was our penalty a penalty? Personally though it was a little soft and as I thought Danny was going away from goal I drifted my gaze to others to watch their movement.
Yes it was. It wasn't given for a foul, it was given for handball. I was directly in line with it in East A, and blocks A and B were all on their feet screaming handball.
What an enjoyable BH Monday. Fantastic start and great to see SUFC being clinical infront of goal.

Special mentions for Taylor, Morton & Miley (although I did worry he was on his last chance with ref).

Collin 7
Taylor 8
Kensdale 7
Ralph 7
Scott-Morriss 8
Bridge 8
Miley 8
Morton 8
Coker 7
Waldron 7
Cardwell 7

Fonguck 6
Dackers 6
Woodman 6

Ref - 8 thought he had a decent game, not over fussy. Penalty was too far away from South Upper so couldn’t tell .

Kev & Management Team 10 - Don’t get the grief he gets. Any other team with any other manager would have been relegated months ago. We are probably the 2nd or 3rd best team in this league.

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Have to agree he was very good today. Best I've seen him.
I think his running style is misleading. Sometimes looked laboured but I think it's just his style. He really did well on both wings today.
How are you feeling ? On the mend?
Yeah, the antibiotics are definitely working but its a 10 day course and this is day 7 so still 3 to go, it leaves you totally breathless for a while. It seems there are quite a few folk suffering with the same chest infection caused by a nasty little virus that is doing the rounds according to my GP.
Another in the Waldron MOM club! I thought he was super today, everywhere, was instrumental in all our goals. Seems as though he has been working really hard in training and his efforts are really starting to show as he looks fitter and stronger. Building up a good rapport with Cards as well, so I see these two as being our #1 strike partnership next season.

Morton also looks the real deal, and works well with Miley, surprisingly, as I thought they were too similar when he arrived - but we looked properly balanced today. I think it is a bit unbalanced when Wes and Noor play together, so it was interesting to watch how the midfild played - and we had full control, which is good to see. Morton's best game for us as well so far. Also thought Miley was a bit lucky - already booked and then he deployed an industrial tackle in the second half that many a ref would have sent him off for..

I was actually a bit surprised that the official MOM was Bridge. I thought he was a bit quiet, but clearly getting the brace swung it, which I get. Much more direct from Jack as well, which was good to see. Took his goal and the penalty well, calm, no messing!

The defence is much better with Kensdale and Tayor back, but it is a shame for Crowther as he has been fantastic since he arrived as well.

With a full pre-season, I think we will be a force to be reckoned with next year, no matter where we end up. We dont need to go looking for the elusive 20 goal a season striker - Cards is the man (17 with 3 games to go if I am not mistaken). He would have got there this year without his injury layoff. When we play as we did today, this team has goals from across the pitch!

I missed the first Boredomewood goal, as they had offered no threat at all until that point. The second was a bit of a fluke as well, and I thought that they are showing why they are around the relegation zone. They have some quality, but they were pretty poor all over the pitch TBH.

Credit needs to go to the offocials today, thought they did ok given BW's previous cheating form.
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Yeah, the antibiotics are definitely working but its a 10 day course and this is day 7 so still 3 to go, it leaves you totally breathless for a while. It seems there are quite a few folk suffering with the same chest infection caused by a nasty little virus that is doing the rounds according to my GP.
👍Does seem lots of it about. Mrs was saying she felt a bit like it at home this afternoon while I was at the game. Hopefully she will get away with it. At least with a break youl be ok for the next one hopefully.
Have to agree he was very good today. Best I've seen him.
I think his running style is misleading. Sometimes looked laboured but I think it's just his style. He really did well on both wings today.
How are you feeling ? On the mend?
What is Bridges penalty record for us? I can onlyremember him missing at Boring Wood away last season?
Great first half and great to see Waldron play so well…can now see the potential for next season!

Second half it was interesting watching us seeking to retain possession at all costs…down the side…back to Kemsdale and then back up the other flank. Playing in U effectively and not going anywhere. Much better than just lumping it forward and losing possession potentially but didn’t seem to get us anywhere either!

To win this thing next season we definitely need to step up on the creativity a little. I can see a top 3 side…but not champions at the moment!
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What is Bridges penalty record for us? I can onlyremember him missing at Boring Wood away last season?

Think that’s now 13 of 14 for him.

If you want to feel old he wasn’t even alive when we had that record breaking run of misses in the early 90s.