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seany t

As a kid, I remember this weird video 'Tron' in the corner of the local rental store. I watched it, didn't really get it or like it as a ten year old, and that was that.

Except that it wasn't it. For some unknown reason, I found myself repeatedly hiring it out, over and over. Then I found myself buying it on DVD years later. And whilst I've never been super obsessed with it, there is something amazingly ahead of it's time about the whole film.

Which is why I'm very excited that after years of discussion it's now getting a sequel: 'Tron Legacy'.

The first proper trailer went live this week (after the initial teaser went down a storm) and it looks great.


It's got the original writer on board, Bridges back in it (as his older and younger self), a fresh lick of paint thanks to the guys at Pixar, Bruce Boxleitner's gruff voice, a fancy 3D universe and a soundtrack by Daft Punk.

Empire has done a big feature on it here too:


It probably won't be groundbreaking or even the film of the year, but I'm really glad a whole new generation will get to see the world of 'Tron'.
I remember seeing the original at the old Classic in Westcliff. I have to confess I was slightly underwhelmed as I had watched 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' on the other screen earlier in the day. Let's hope 'Legacy' isn't a steaming pile of turds like the last Indiana Jones sequel.
Tron was a ****ing great film with a great soundtrack.

I hope Daft Punk don't **** it up.
The Anika Indian restaurant on Canvey Island is a little bit like Tron because it is very dark and has strange purple and blue lighting.

Unlike Tron the place is full of people that think a crate of Carling and 2 litres of Lambrini is suitable accompaniament to a meal for two.

The staff also didn't get my Anika Rice joke.
The Anika Indian restaurant on Canvey Island is a little bit like Tron because it is very dark and has strange purple and blue lighting.

Unlike Tron the place is full of people that think a crate of Carling and 2 litres of Lambrini is suitable accompaniament to a meal for two.

The staff also didn't get my Anika Rice joke.

That's a whole heap of crap booze...
Let's hope 'Legacy' isn't a steaming pile of turds like the last Indiana Jones sequel.

Amen to that, brother. That last Indiana Jones was, frankly, embarrassing.

I was 9 years old when the original Tron came out. I was living in Brazil at the time, and we managed to catch an un-dubbed version in a local cinema. I remember being very excited about it at the time - as you might imagine, computers and motorbike thingys and lots of LEDs to a 9 year old is about as cool as it gets!


Look forward to seeing what they've done with this version.


PS Just googling about the original Tron... I never realised that one of the lead actors was a very young Jeff Bridges!

From this:


to this:


...you can't say that Mr. Bridges hasn't shown versatility in his career!
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I actually didn't mind the first 10 or 15 minutes of the last Indiana Jones... Then it descended into a mess of the ugliest proportions and how it ended was completely farcical.
Tron Deadly Discs was one of the best games to grace the Mattel Intellivision System.



I actually didn't mind the first 10 or 15 minutes of the last Indiana Jones... Then it descended into a mess of the ugliest proportions and how it ended was completely farcical.

Yeah me too.

I was thinking at that point, barring the gophers, 'yeah I don't see why this is getting such a caning'.

And then Shia LeBoeuf arrived, some monkeys helped him out, Indy descended into a farcical slapstick and it all fell apart.

It had all the right bits, but needed someone to take hold of the thing who wasn't George Lucas and make it true to the originals. I could even have handled the aliens had the rest of it been alright; Indy was always about silly escapist fun (I mean, a guy who removes peoples hearts? The Ark? Jumping out of a plane in a life raft?)

But that film did everything wrong that Indy normally does so right.

Still, the artist from the first 3 films got to do another nice poster I guess...

Could be great. Will be ruined by some hollywood director ****.. White american in lead role.. Female Halle Berry type who know a surprising amount of martial arts.. This will be kept secret until white American hero tries to save her and she saves herself and him.. Fiesty kid, usually a boy but will be a girl this time..Token black guy.. Will Smith is far to important for this role so Cuba Gooding Jnr will snap it up with full Pearl Harbour style!!! Villian, I'll go for Rickman in the usual posh English mode.. Forget simple goodies and baddies.. Will encompass a whoel load of 'right on' messages.. If im wrong It really could be good.. They have to remeber the market for this is 40 odd now.. But it will be targeted at PSP and X boxers to flog games.. ie a giant advert..
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