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Cheques bouncing all over the place. A former employee of the club finally got told that he was being given all the outstanding monies owed to him (some 7-8 months) and decided with his wife that they would use it to go on a well-deserved holiday. The cheque bounced.....
Cheques bouncing all over the place. A former employee of the club finally got told that he was being given all the outstanding monies owed to him (some 7-8 months) and decided with his wife that they would use it to go on a well-deserved holiday. The cheque bounced.....
Unbelievable. Is this recently mate?
Three or four years back, I was told that most local suppliers would only deal in cash as they would not trust a club cheque!!

One of Ron's favourite statements is that the club operates without an overdraft, translated from code means the banks will not provide one.
That's what Leeds fans thought, just before Ken Bates bought the club back at a knockdown price.

Wouldn't the recent arrangement with Sainsbury's leave them as major creditors?

Also pre-packs like Bates' are far more difficult to push through now.
Unbelievable. Is this recently mate?

Yeah pal in the last 2 or 3 weeks or so. Steve Tilson got the 2 or 3 months money out of the 7 or 8 that he is owed because it was put straight into his account. But the other ex-employee had his cheque bounce.

I also understand that this is one of the reasons why David Webb left his 'Assistant to the Manager' post. Was promised some monetary reward by the Chairman for his services. The first cheque bounced. So did the second.
Cheques bouncing all over the place. A former employee of the club finally got told that he was being given all the outstanding monies owed to him (some 7-8 months) and decided with his wife that they would use it to go on a well-deserved holiday. The cheque bounced.....

Interesting how the club "swept" [cough, cough] this little titbit of info under the carpet, again...
I'm not to sure what to make of some of the comments on this thread. How do you know these points are true? Where have you heard them from etc etc...
So much stuff is slung about it's hard to see what is a truth. I'm not saying that you are lying, and it certainly is possible for our little nicely combed chairman to have accidently bounced a couple of cheques.
I'm not to sure what to make of some of the comments on this thread. How do you know these points are true? Where have you heard them from etc etc...
So much stuff is slung about it's hard to see what is a truth. I'm not saying that you are lying, and it certainly is possible for our little nicely combed chairman to have accidently bounced a couple of cheques.

Understatement of the year!
When Sainsbury's became involved a few months ago and assured us the money for the following season I thought we could now concentrate on the activities on the
pitch. I even, naively, as it now seems, believed that the new stadium would soon be under way. I fear that these cheque stories seem to be coming too regularly and from too many sources, to be able to discount. I am trying to draw some consolation in the fact that perhaps monies for the really important payments (i.e. HMRC), will have been put aside .......................but even if that is true, where does that leave us for the future? Sickeningly worrying again, just what was needed following that moral boosting performance on Saturday.
I'm not to sure what to make of some of the comments on this thread. How do you know these points are true? Where have you heard them from etc etc...
So much stuff is slung about it's hard to see what is a truth. I'm not saying that you are lying, and it certainly is possible for our little nicely combed chairman to have accidently bounced a couple of cheques.

Of course, that's it. It would have been an accident.
I honestly don't mean any disrespect by this comment, but is chanting 'Martin Out' not just a little bit infantile? What exactly do people think this will achieve in all honesty? Do you think it will make him turn round and decide to sell the club to the highest bidder? Does anyone really and truly believe that? If you do, then you're more deluded than he is!! Ron Martin has way too much invested in this football club for him to just walk away because a few fans decide to throw their toys out of the pram because we're losing 0-2 at home!!

RC, I agree with you here. The chants etc won't do much. They definitly won't see Martin relinquish control. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't do it. As Tommy said, if it makes that weasle squirm in his seat, then a good job well done. Afterall, hasn't he done it to us enough times? The main problem is, Ron knows he can pretty much do what he wants, (he even said, it was "his club"), so we as fans, should unite and show him that we're not happy. Where do we go from there? Who knows

We then get the other extreme, where now, it appears, that some fans are going to start chanting this from the get-go against Rotherham - Great, that will create exactly the kind of environment where our players will thrive and want to play football.... Oh, hang on a minute, that's not right is it? Actually, it will create the kind of environment where the opposition, in this case a decent side, will look to take full advantage of - and who loses then? Ron Martin? Nope, he owns the club, but he's not a fan, actually it's the fans who lose out because we've lost yet another home game.
Let's be honest, "The Roots Hall Roar" isn't exactly world famous is it? In truth, The Hall is more like a morgue, bar the odd occasion. I've never understood the arguement from those who say "get behind the team" etc, when in general there is about 100 people singing on a matchday, bar, again, the smattering of clapping, reserved singing that breaks out on average 2-3 times per game. So in actual fact, I don't think it will have a detrimental effect on the playing standard whatsoever. You could also argue that singing songs about Col U/Orient etc are detrimental.

Also, what is with all the melodrama? Have we ever seen our club in a worse position than this? Yes, of course we have - anyone who was there when we played Halifax Town in front of our lowest ever league crow, around 1500, will testify to that!! I think perspective is needed again here.
Perspective? Well, let's see.... Winding up orders, court hearings, millions of pounds in debt, the chairman arrested, non-payment of wages to staff, transfer embargos, losing an entire squad to be replaced by inferior players, cheques supposedly bouncing etc etc etc. The truth is, this club is in severe trouble. Being concernced about it's welfare isn't being melodramatic IMO.

We are rebuilding this squad of ours from the ground up - we had no players in July, now we have 20+. Yes, we know the reasons for this, but what is important now is everyone concentrating on the future and trying to move on from what has gone on. We do no good for this club by immediately looking for an excuse to start chanting Martin Out every time we play at home - and as BA said, the chants had no credibility because they only started when losing 2-0 - as if to say, Martin, you're to blame for that defeat - Nonsense!
I'd say two things to that;

1) when we're winning/playing well, it papers over the cracks. The truth is, many people are still brimming with rage/fury/disgust/dissapointment on how and why we've ended up where we have, and witnessing a shocking performance brings those feelings to the top. Whereas a winning performance, suppresses it, temporarily.

2) The chanting should be done widescale. Winning, losing, drawing, before, during, after. Makes difference to me.

The players we have here now don't have the baggage of last season, which is a good thing, so why do we see fit to try and burden them with it? We're making it their problem by constantly bringing up what has gone on, and why do we want to do that? He is not going to sell this club because you ask him to - and if he wanted to, who in their right mind would buy it right now? Everything goes in circles - we have good times, and we have bad times - we're not a big enough club to survive in the Championship right now, and we are the size of club who is likely to yo-yo between League One and Two. It's hardly outrageous that we are where we are - Look at Bradford?
IMO you seem to have a defeatest attitude. 'There's nothing we can do, so why bother, let's just crack on, and hope eveything works out', type attitude. I, like many others, refuse to adopt that mentality. At the end of the day, it's your opinion, and you're entitled to it. All I know is, i'd hate to see this club go under. The second thing i'd hate, is to know I stood by and did nothing.

Let me ask you a question, on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being crap, and 10 being brilliant) how well do you think the club is being run?
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