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Benfleet A1

Hector Of The House
I awoke at 4am in need of a wee and stumbled out of bed. One empty bladder later I attempted to get back to the land of nod, no chance. So I surfaced, got dressed and tip toed into the kitchen for a cuppa. Got bored with the telly so tormented the cat for a while by making out I was going to let him in then closing the door again and grinning at him. Boredom is a terrible thing.

At 8.30am I left the house and headed for the station and by god was it cold. A thick frost was everywhere and I was glad I had my gloves on. Got to the station and was duly robbed for my travel card, got a coffee and some fags and proceeded to smoke myself to death in the hope of warming up. Train arrived and on I got to a round of applause from Cricko, Smithy and J who carried it on too much and got slapped with the Daily Mail for his trouble. Had a beer.

Second beer in and we arrived at Fenchurch. My feet were starting to hurt which was down to new trainers but never mind, the pub was only around the corner. The pub was closed. Weeks of talking about where to meet and the sodding place was shut. After several minutes of ripping Smithy to shreads for his bad choice and shoddy planing we headed for the Liberty Bound for brekkie and beer. Brekkie was duly served with a bottle of Nooky Brown and extra toast and a few songs were had until the Management told us to shut up. Me and J then decided to go up to Hamilton Halls to meet some of the chaps then head to Fulham Broadway. Feet were really hurting now. Had another beer and got tube. Arrived unscathed and asked a policeman the way to The Slug. Had another beer and a sing song then went to the ground.

Got through the secuity ring of steel and into the ground for another beer and chat with a chap I hadn't seen for years. Attempted to find seat but gave up due to beer affecting balance and finding another one within slumping distance. Watched game, lost voice, throughly enjoyed the occasion. Half time, had beer and pie (very nice) emptied bladder and retook seat. Watched game, voice reduced to squeak, went mental when Clarkey scored, hugged total stranger. Exchanged phone numbers :unsure:

Game over and back to The Slug. More beer, Callum appears and yet more beer and another sing song. Back on the tube to Embankment and into The Princess of Wales. Meet some Plymouth fans and have a nice chat with them while eyeing up one of their daughters. Lean on bar and knock the soup pot flying. Say sorry, get more beer and observe that the soup didn't look very nice anyway.

Jump back on tube and end up in some hotel by Fenchurch for another couple of beers. Finally catch train home, fall asleep and miss Basildon by three stops. Get off and catch another train back to Basildon. Taxi to burger bar at the five bells then hobble back home as feet now totally crippled.

As I type this my head is banging, I have blisters the size of Bournemouth and a very empty wallet. What a great day out. :cool:
I thought i'd hallucinated that we were drinking with some Plymouth Argyll birds and their dad!
I'm blaming Ldnfasto for the Cross keys fiasco.
I thought i'd hallucinated that we were drinking with some Plymouth Argyll birds and their dad!
I'm blaming Ldnfasto for the Cross keys fiasco.

I would concur with that comment as i was 4 foot from the incident in question mate


Partners in crime me thinks!

I thought i'd hallucinated that we were drinking with some Plymouth Argyll birds and their dad!
I'm blaming Ldnfasto for the Cross keys fiasco.

I'm sure we spoke to them on Tower Hill station at around 8.30-8.45p.m. Got a kiss off one of the girls, hav'nt washed since.