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Reading through many of the posts regarding our current financial woes, one thought has struck me over and over again:

How the hell does Ron Martin do it?

Mr Martin has been proven to be a liar. That’s a fact that cannot be disputed. I was thinking of prefacing that with an ‘IMHO’, but I don’t really think that’s necessary here. Forget the warchest claims, forget the promises of players being signed ‘sooner rather than later’ – maybe these falsehoods can be forgiven as the promises of a man who wanted to deliver, and really wanted to, but just found himself hamstrung by the global financial meltdown. I can forget these claims, but I cannot forgive Mr Martin for brazenly lying about the financial crisis at the club. As players were sold or loaned out and not replaced, he ridiculed suggestions of financial difficulties and the prospect of administration, and like good little soldiers, most of us believed him. He assured us that the debt to HMRC would be paid in full, and in good time.

The events of the last week or so have proven that he was playing very fast and loose with veracity. And yet he still has his acolytes – Martin loyalists who don’t care about the lies, the misdirection and the undeniable fact that Mr Martin’s stewardship of our beloved football club has led to the good ship SUFC being docked at the unwelcoming port of administration. His acolytes point towards the incompetence and recklessness of Jobson and Main – they remind us of the grave days of Anton Johnson. Does Ron have a sign on his desk that says ‘the buck starts here’? When does he become responsible for anything? Surely the ghost of Vic Jobson didn’t convince him to repeatedly lie about the club’s financial fragility? He reminds me of Obama, constantly blaming Bush for everything that goes wrong, and taking credit for everything that goes right.

So how does Ron Martin do it? Why are so many of my fellow Zoners convinced that he should stay around and take us into administration, with the dreaded ten point deduction? How many of us could continue to lie to our spouses about financial matters, and expect them to jump into our arms when the bailiffs arrive to repossess the house? Why do we not favour a new start, the possibility of avoiding administration, and a fresh injection of capital into the club? How many times do we need to be misled before our patience and trust are long gone?

Mr Martin needs to stop blaming the tax man for demanding monies that any other business would be expected to pay and he must start accepting the fact that he is at least partially responsible for the mess that we find ourselves in. He needs to work with the trust, the fans and the new consortium to prevent Administration and to ensure that this dreadful situation is consigned to the wheelie bin of history, never to be recycled.
He is trying to improve the club and put us in a better position with a new stadium.

Financial issues outside of his control buggered up his plans and led to this.

Im not going to hate the guy for trying to improve the club.
I have always been firmly in the pro ron camp....but the original poster is correct on many points, how many times have the club/ron come out and said no no no there is no financial crisis and everything is luverly juberly, oh hang on actually we are about to go into administration........lies indeed
I have always been firmly in the pro ron camp....but the original poster is correct on many points, how many times have the club/ron come out and said no no no there is no financial crisis and everything is luverly juberly, oh hang on actually we are about to go into administration........lies indeed

He has indeed, and if you see the other stories from July he plays down the problem.

However is that a blatant lie, or him saying things that he thinks will not generate panic as he at the time had a solution ?

Personally I think he is guilty of being naive and a foolish to be in this position but not a liar.
Very good post and I too have been a Ron supporter. Maybe he's not a liar and genuinely thought he could get us out of the mire but his attempts to place the blame on HMRC for pursuing the debt don't wash with me. I'm sure he has good intentions but he's been seriously caught out this time and it could cost us dear.
He has indeed, and if you see the other stories from July he plays down the problem.

However is that a blatant lie, or him saying things that he thinks will not generate panic as he at the time had a solution ?

Personally I think he is guilty of being naive and a foolish to be in this position but not a liar.

in july he played it down........knowing we were in p00p, you can spin it a few different ways, he didnt want to cause panic being one, not disclosing full details could be another, in reality he lied about the situation and thought he could smarm out of it and here we are....... IMO of course
in july he played it down........knowing we were in p00p, you can spin it a few different ways, he didnt want to cause panic being one, not disclosing full details could be another, in reality he lied about the situation and thought he could smarm out of it and here we are....... IMO of course

Well as we know he was waiting on the Sainsburys money and no doubt thought this wouldnt be an issue.

However he has got us into this mess and he is accountable and the buck stops with him, its certainly his fault.

I still refuse to go along with the extreme opinions being formed of him that he is essentially a dishonest crook. If we get through this mess and into a stadium in the next two years he will be regarded as a hero rather than the villain he is being viewed as by many.

Then again if we are in League Two next year and the stadium disappears in a cloud of dreams I shall certainly be of a different opinion...
I agree with Rusty's comments. It's about time he accepted responsibility for the management of the company. Ten years of control and we are left with no ground and no assets.

All the good work and achievements are down to Tilson, a man RM was reluctant to appoint. However, he wasted no time in claiming credit for Steve's success.
Reading through many of the posts regarding our current financial woes, one thought has struck me over and over again:

How the hell does Ron Martin do it?

Mr Martin has been proven to be a liar. That’s a fact that cannot be disputed. I was thinking of prefacing that with an ‘IMHO’, but I don’t really think that’s necessary here. Forget the warchest claims, forget the promises of players being signed ‘sooner rather than later’ – maybe these falsehoods can be forgiven as the promises of a man who wanted to deliver, and really wanted to, but just found himself hamstrung by the global financial meltdown. I can forget these claims, but I cannot forgive Mr Martin for brazenly lying about the financial crisis at the club. As players were sold or loaned out and not replaced, he ridiculed suggestions of financial difficulties and the prospect of administration, and like good little soldiers, most of us believed him. He assured us that the debt to HMRC would be paid in full, and in good time.

The events of the last week or so have proven that he was playing very fast and loose with veracity. And yet he still has his acolytes – Martin loyalists who don’t care about the lies, the misdirection and the undeniable fact that Mr Martin’s stewardship of our beloved football club has led to the good ship SUFC being docked at the unwelcoming port of administration. His acolytes point towards the incompetence and recklessness of Jobson and Main – they remind us of the grave days of Anton Johnson. Does Ron have a sign on his desk that says ‘the buck starts here’? When does he become responsible for anything? Surely the ghost of Vic Jobson didn’t convince him to repeatedly lie about the club’s financial fragility? He reminds me of Obama, constantly blaming Bush for everything that goes wrong, and taking credit for everything that goes right.

So how does Ron Martin do it? Why are so many of my fellow Zoners convinced that he should stay around and take us into administration, with the dreaded ten point deduction? How many of us could continue to lie to our spouses about financial matters, and expect them to jump into our arms when the bailiffs arrive to repossess the house? Why do we not favour a new start, the possibility of avoiding administration, and a fresh injection of capital into the club? How many times do we need to be misled before our patience and trust are long gone?

Mr Martin needs to stop blaming the tax man for demanding monies that any other business would be expected to pay and he must start accepting the fact that he is at least partially responsible for the mess that we find ourselves in. He needs to work with the trust, the fans and the new consortium to prevent Administration and to ensure that this dreadful situation is consigned to the wheelie bin of history, never to be recycled.

As good a post as I have read over the last weeks or so. Not a Ron fan now, nor have I ever been. The moment he stepped onto the pitch following a New Year's Day defeat at home to Bristol Rovers and criticised the players with "I'm not going to put up with a performance like that" I felt it undermined Tilly and the rest of the coaching staff and that was it for me.
I saw it as a man with a huge ego and full of his own self importance trying to remain popular with the very fans that had dared to ask where the Eastwood money had gone.

The signs of the financial troubles at the club had been there for a while now and, as you say, Martin continued to dismiss them out of hand. Now the truth has come out (and I'm sure there is more to come) Martin has been exposed and yet he still has the nerve to try to turn both the club and himself into victims at the hands of the very nasty and tax man...
Well as we know he was waiting on the Sainsburys money and no doubt thought this wouldnt be an issue.

However he has got us into this mess and he is accountable and the buck stops with him, its certainly his fault.

I still refuse to go along with the extreme opinions being formed of him that he is essentially a dishonest crook. If we get through this mess and into a stadium in the next two years he will be regarded as a hero rather than the villain he is being viewed as by many.

Then again if we are in League Two next year and the stadium disappears in a cloud of dreams I shall certainly be of a different opinion...

We have always been told the stadium project and SUFC are not interlinked financial wise.The tax man debt was not reliant on Sainsbury's monies...This is ******** IMO...If they are not interlinked how come the club paid 1.9 million towards it when it was called in.
We have always been told the stadium project and SUFC are not interlinked financial wise.The tax man debt was not reliant on Sainsbury's monies...This is ******** IMO...If they are not interlinked how come the club paid 1.9 million towards it when it was called in.

Thats a fair point, however SUFC is dependant on its parent company which has been affected by the collapse of the property market.

My assumption, and it may be a wild one, is taht the parent company has always bailed SUFC out with these HRMC type bills but because they are having problems are unable to do so on this occassion.

I thought the 1.9m was paid by the parent club and not SUFC?
Thats a fair point, however SUFC is dependant on its parent company which has been affected by the collapse of the property market.

My assumption, and it may be a wild one, is taht the parent company has always bailed SUFC out with these HRMC type bills but because they are having problems are unable to do so on this occassion.

I thought the 1.9m was paid by the parent club and not SUFC?

Not according to Ron's blog/emails..and the accounts show huge administration costs.
Thats a fair point, however SUFC is dependant on its parent company which has been affected by the collapse of the property market.

My assumption, and it may be a wild one, is taht the parent company has always bailed SUFC out with these HRMC type bills but because they are having problems are unable to do so on this occassion.

I thought the 1.9m was paid by the parent club and not SUFC?

Forgive me for asking but who is it's parent Company ?
Reading through many of the posts regarding our current financial woes, one thought has struck me over and over again:

How the hell does Ron Martin do it?

Mr Martin has been proven to be a liar. That’s a fact that cannot be disputed. I was thinking of prefacing that with an ‘IMHO’, but I don’t really think that’s necessary here. Forget the warchest claims, forget the promises of players being signed ‘sooner rather than later’ – maybe these falsehoods can be forgiven as the promises of a man who wanted to deliver, and really wanted to, but just found himself hamstrung by the global financial meltdown. I can forget these claims, but I cannot forgive Mr Martin for brazenly lying about the financial crisis at the club. As players were sold or loaned out and not replaced, he ridiculed suggestions of financial difficulties and the prospect of administration, and like good little soldiers, most of us believed him. He assured us that the debt to HMRC would be paid in full, and in good time.

The events of the last week or so have proven that he was playing very fast and loose with veracity. And yet he still has his acolytes – Martin loyalists who don’t care about the lies, the misdirection and the undeniable fact that Mr Martin’s stewardship of our beloved football club has led to the good ship SUFC being docked at the unwelcoming port of administration. His acolytes point towards the incompetence and recklessness of Jobson and Main – they remind us of the grave days of Anton Johnson. Does Ron have a sign on his desk that says ‘the buck starts here’? When does he become responsible for anything? Surely the ghost of Vic Jobson didn’t convince him to repeatedly lie about the club’s financial fragility? He reminds me of Obama, constantly blaming Bush for everything that goes wrong, and taking credit for everything that goes right.

So how does Ron Martin do it? Why are so many of my fellow Zoners convinced that he should stay around and take us into administration, with the dreaded ten point deduction? How many of us could continue to lie to our spouses about financial matters, and expect them to jump into our arms when the bailiffs arrive to repossess the house? Why do we not favour a new start, the possibility of avoiding administration, and a fresh injection of capital into the club? How many times do we need to be misled before our patience and trust are long gone?

Mr Martin needs to stop blaming the tax man for demanding monies that any other business would be expected to pay and he must start accepting the fact that he is at least partially responsible for the mess that we find ourselves in. He needs to work with the trust, the fans and the new consortium to prevent Administration and to ensure that this dreadful situation is consigned to the wheelie bin of history, never to be recycled.

oops, sorry, i used the wrong quote, this is the best post i have read in weeks LOL. UTB
In which case, where do you think all our money has gone?

Read firestorms posts and with salaries etc its pretty clear that the only reason we are ok is because of Ron Martin et al pumping money in and not charging rent.

Doesnt matter who was in charge, at Roots Hall we will lose money.
Reading through many of the posts regarding our current financial woes, one thought has struck me over and over again:

How the hell does Ron Martin do it?

Mr Martin has been proven to be a liar. That’s a fact that cannot be disputed. I was thinking of prefacing that with an ‘IMHO’, but I don’t really think that’s necessary here. Forget the warchest claims, forget the promises of players being signed ‘sooner rather than later’ – maybe these falsehoods can be forgiven as the promises of a man who wanted to deliver, and really wanted to, but just found himself hamstrung by the global financial meltdown. I can forget these claims, but I cannot forgive Mr Martin for brazenly lying about the financial crisis at the club. As players were sold or loaned out and not replaced, he ridiculed suggestions of financial difficulties and the prospect of administration, and like good little soldiers, most of us believed him. He assured us that the debt to HMRC would be paid in full, and in good time.

The events of the last week or so have proven that he was playing very fast and loose with veracity. And yet he still has his acolytes – Martin loyalists who don’t care about the lies, the misdirection and the undeniable fact that Mr Martin’s stewardship of our beloved football club has led to the good ship SUFC being docked at the unwelcoming port of administration. His acolytes point towards the incompetence and recklessness of Jobson and Main – they remind us of the grave days of Anton Johnson. Does Ron have a sign on his desk that says ‘the buck starts here’? When does he become responsible for anything? Surely the ghost of Vic Jobson didn’t convince him to repeatedly lie about the club’s financial fragility? He reminds me of Obama, constantly blaming Bush for everything that goes wrong, and taking credit for everything that goes right.

So how does Ron Martin do it? Why are so many of my fellow Zoners convinced that he should stay around and take us into administration, with the dreaded ten point deduction? How many of us could continue to lie to our spouses about financial matters, and expect them to jump into our arms when the bailiffs arrive to repossess the house? Why do we not favour a new start, the possibility of avoiding administration, and a fresh injection of capital into the club? How many times do we need to be misled before our patience and trust are long gone?

Mr Martin needs to stop blaming the tax man for demanding monies that any other business would be expected to pay and he must start accepting the fact that he is at least partially responsible for the mess that we find ourselves in. He needs to work with the trust, the fans and the new consortium to prevent Administration and to ensure that this dreadful situation is consigned to the wheelie bin of history, never to be recycled.

From the moment you made that statement at the top in bold, i refused to read the rest. That is simply not true.