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The Zones Zoner New Years Honour List.

Ok very simple just put forward a zoner for an honor and put why,nothing too rude as the mods will go into meltdown.

Sonic of course,came back in to the fold this year and is more bonkers then ever,gives me a run for bad spelling and grammer and every post is a gem.
Plus he is the smartest person in Glouster after fred and rose west.

For me it has to be bumablue or tangledupinpoo as he is now known,even he admits he is a troll but to be honest i miss her when she is banned because her posts can be comendy gems,again as bad as me at spelling and grammer.

For me this has to be rootshallbloke,just going to show that retiring is not the end of the road.
Alas he can spell and do grammer..

Tough one because they are all *******s(only joshing) but im going for south bank hank.

Thats it for me so why not add your gongs and whys and who,s or indeed dont.
Happy new year
Ok very simple just put forward a zoner for an honor and put why,nothing too rude as the mods will go into meltdown.

Sonic of course,came back in to the fold this year and is more bonkers then ever,gives me a run for bad spelling and grammer and every post is a gem.
Plus he is the smartest person in Glouster after fred and rose west.

For me it has to be bumablue or tangledupinpoo as he is now known,even he admits he is a troll but to be honest i miss her when she is banned because her posts can be comendy gems,again as bad as me at spelling
and grammer.

For me this has to be rootshallbloke,just going to show that retiring is not the end of the road.
Alas he can spell and do grammer..

Tough one because they are all *******s(only joshing) but im going for south bank hank.

Thats it for me so why not add your gongs and whys and who,s or indeed dont.
Happy new year

In the interests of accuracy, please indicate any post of mine, whatsoever, where I've admitted to being a troll.
In the interest of not feeding your over inflated ego no.
On a thread when asked why you do what you do you replied that you like to wind threads up hence you admit to being and indeed looking like a troll.

You seem to enjoy putting words in people's mouths (especially ones they've never actually used).

I asked for evidence and (as usual) you haven't provided any.

Btw,you yourself have started this thread with (what looks like), the express purpose of provoking a reaction from me, with some derogatory comments.

That's what trolls do,isn't it? :raspberry:
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Yes yes i am a troll a kipper a FN supporter a racist bigot of a troll and no you silly old person this thread was not started to just dig you out,it was started for a mere piece of fun.
If i get time i will hunt down your words but do not hold your breath as i really could count the fecks i give on no fingers.
My nominations are:
Poster of the Year (any year); Mike

Fisher person of the Year:net:; BarnaBlue

Troll of the Year; MrsBlue

Alternative view Poster; Rattus

Dumbest poster; the No1 and only Mork Stevart (or whatever)

MIA poster/Mod and absentee from too many games; Ricey

Distance Knowledge Poster; ORM

Steady and sane Poster; RootsHallBloke

Rose Tinted Glasses for all things circa 1970-90; K. Hogg
Funniest Poster: MadCyril

Post of the year: The "Just in Edinburgh" post by C C Csiders

SZ Celebrity of the Year: Ron Manager

SZ Exile of the year: Berrichonne Shrimper

SZ Exile of the year (developing world/third world): MK Shrimper

SZ Supporter's Group of the year: SUISA
My nominations are:
Poster of the Year (any year); Mike

Fisher person of the Year:net:; BarnaBlue

Troll of the Year; MrsBlue

Alternative view Poster; Rattus

Dumbest poster; the No1 and only Mork Stevart (or whatever)

MIA poster/Mod and absentee from too many games; Ricey

Distance Knowledge Poster; ORM

Steady and sane Poster; RootsHallBloke

Rose Tinted Glasses for all things circa 1970-90; K. Hogg

Thank you !

Winner yippee.