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Blue tinted optimist⭐
Oct 28, 2003
Cloud cuckoo land
It's difficult to know exactly where to start. Was the truly appalling refereeing decision that cost us a clear penalty to blame for us dropping 2 points at the Hall? Or was it Bentleys double miss in the last few minutes followed by Pettefers air shot?

Or was it the fact that we were playing a pretty decent and well organised outfit, and we looked as though we had one eye on the LDV?

Whatever way you view it, this was a flat, listless perfomance that sparked into life 15 minutes from time when Southend were seriously unlucky not to steal the points.

The fact that they were level at all was down to 2 brilliant saves from Darryl Flahavan, who probably deserved the sponsors MOM award simply for keeping a clean sheet - something that he has failed to do on many occasions in the past - which was the reason Blues managed to share the spoils.

Scunthorpe worked us hard all over the pitch and, truth known, contained Blues pretty easily for 75 minutes. It took until first half injury time before Nicolau had the first shot at the Scunthorpe goal, a tame effort from distance which posed the keeper no problems. In fairness, Scunthorpe only really created one opportunity themselves - Walters found himself goalside of the defence and onside and shot at an advancing Flahavan from 10 yards, but Darryl flung himself to his right to push the ball away for a corner.

So the first half wasn't exactly end to end stuff. There were too many below par Blues players with Maher, Pettefer, Hunt, Bentley and Gray being the chief culprits.

I was expecting a bit of an onslaught from us in the second period - surely Tilly would have given them a rocket - but it never materialised. After 48 minutes, the entire ground were certain Scunthorpe had scored - everyone except Darryl. A back post cross evaded everyone and Barraclough headed back across goal. Flahavan, going the wrong way, somehow got enough on it to slow it down and allow Prior to clear off the line.

Eventually Southend registered a second goal attempt as on 54 mins Freddy wormed his way into the box from the left and unleashed a shot which was sadly off target.

Scunthorpe were having much the better of things and Blues passing deserted them. I said to my mate that it is going to take a penalty to let us score tonight. Shortly afterwards, after a double substitution with Gower and Dudfield replacing an unlucky Nicolau and an ineffective Gray, we so nearly had that slice of luck. A long ball into the left channel was taken brilliantly by Freddy in front of the East Blacks and he cut into the box, only for Crosby to stick his arm out. Handball! The linesman flagged - but not for a penalty. Despite all the protests the ref - who would have had an excellent view of it - stood by the linos decision. A friend of mine who is in the South Upper almost level has said it was definitely in the box. Of course, the free kick came to nothing, as is usual.

But this did spark Southend into life and at last they started to create the chances we know they can and Scunthorpe could not live with them. Freddy, Gower and Maher all raind shots in that were blocked or off target; Bentley was clean through in the box and shot straight at the keeper - twice (and once when he was on the deck) and Pettefer did an airshot (almost) at the back post in injury time. We created more in the last 5 minutes than the previous 85 - and it was Scunthorpe who were relieved to hang on for the draw.

All in all a result that does no-one any favours - except the other teams in the top 12!


Flahavan - 8 - MOM. Two brilliant saves won us a point. Poor kicking and distribution (which used to be his strengths) stopped it from being a 9.

Hunt - 6 - Below par. Not the Hunt of recent weeks - seemed leaden footed. Made some good challenges.
Prior - 7. Struggled a bit in the air against Torpey, who's a handful. Pretty solid without being dominant.
Barrett - 6.5 - Have seen him play better. Made a couple of uncharacteristic errors.
Wilson - 6.5. Not too bad, but guilty of leaving the ball to other players too often. made some good challenges and interceptions. Somehow got booked which was an absolute joke. It was a perfectly fair tackle which bemused everyone as to why it was even a free kick, let alone a booking.

Nicolau - 7 - Unlucky to be subbed I felt. Anything we did do (which wasn't much) he was involved in.
Maher - 6 - Poorest game I've seen from him for some time. Gave the ball away and was muscled out of it. Nearly got booked again for dissent.
Bentley - 6 - Largely anonymous but improved as the game progressed. Had a great chance to win it and blew it. Just seen it on Sky Sports and it looks even worse.
Pettefer - 4. Worst performance I've seen from him. Touch of an elephant, can't score, can't cross, can't even shoot. Yes, he runs around a lot and works hard but we need more creation and width, which he fails to give us. Vote for him as player of the month? Joking, surely?

Gray - 5 - Back to the bad old Gray days. Didn't look interested.
Eastwood - 6 - did some decent stuff, but didn't register a shot on target. Maybe next week.

Subs -

Gower - 7 - Not as influential as against Darlo but I think he must now start, if fit. WHen he is on the pitch we at least look like scoring.
Dudfield - 6 - Couldn't get into it. Chased lost causes, which was more tha Gray did tonight.

Ref -

P Taylor - 3. I have never seen a ref ruin a game so badly as he did in the first half. He was marginally better in the second - despite the penalty thing - but he was absolutely rubbish for both teams. Think he was on a card bonus too.
That ref was a joke, i'm sick and tired of officials deciding matches. Why do they think we pay to see them? Its disgusting that they can so easily determine the outcome of a match and it can't be right. I for one will not be sad if he never graces roots hall again, sickening and the gutless lino's were no better. Disgusting.
Well done Darryl, two world class saves,, one from about 6 yards out and the header that I thought as did every Scunthorpe fan put us 1 - 0 down, which I doubt we woulda come back from.
I think this game showed that Tilson made a tactical error in dropping Lawrie. Whether scoring or not he causes so many more problems for defences than any other of our forwards. This was clearly demonstrated by how the game changed after he came on. Surely he must start on Tuesday?
Actually i would say that Brian Laws did his homework knew where are supply comes from and made sure his used spoiling tactics with the hope of nicking a goal, I have to say Scunthorpe where the most organised i have seen down at the Hall this season. The knew we had to take the initiative and ensured that we could not play througth the wings by cutting off the supply between Wilson and Nicolau as well as Hunt and Pettefer.

The lino was weak and decided not to give us the penalty as it was him who had the clear view and originally called the foul, but when the Ref asked him, he indicated it was outside the box. The man is a Eunuch - no balls. Of course Bentley could have wrapped it up, however this miss was made even worse by his interview with the Echo where he claimed he had been working on his shooting.

i think Tilson although sticking by his statement that people in form will play and no-one can expect to automatically start which is fair enough. But to what ends? I think keeping Gower from starting is being detrimental to the sides attacking force, especially at home where we have to force the issue, I know if Bentley had scored I wouldn't even be questioning this but the fact is he never and we woulda been lucky if he did. Gower needs to play he's our best player going forward and it makes no sense leaving him out due to Tilsons policy. He's our best attcking option we look flat without him, play him. If Pettefer plays like he did tonight for much longer though, this won't be an issue cause Gower will be back on the right hand side!
Gower must play. He's our best player and we aren't the same team without him.
Two points from two matches against two of the top teams.

Sorry, lads, but this really doesn't bode well for our promotion hopes ...

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Javea Shrimper @ Feb. 12 2005,07:38)]Two points from two matches against two of the top teams.

Sorry, lads, but this really doesn't bode well for our promotion hopes ...

Actually Mike, that I don't have a problem with. We've taken 4 points off Swansea, 3 so far off Northampton with maybe more next week, 3 from Darlo, 3 from Boston and 3 so far from Macclesfield.

It's only Scunny where we've only got 1 and Yeovil of course where we have yet to get anything.

You can't win every game, so I personally don't think that's too bad. At least Scunthorpe were a good side, probably the most organised I've seen this season.

I was more disappointed with the 0-0 draw against Notts County.

Still, there's 14 games to go, which is nearly 1/3. All is not lost.
Good report FBM. I thought the main problems last night were that Scunny were a good side, fast, pacey, hardworking and organised and you need a moment of magic to open up those defences. Gower and Eastwood are the only 2 players with this spark. Freddy left his shooting boots at home and Gower came on too late. Still all is not lost. Season's never turn on one game. 14 to go and I still fancy us.
Pretty damned good FBM. Even I am surprised that Maher got a 6

I know Gower is our most creative player but I'd rather his first full game back was against the likes of Shrewsbury rather than Scunthorpe. Full marks to Scunny for doing their homework. Great performance from Darryl and he had to cope with more than his fair share of backpasses more than one of which bobbled awfully for him.

Not just the referee but all 3 match officials were a disgrace. I was too far away from the handball incident so I can't comment on that but he was fishing to send somebody off right from the word go. Super Cheese Wilson's challenge a booking ? I didn't think it was a foul.

Spinner's performance was amongst the best I've seen from him. OK he didn't win everything in the air but he wants to win and plays with passion. Sadly one or two others were well below par and I'd include Bentley in that list and not for his misses.
Theres no excuses for hitting it straight at the keeper, im now ****ed off again after seeing that. what a save from Flav's save of the season
Commenting on the ref - I thought he was going to book Maher who took a swipe after he was cleaned out by a two footed hack in the first half. Surely the handball that could have resulted in a penalty (I was too far away to make a judgement whether it was made in the box or not) was a red card offence ? Did it deny us a goal scoring opportunity ? A malicious foul would have resulted in a red card - so what about a deliberate handball - crikey the guy was playing basketball !

Another side point - good to see renewed interest in SUFC but one side point is please no screaming girls who dont understand our beautiful game - I mean I had about 4 teenage girls screaming in my ear for the first half over everything and anything. Thankfully they didnt return in the 2nd half - suppose they didnt take too kindly to my vitriolic outbursts. I suppose that this isnt a claim against the younger female "football" follower - as the teenage lads who sat by us as well also proved a nuisance - chavs (is that the correct term?) - christ I thought iI was sitting behind Jack-ibn-the-box as this young lad was remonstrating over everything on the pitch even over blatant throw-ins that went against us!
Bring back terracing !!!!!!!!!!!!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Rayleigh_Blue @ Feb. 12 2005,10:54)]Another side point - good to see renewed interest in SUFC but one side point is please no screaming girls who dont understand our beautiful game - I mean I had about 4 teenage girls screaming in my ear for the first half over everything and anything. Thankfully they didnt return in the 2nd half - suppose they didnt take too kindly to my vitriolic outbursts. I suppose that this isnt a claim against the younger female "football" follower - as the teenage lads who sat by us as well also proved a nuisance - chavs (is that the correct term?) - christ I thought iI was sitting behind Jack-ibn-the-box as this young lad was remonstrating over everything on the pitch even over blatant throw-ins that went against us!
Bring back terracing !!!!!!!!!!!!
time for the thermos and tartan blanket mate. You're getting old. Come and join all the old farts in ther east greens

First of all, why on earth was Dudfield dropped? A bizarre decision that I really couldn't agree with. Freddy came in and looked desperate to impress after being left out recently, but if Tilly wanted to bring Freddy back, Gray had to be the one who was left out. Speaking of Gray, what an absolute shambles of a performance he put on last night.

Most annoyingly though, why on earth did it take us 80 minutes to realise we were playing in a massive game? We just didn't wake up, we needed a freshening up, and we only came to life when Dudfield and Gower came on and they're both must starters from now on surely? We messed up big time last night, as Scunny were there for the taking, and after today we could drop down to 6th with automatic promotion looking a long way off.

My ratings:

Flahavan 8: Produced two of the best saves you'll ever see. On Soccer Am this morning Peter Beagrie said that second one would have been 'save of the century' if it was in the Prem. Once again though his kicking wasn't great, which is bizarre as it's normally exemplary. Either he's been taking lessons from Bart or his injury is still niggling him. Showed just why he was so highly rated a couple of years ago with those saves though.

Hunt 6.5: A shadow of the performance he put in against Swindon. Had an off night like so many.

Prior 6.5: Still scares the living daylights out of me with some of the things he does. One moment he's a class above, the next he produces something that wouldn't be out of place in a game between two pub teams.

Barrett 7: His usual solid self.

Wilson 4.5: Another one of those performances from him that alerts to the fact that we need a better left back if we're going to go up. His distribution was once again dreadful.

Pettefer 4.5: A horrific performance. I'll leave it at that.

Maher 7: Drove on and was one of only 3 or 4 that showed any grit and determination to try and win the game.

Bentley 5.5: Anonymous for so long and then he had the chance to be the hero and he fluffed it.

Nicolau 6.5: Another strange decision by Tilly to take him off. Whilst Bentley and Pettefer were having stinkers, Nicolau was sacrificed despite being far better and far more determined.

Gray 4.5: Woeful, truly woeful. The thought that ran through my mind whilst watching that was, Barrington Belgrave. No determination, no effort and no ability shown whatsoever. Once again as I said after the Swindon game, and that was after seeing him from a higher vantage point, he has no reaction to any ball that drops near him and he's so static it's ridiculous. Has to be dropped for Tuesday and Dudfield or Tes must start.

Eastwood 7.5: Much more like it. Showed 100% effort as well as the high ability we all know he has. If that volley from the flick over his head had gone in it would've have been the goal of the season no doubt. The rest has obviously done him good.


Gower 6.5: Should have started, and now is the time to bring him back as we miss him desperately.

Dudfield 6.5: Like Gower, he needs to be back in the team, and like Gower also, he gave us the freshening up we needed. But unfortunately to no avail.

Lastly, that was the worst refereeing performance I have ever seen at Roots Hall, even over the top of buffoons such as Kettle and Ross. He was astonishing, absolutely astonishing.
Scunthrope got Yeovil & Swansea away while we got Shrewsbury & Bury at home (these match is after we play Northampton), so its not all lost yet, we are unbeaten in 6 game now with 4 clean sheet, this not known with Southend Utd FC as they used be the team that leak goals in the past.

If we finish in the play-off, I would fancy our chance.
In the same way that I thought a point was good for us at Swansea in the automatic promotion stakes, I think a point's good for Scunthorpe here but less for us.

Chin up though. We've only lost once in about ten and still in the playoff spots. Don't want to be too negative about it but I really felt the automatics slipping away last night. Obviously, we're not by any means guaranteed playoffs, just as the top three are by no means promoted but last night felt really significant. If we beat Yeovil and Northampton, perhaps we'll get another shot at it. Who knows.
Andy S, Dudfield was dropped because Gray scored last week and we needed Eastwood back really, apparently Dudfield was poor at Swansea. He seems to do better when he comes on as a sub anyway.

I think a draw was a fair result. Both sides went for the win but I thought it was a fairly scrappy, physical game and you wouldn't have thought it was between 2 sides at the top of the table. We didn't get the ball forward well enough, we had no creativity and I thought the midfield were far too deep. Scunny had the better chances and should have won (how did Torpey miss that diving header?), but we should have had a penalty and Bentley should have scored, so I think overall a draw was a fair result. Not a great performance from the Blues, but no one had a particularly bad game and thankfully Darlo, Lincoln and amazingly Swansea lost today.

Finally, the referee last night was shocking! Blowed his whistle far too much and gave his cards out like they were free leaflets (how on earth did Wilson get booked?). He also denied us a blatant penalty. These are my ratings:

Flahavan 7 - A good 200th appearance, made an outstanding save in the first half and looked alert and solid all night.

Hunt 7 - Another solid performance at right-back, didn't get forward much though.

Prior 7 - Gave 100% as usual, had a bit of trouble with the Torpey (or whoever it was he was marking) but generally handled it well and won his usual high percentage of headers.

Barrett 6 - Unusually made a few errors and was beaten by his marker a few times.

Wilson 6 - Defended fairly well but yet again his passing was awful, gave the ball away far too much.

Pettefer 5 - Worked hard as usual but created very little, and as fbm said why on earth are we voting for him for player of the month? It would be a joke if he wins it, let another player from another team win it who deserves it.

Maher 6 - Didn't create anything for the strikers and was often muscled out in the midfield battle.

Bentley 5 - Another pedestrian performance, but he really should have scored.

Nicolau 5 - Very ineffective, deserved to be subbed.

Gray 4 - Awful! Looked like he didn't care and whenever he got the ball he either fell over or lost it, he's another Mark Rawle! His worst performance I've seen.

EASTWOOD 8 - My MoTM. Everything good we did, he was at the heart of it and he went close on a couple of occasions. Did act selfish on some occasions but I doubt he had much confidence in the rest of our player's finishing anyway.