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Life President
While you're reading this, Giovanni Trapatoni will be giving his statement to an array of police equipped with notebooks and forensic packs, as one of the greatest robberies of sporting history occurred tonight.

No more than three years ago, Thierry Henry lambasted Barcelona for their less-than-savoury tactics and poor officiating in a Champions League final. We'll ignore the fact he later signed for Barcelona, tonight he proved himself a hypocrite of the highest order with one fell swoop of his left arm.

Ireland dominated the early stages of the game. Much has been said about Raymond Domenech's methods and motivation techniques, and they were clearly ineffective to start with. The French struggled to find any kind of rhythm and, in the 32nd minute, the emerald isle burst into joy. A sweeping move saw Kilbane release Duff down the left hand side, who played a delightful ball into the path of Robbie Keane who finished with aplomb into the bottom right hand corner. The onlooking Stade Francais fell silent, all apart from a small, green section.

After the break, it was much of the same, Robbie Keane even rounding the outstanding Hugo Lloris only to take it a touch too far. As much as Ireland created, however, they failed to find that crucial second goal that would've taken any remaining wind out of French sails. You could have confused France for a much lesser nation, for a side to have such tremendous talent they make hard work of the simplest of tasks. The press have joked about a contest between Domenech and Maradonna of achieving the least with the most talent... It's only the French and Argentinians that aren't laughing.

With the game limping into extra time, Domenech replaced the instrumental Gourcuff with Florent Malouda instead of bringing on the £45m striker Karim Benzema, much to the disgust of the French fans who jeered every misplaced pass, every failed run and every missed interception, heaping pressure onto the hosts.

Extra time was lost to two moments of controversy, one of which will go down in World Cup history. The first saw Nicolas Anelka appear to round Shay Given only to be brought down by the Irish stalwart. Replays showed that Anelka left his leg to be clipped by Given's hand, and he had the good grace to barely appeal for the decision, seemingly knowing the full influence of his actions in such a monumental encounter. He left the show stealing to Thierry Henry.

Sydney Govou, possibly more revered in France than any other player, whipped in a free-kick that flighted past most of the Irish defence. With the ball on the line, Henry intentionally controlled the ball with his left hand and knocked the ball with his right foot past Given , onto Gallas's oddly-shapped head and into the net, sparking wild appeals from the Irish and even wilder celebrations from the hosts. Henry himself spared no thought of his deviousness as he gallivanted towards the fans bearing his best Cheshire cat impression.

Deflated, cheated and exhausted, it proved the knock-out blow to an Irish team running purely on enthusiasm that had now been stolen. The whistle blew without another moment worthy of mention and, with it, the Irish sank to their feet as the French jumped with joy. They were going to South Africa, but at the expense of Irish dreams and the sanctity of football itself. Much will be said of that moment in the coming months, officials on the defensive line are being experimented in the Europa League and are vindicated by moments like this, but it'll provide no sympathy to a nation cheated out of the World Cup.

After the game, Henry sat down next to a deflated Richard Dunne, knowing full well the repercussions of his actions. How Dunne refrained from lumping him I'll never know...
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What a disgrace.

P.S - Good article.
this is the sort of thing that makes you sick, I always admired henry for his skill and flair but now he is just a dishounorable c**t hang your head in shame you cheat
I'm not French and I'm not Irish and I have no other connections to those countries (apart from having a liking for Irish authors and the odd pint of Guiness...which strangely enough makes me qualified to play for Ireland but not support them). Therefore I really couldn't give a monkeys about this game.

I haven't seen the incident yet (I was driving to work at the time) but by the sounds of it I'm disappointed that it involved Thierry Henry, a player I have admired in the past. Otherwise it's no more than an interesting talking point, I don't feel aggreived or angry though....I'll save that for when I give a monkeys.
this is the sort of thing that makes you sick, I always admired henry for his skill and flair but now he is just a dishounorable c**t hang your head in shame you cheat

As Ronnie Whelan said, any pro footballer would do it if it meant winning the match. Surely strengthens the case for video replays.
As Ronnie Whelan said, any pro footballer would do it if it meant winning the match. Surely strengthens the case for video replays.

Or indeed those AARs (Auxiliary Assistant Referees) that have been used in the Europa League this season.

I wonder if the Irish will find Maradona's "Hand of God" goal from 1986 quite as funny now.
I wonder if the Irish will find Maradona's "Hand of God" goal from 1986 quite as funny now.

Probably not, however there was an Irish bloke on Talksport this morning who said at least Maradona scored an other goal in that game. Not sure how that justifies the handball though.
Also, Alan Brazil banging on about replaying the game blah blah blah.
Dont recall many jocks asking to replay the game against Wales where the Joe Jordan handball resulted in a penalty for Scotland, which iirc was in effect a World Cup qualifier.
France were awful and they will get knocked out again in the group stage. I feel really sorry for Ireland they deserved it on the night.

No way that wasn't intentional, most blatant handball you could wish to see!
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Or indeed those AARs (Auxiliary Assistant Referees) that have been used in the Europa League this season.

I wonder if the Irish will find Maradona's "Hand of God" goal from 1986 quite as funny now.

From what I've seen the AAR's have been as much use as a chocolate fire guard. I've always said that video technology should be used for line decisions only. However having watched this incident, and the Irish being cheated out of at least going to the lottery of penalties I've changed my mind. To replay this last night would have taken seconds, exposed Henry as a cheat, and possibly he may have earned a red card for deliberate hand ball. In the past when I've advocated against there's ben calls for penalties and despite numerous playbacks have proved inconclusive.

I did feel sorry for the ref as he was unsighted and he did not get support from the linesman who surely had a better view.

The game won't be played again, however FIFA / UEFA must now immediately sanction the use of replay technology.
From what I've seen the AAR's have been as much use as a chocolate fire guard. I've always said that video technology should be used for line decisions only. However having watched this incident, and the Irish being cheated out of at least going to the lottery of penalties I've changed my mind. To replay this last night would have taken seconds, exposed Henry as a cheat, and possibly he may have earned a red card for deliberate hand ball. In the past when I've advocated against there's ben calls for penalties and despite numerous playbacks have proved inconclusive.

I did feel sorry for the ref as he was unsighted and he did not get support from the linesman who surely had a better view.

The game won't be played again, however FIFA / UEFA must now immediately sanction the use of replay technology.

But that would mean FIFA/UEFA actually growing a pair!! I'm sure Platini is really upset about last night events.
Fully agree with the video technology used on the sam lines as the NFL.

Would this work:

Each manager has 3 chances each game to use Video replay. If he uses it and the ref stands by his original decision, the manager loses a substitution. If the ref agrees with the manager, play is taken back to where the incident happened and restarted.

If a manager makes 3 subs, he loses his chance to use the replay system.

Its quite simple really and if it was bought in initially for Internationals, Champs League and Prem, all the grounds have big screens so the fans can watch the replays at the same time.

Then why not take another leaf from the NFL book, and allow the ref to announce his decision to the crowd, vie a microphone.
I note Mr Platinni has yet to comment.

I'd imagine that both he and Arsene Wenger "did not see the incident".

I note Mr Platinni has yet to comment.

I'd imagine that both he and Arsene Wenger "did not see the incident".


Claiming it was accidental made me laugh it couldn't have been more deliberate unless he caught it. Although apparently he 'fessed up to Richard Dunne.
this is the sort of thing that makes you sick, I always admired henry for his skill and flair but now he is just a dishounorable c**t hang your head in shame you cheat

So Lee you are telling me, if you were in the same situation you would not do the same? I know Kev has no trouble with controlling the ball with his hand during matches. And I expect if SZFC had such a high profile game you would do likewise.

I wonder if the Irish will find Maradona's "Hand of God" goal from 1986 quite as funny now.
My thoughts exactly when watching it, in fact during the match I started off wanting the Irish to win (due to our inherent love of the underdog) to thinking about if it was the English against the French, who would the Irish, Scottish, and Welsh back. so decided I was not bothered who won.

After all if Robbie Keane had managed to find the back of the net the times he was through on goal this whole issue would be a mute point.
Because the stadium air would be turned blue with the inarticulate sweary rants of people like Wayne Rooney.

Why would it? In NFL the Ref steps away from the action to announce his decision, and it is down to him to allow his voice to be heard, unlike Rugby where the Ref is constantly heard.

Personally I do not think the reason why Footballs referees is anything to do with your explanation. I think it is more to do with FIFAs reluctance to bring in such technology, as they like to keep these incidents as it creates passion and opinion.