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Post-Match Thread and Ratings Southend United 4-2 Boreham Wood

I don’t understand the clamour re Jack, though I must admit I’ve had a Wood on over our recent form.
He did look good. Could also be the fact that Kev is rotating them, so that they're fresh when they come on. Waldron started today and no doubt Dackers will in the next game
The more I see of Dackers the more I wouldn’t be surprised if we try to keep him. Kev clearly rates him, he is improving greatly, good work ethic by the looks of it and he clearly likes it here. I’m not even sure it’s possible tbh.
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Even before yesterday nearly all of us would choose Cardwell and Waldron as our starters up front. I have been big fan of Morton since he first came on as sub. Just because he can tackle does not mean he is another Cav. Much more to him than that and I always pick strength and work rate over 3 or 4 nice touches over 90mins.

Either way those two certainly proved Kev spot on for the changes. The Jack Wood fan club need to know that's what he has to do to get game time.

Seems we have much better first 45 if we attack the South first....Including the all important first goal . Three up by half time would seem we had loads of chances.Yet in reality it was all down to Waldron stealing the ball and good finishing. Even the pen was top draw and under pressure because Ashmore has save one of jacks previously.

Waldron showed why he started live as winger for the first but equally impressive was good old Gus poping up where it counts and by just checking his shot enough after an awkward bounce. Most players would have slash that over but Gus kind of punched it to get it just under the bar.

Waldron shows he can play on both sides with that second. Both teams had gone asleep as they assumed keeper would clear. Once Waldron robbed him it became a race for box. Many players would have maybe driven for goal but Waldron took half second, looked up and floated the perfect teaser into the right area rather than look for feet. Morton still had a lot to do and that was great header to finish.

By the time Jack clinically despatched the 3rd, Wood were all over the pace ad arguing with their own manger......That alone is worth £20 of anyones money.

Fiar play to them they come out and had a real go second half. Got back in the game with deflection. What annoyed me was we had all 11 back for the corner. When it was cleared their only man back had all the time to ping ball out right. Even then the two men involved in their goal had to much space. As often happens with to many defenders, no one actually does a good job blocking.

Even when we made it 4-1 that didn't last long. But at least we kept possession at 4-2 and made them fetch the ball rather than rolll around and cheat.

When Dackers came on he did really well. Only a very good save stopped him from grabbing goal. I think he would be good option as the 3rd forward next season. Good as cover for Cardwell or Waldron and would be good value wages wise. That way we could spend more on the proven finisher that could almost guarantee this squad a top 3 finish.

Nice rest now but another relegation involved game a Wealdstone. Same team same win please Kev. Its another ground I don't want to ever visit again.
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Even before yesterday nearly all of us would choose Cardwell and Waldron as our starters up front. I have been big fan of Morton since he first came on as sub. Just because he can tackle does not mean he is another Cav. Much more to him than that and I always pick strength and work rate over 3 or 4 nice touches over 90mins.

Either way those two certainly proved Kev spot on for the changes. The Jack Wood fan club need to know that's what he has to do to get game time.

Seems we have much better first 45 if we attack the South first....Including the all important first goal . Three up by half time would seem we had loads of chances.Yet in reality it was all down to Waldron stealing the ball and good finishing. Even the pen was top draw and under pressure because Ashmore has save one of jacks previously.

Waldron showed why he started live as winger for the first but equally impressive was good old Gus poping up where it counts and by just checking his shot enough after an awkward bounce. Most players would have slash that over but Gus kind of punched it to get it just under the bar.

Waldron shows he can play on both sides with that second. Both teams had gone asleep as they assumed keeper would clear. Once Waldron robbed him it became a race for box. Many players would have maybe driven for goal but Waldron took half second, looked up and floated the perfect teaser into the right area rather than look for feet. Morton still had a lot to do and that was great header to finish.

By the time Jack clinically despatched the 3rd, Wood were all over the pace ad arguing with their own manger......That alone is worth £20 of anyones money.

Fiar play to them they come out and had a real go second half. Got back in the game with deflection. What annoyed me was we had all 11 back for the corner. When it was cleared their only man back had all the time to ping ball out right. Even then the two men involved in their goal had to much space. As often happens with to many defenders, no one actually does a good job blocking.

Even when we made it 4-1 that didn't last long. But at least we kept possession at 4-2 and made them fetch the ball rather than rolll around and cheat.

When Dackers came on he did really well. Only a very good save stopped him from grabbing goal. I think he would be good option as the 3rd forward next season. Good as cover for Cardwell or Waldron and would be good value wages wise. That way we could spend more on the proven finisher that could almost guarantee this squad a top 3 finish.

Nice rest now but another relegation involved game a Wealdstone. Same team same win please Kev. Its another ground I don't want to ever visit again.
I can't make the game at Wealdstone.
Have original Seniors ticket if anyone wants it. Free gift.
Hopefully a result that helps send Borehamwood down for a very long time. But unless referees get tough on constant pushing, shirt pulling, and the like, I fear they will only be replaced with another team employing similar tactics before long - I won't be holding my breath.

I know it is only the National League, but I feel we play a really attractive brand of football, something we haven't seen at the Hall for a very long time (including League 1 & 2 days).
Well, that was rather fun wasn't it? We brought some of the grandsons along for the first time and they thoroughly enjoyed it. The oldest one (wise beyond his 10 years) was explaining to people bemoaning the backward passing why they were doing it.

Had a chat with Danny Waldron in the car park, delighted that he has so obviously been working hard in training, one of the best 45 minutes I've seen by an individual in a long, long time. Morton also stepped up massively and the two newbies treated us to a showcase of just why they've been brought to the club. Already quite excited for the prospect of next season.

The only downside yesterday was conceding the two goals! Not conceded two since Chesterfield back in January (3). View was a bit obscured for the first so would like to know if there was a deflection? Did have a kind of feeling we should have done better with them. I didn't feel the defence was quite as assured as normal, don't know if that was because the Boreham Wood attackers were more physical or the weather or what, but it did look a bit nervy at times.

On the whole, I didn't Boreham were as "Boreham" as they usually are, certainly the first 10 minutes, they threw everything at us and it looked as if we were going to have a genuine football match between two teams rather than the usual anti football spoiler game. And then, we got 3 goals in the space of 20 minutes or so - good to see different scorers, and great to see Waldron getting assists for two of them.

Gussy and Cav were both back to their best form, though I honestly thought Wes was going to replace Cav who seemed to be walking a tightrope with a red card looming. Cardwell also had a really good game, creating space and he and Waldron working far better together with flick ons. Bridge had a freer game than usual, seemed to be exploiting other areas of the pitch to his normal left wing and that allowed others to move about also. It was honestly a joy to watch them all yesterday.

More than happy to have Dackers sign a contract for next season, think he's something different to the others and he continued to show versatility and skill on the floor.

All in all, a very good day at the office.

Collin - 7
Gus - 8
Taylor - 7
Kensdale - 7
Ralph - 7
Bridge - 8
Miley - 8
Morton - 8
Coker - 7
Waldron - 9, MOTM
Cardwell - 8

Fonguck for Coker - 7
Dackers for Waldron - 8
Woodman for Bridge - n/a
Enjoyable afternoon, where we put a dispirited Boring Wood to the sword in the first 25 minutes. Nice to see crosses finding our heads and feet, rebounds falling to unmarked players in the box. The football gods were on our side and very much against the opposition as in their run of recent defeats. Ashmore did not make a save, just picked the ball out of his net and badly misjudged the situation for our second. Fresh legs of Waldron and Morton were a revelation and greatly energised our performance. Second half Boring Wood came out with a purpose after probably another rocket from the clearly frustrated Garrard. Again the football gods smiled on us with the penalty decision to keep Boring at arms length. I think they will go down, conceding goals for fun completely unlike the previous 2 seasons when they were the masters at spoiling and 1-0 victories.

Andeng-Ndi 6.5
Taylor 8
Kensdale 7
Ralph 7.5
Scott-Morriss 7.5
Coker 6
Miley 7.5
Morton 8
Bridge 7.5
Cardwell 7
Waldron 8.5 MOTM

Dackers 7
Fonguck 6
Woodman 5.5

Waldron deserved MOTM and best display yet from Morton bodes well for next season. Dackers had an excellent cameo in holding the ball up and seeing the game out. A good period of rest now and let’s go to Wealdstone and help get them relegated also, another anti football team. UTB
Prior to the game, I asked for directness with a tweak on the tactics and personnel. I did think ‘ohwe’ve done this before’ when I saw the line up but how wrong was I.

Bridge, continually come into central areas creating overloading havoc. He was very direct at running into central areas today which allowed Ralph to push on with Morton or Miley comfortably dropping and being prepared for the ball.

Cards and Danny both took it in turns to drop into space to receive the ball, this allowed others to push on which was beautiful to see.

Gus was playing very high up today when we had possession, allowing for lots of movement and space in big areas of the field.

Moreton was everywhere and was a class act today.

Our centre backs showed brilliant composure on the ball and kept possession so well, as did Collin when called upon.

Coker was a little quiet for his standards today but did put himself about.

The movement yesterday from the whole 11 and subs were brilliant, a lot like Chesterfield in my opinion and we seemed to have a lot more freedom to roam around. Please let this continue!
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