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Part timer
Posters on this forum such as mcnasty & pboreham have questioned what a protest against ron will achieve & questioned the commitment of those participating, whilst also taking enjoyment from lampooning poor jack in the process. I don't claim to have the right view, but so far within those threads i don't feel anyone has sufficiently put in words what can be achieved and why they are taking such action. Ultimately i have detested ron's presence from day 1,it was apparent that he had asset stripped the club & paid next to nothing acquire a controlling stake in the club that meant he held all the cards. With him being a property developer it was very quick to see that southend would not remain on the rich residential Roots Hall site for long........and so in my mind Ron's priorities were set. His behaviour was further questionable when it took a fans & echo campaign to get tilly installed and ron give up his fantasy over stan (chasing the limelight rather than the fans wishes). Around the same time was when he also began (his now ever familiar to most shrimpers) end of match pitch tour after a battling away 0-0 draw with mansfield which left me thinking "what is this moron doing? We're applauding the players not Ron the Messiah". There are 92 league clubs and only between 5-10% of those clubs can achieve "success" within any given season,which means there's going to be alot of fans alot of the time watching unsuccessful teams.for that reason i do not hand my money over at the gate just wanting to watch my team win,no,a football club is about the fans and the town.so whilst i want to see the lads giving 100% i also attend to sing them on,sing about my town,the history of the team & socialise with my fellow essex boys & girls-there is no place for a profiteering, megalomaniac in something that should belong to the fans.like most on this forum i would follow southend regardless,so would gladly see the club go into admin and play in the senior league if it meant that it was run in the interests of the fans and not one man's pocket.i have no desire for a new souless plastic shell of a new stadium,miles from town,no decent transport links,void of any real pubs or atmosphere and to saddle the club with masses of debt it cannot maintain.Some small improvements at the Hall would freshen the place up but the most pressing priority should be the return of the fans to their natural home-the North Bank, which would cost a damn sight less.The whole tilson & brush debacle still sickens me...those two gave us arguably the best years we have seen and yet suddenly they are not good enough and are disgarded as people suddenly rush to eulogise about sturrock,even apologising for him signing his son?!!!! I think we all know how that one will turn out...most comments have pointed to players who 'want to play for the club'-I'm sorry but how can this bunch of mercenaries, who are all sturrocks ex players and want to play for HIM and not Southend, ever be compared or held above Barrett or McCormack? To question their loyalty and commitment to this club is blaspheme, Ron should be charged with high treason not acknowledged at a decision well made over their departure.
Writing letter's, or becoming a shareholder are naive alternative
suggestions at best...plenty of letters have been written: to the club, the echo, the YA and to club individuals, with no result. "Become a shareholder" is just laughable, the shares are not a liquid stock easily purchased, and I think one may forget that Ron and his myriad of companies control own over 76% of the club's shares, rendering anyone else's holding useless when it came to a vote on anything. Unless the club go and issue shares tomorrow Ron cannot be budged, but he's not going to make a serious rights issue that would jeopardise his throttle on the club is he?....come on now, please.
Direct action i
s the only tool and card left for the fans to play. To deny that paying for Monday's match (in hard cash ONLY can one believe) is doing anything other than propping up the ailing dictator is either delirious, ignorance, or plain apathy. There seem to be numerous posters on this forum that have to wash sand out of the hair, ears and eyes on a daily basis?!
If no-one turned up to the next home match then Ron would be completely
screwed and would have a completely insolvent business venture, sorry, club that he would have no choice but to bail. If that meant the club going under, then so be it, if Ron goes. Do AFC Wimbledon and FC United fans not have the great saturday afternoon's and are still going strong? of course they are....if southend went under and re-appeared say at a groundshare with southend manor in the senior league, we'd all be there in a flash.
The SUSCT hold the potential to be a cataly
st to lead a movement for fan ownership of the club and have huge influence and leverage to mount a boycott and subsequent campaign. I have put the point to the very honourable mr.fitzgerald on a number of occassions. To worry about offending Ron for fear of losing the prospect (and it's only just that) of a seat on Ron's board (not southend's) is ludicrous. For the reasons given above re share holdings the seat would be meaningless and another class stroke in Ron keeping his enemies close.
Not to mention the fact that the SUSCT have the power to now bring him to heel thank
s to the 60k loan......by using option 5 in the members vote (to sue Ron as personal guarantor) it would not even necessarily bring the club down - just Ron might have to part with his own cash for a change and live up to his promises for a change. On top of a boycott this would send him the clearest message to get the hell out of our club and town.

Every fan ha
s the power, and that power is that cash you hand over to Ron fortnightly. So those who say it is pointless should really stop and think what could actually be achieved by a boycott and not the narrow retorts posted on other threads but the positives that could come from such events.

There you go, you have you an
swers as to what people feel can be achieved and why from a boycott or protest. I shall not now engage in tittle tattle exchanges of character assassination or pointless snipes about grammar or spelling.

All I will
say is that I will never set foot in Roots Hall as long as Ron has his greedy hands on the club, and I will certainly be at Aldershot cheering the boys on for 90 minutes. A concept that is alien to those who claim the protesters are not real fans, as in fact they are generally the most vocal support at southend and really understand the term "backing your team".
Agree to a certain extent, but too many people just havent got the backbone and the same ones that were throthing at the mouth when tilly went are now wearing smiles.

We are just too nicey nicey at southend. Can you imagine what would have happened if this was at millwall. Ron would have been 10 ft under by now lol
An excellent debut post mate. I feel as if I've been fighting a lost cause this past 3 weeks with all that's gone on and to be honest since the start of the week have openly turned down my negative feelings to the new manager and potential (as that's what pre contract signings are) new players. I certainly cannot fault you on your suspicion of Ron Martin (& his yes men though) and the abysmal treatment of Tilson & Brush.

Forgive me if I'm wrong though, but I thought Collymore was ruled out of the managers role fairly early on after Wignall. It was that total clown Atkins who Ron wanted in charge (similar appointment to Sturrock as far as I'm concerned) but thankfully the results on the field and the supporters turned their attention to Tilly so after a few months he finally got his "caretaker" title changed to permanent.

Also, in regards to your shareholders comment, if anybody wants to buy me out, let me know ;)
Whilst I'm sure there are many of us who share your opinions of RM, the only thing that really matters to the majority of fans is what is happening on the pitch.
It was disgraceful what happened last season, but that is now in the past, and no matter how much it leaves a bad taste in the mouth, we have to move on.
We have had our share of dodgy chairmen in the past, and I doubt RM will be the last.
If we can survive the various winding up orders etc. and go on and have a good season, then most fans will be satisfied.
No one person is bigger than SUFC and we should all get 100% behind PS and the new squad he has assembled.
History I think comes into this debate...........We have the youngsters who have only seen success and want more...I do not blame them for that..it is their soccer Saturday....but of course they have no idea what our club has been through before....I am not going to get into semantics, as most know me well enough and where my heart is ......If I could choose today with either RM or Vic....I would go for Vic, at least he called a spade a spade.... The heart has been ripped out of my club and I will never forgive it.

Welcome to the new guy's....
History I think comes into this debate...........We have the youngsters who have only seen success and want more...I do not blame them for that..it is their soccer Saturday....but of course they have no idea what our club has been through before....I am not going to get into semantics, as most know me well enough and where my heart is ......If I could choose today with either RM or Vic....I would go for Vic, at least he called a spade a spade....

Welcome to the new guys....

Yes indeed - and to an amendment via the deft hand of the 'Zone's newest group, the Apostrophe Action Association. :clap:
Agree with the vast majority of what Brigadista posted. I also cannot see where all the euphoria from many fans is coming from. We lose one of the best young managers in the country in a disgraceful manner. The bulk of our players wanted out and have gone, all to clubs in the Championship and Division One and yet some people are calling them deadwood etc!! The new manager signs players and many people on here think they are world beaters! Of course, we have to give the new management and players a chance but from what I have seen many of them are inferior to the lads who have just left the club. Sturrock and Corr have scored about six goals in eighty odd games between them recently and from what I have seen, Hall looks the only one who would be in our Division 1 squad.
As I say, lets give them a chance but also be realsitic and realise the damage Martin has done to our management and playing staff over the last year
Tend to agree with you on Vic Cricko.
Trouble is because he called a spade a spade he upset the council.
Whatever you think of RM he at least had the nous to get the right people on our side re the new stadium.
Unfortunately he has now alienated most of the fans with what happened last season.
Barry Corr career history:
Career History: Club Season Comp. Apps
(as sub) Goals Exeter City 2009 - 10League 17 (17) 3 FA Cup 2 (0) 3 Swindon Town 2008 - 09League 2 (9) 2 FA Cup 0 (1) 0 Swindon Town 2007 - 08League 7 (10) 5 FA Cup 2 (1) 0 Swindon Town 2006 - 07League 8 (0) 3 Bristol City 2006 - 07League 1 (2) 0 Sheffield Wed 2006 - 07League 0 (1) 0 Sheffield Wed 2005 - 06League 7 (9) 0 FA Cup 1 (0) 0 League Cup 1 (0) 0 Sheffield Wed 2005 - 99League 7 (9) 0 FA Cup 1 (0) 0 League Cup 1 (0) 0
source, sufc website

FACT over fiction...
Agree with the vast majority of what Brigadista posted. I also cannot see where all the euphoria from many fans is coming from. We lose one of the best young managers in the country in a disgraceful manner. The bulk of our players wanted out and have gone, all to clubs in the Championship and Division One and yet some people are calling them deadwood etc!! The new manager signs players and many people on here think they are world beaters! Of course, we have to give the new management and players a chance but from what I have seen many of them are inferior to the lads who have just left the club. Sturrock and Corr have scored about six goals in eighty odd games between them recently and from what I have seen, Hall looks the only one who would be in our Division 1 squad.
As I say, let's give them a chance but also be realistic and realise the damage Martin has done to our management and playing staff over the last year

If ever the phrase 'a period of transition' was apposite, then this is it.

(Brought to you by the feft hand of the AAA ;))
damn that formatted total sh*te

basically it took him 6 yrs to score a pro goal and in the 3 years since he's scored barely enough for me to run out of fingers. I won't be on his back because he's never going to be a serious pro footballer, but I certainly am not in the dreamland other's who are talking about him "forming partnerships, etc"
I also cannot see where all the euphoria from many fans is coming from. We lose one of the best young managers in the country in a disgraceful manner.

I think most people had started to see over the last two seasons that Tilly was not perhaps the master tactition. For me it wasn't the ability of him as a Manager that was the issue it is the manner in which the last six months unfolded. Barnard to Brush to bullsh!t to (near) bankruptcy. It has left an awful taste in my mouth. Brigadista's post is fantastic. I'm not fickle but I have this club running deeply through my veins. The hairs on my back still stand up after all these years when the players come out from the tunnel for every game. Assuming we get past the revenue, the embargo and other creditors I'm counting down the days to Stockport.
I don't think that anyone thinks the players we have lost were deadwood, but in view of the way they were treated last season (ie not being paid)it had a serious effect on their attitude.
What annoys most people, I think, is that RM blamed Tilly and the players for not having the fight to stay up.
He still doesn't realise that it was his fault.
In the end, all this made the clear out that has happened inevitable.
I admire the passion of all who wish to protest, I've done it myself in the past, but after supporting the blues for nearly 45 years, I have come to realise that all we can do is support the lads on the pitch and hope the rest sorts itself out, because we have no control over it.
I have to agree with Brigadista and will also be at Aldershot cheering the lads on but like he said, I can't put my hard earned into Rons pockets anymore. It isn't going to the club it's robbing Peter to pay Paul. Administration might just be our saving grace and get rid of the property developer who failed at Rotherham and is failing here.
In the end, all this made the clear out that has happened inevitable.
I admire the passion of all who wish to protest, I've done it myself in the past, but after supporting the blues for nearly 45 years, I have come to realise that all we can do is support the lads on the pitch and hope the rest sorts itself out, because we have no control over it.

My post was aimed at 2 kind of people of here, those poking fun at fans who wish to protest/boycott and those who are too apathetic. Having known you for all of one post I'd hate to judge, but you seem to fall into the second category.......so to elaborate:-

Not turning up requires no effort or cost to anyone - if it only happened for one match Ron would be in total disarray. There need not even be a protest, just one person turn up for the press to announce why the fans have boycotted the match - the old cliche "actions speak louder than words" (i.e. a protest) would more than suffice here. Hell those that feel that they couldn't give up one match at the Hall for the sake of ridding us of Ron, could surely miss the one decisive match. And there's still the away games that are nearly always more enjoyable anyway.

Like I say the control is in all of our pockets, we just need to exercise that collectively.

"together the Ants will conquer the peculiar little grey chap with a penchant for p*ssing people off" - or the Elephant as more commonly accepted
My post was aimed at 2 kind of people of here, those poking fun at fans who wish to protest/boycott and those who are too apathetic. Having known you for all of one post I'd hate to judge, but you seem to fall into the second category.......so to elaborate:-

Not turning up requires no effort or cost to anyone - if it only happened for one match Ron would be in total disarray. There need not even be a protest, just one person turn up for the press to announce why the fans have boycotted the match - the old cliche "actions speak louder than words" (i.e. a protest) would more than suffice here. Hell those that feel that they couldn't give up one match at the Hall for the sake of ridding us of Ron, could surely miss the one decisive match. And there's still the away games that are nearly always more enjoyable anyway.

Like I say the control is in all of our pockets, we just need to exercise that collectively.

"together the Ants will conquer the peculiar little grey chap with a penchant for p*ssing people off" - or the Elephant as more commonly accepted

Brigadista, out of interest have you been a long time lurker on here?
I've been saying an organised boycott (lets use first game of season v Stockport as the ideal) would potentially be the highest profile but was shouted down by the 2 kind of people you've summarised so eloquently.

Also, now the club shop is franchised, how much £££s spent in there actually goes back to the club? Are they one way (if you just want to attend away games), you can still show your support but not line RM's pockets?
If there was something organised so that as fans and a mass we could show our displeasure at how Southend United has been dragged through the **** then I'd gladly participate. I won't however join in with pointless chanting aimed at individuals as that's not in my character. If people choose to do it that way, as we've already seen, then that's their prerogative. I've kept quiet throughout this whole saga as at times i've been bewildered by what's going on and the volume of information that goes along with it.

My season card was renewed early and, unlike some others, my DD has been going out steadily and I'll keep paying it as I'm just desperate to watch football on a Saturday afternoon (Friday night) again.
no I read the one thread re the protest in which so many, so shamefully tore into that poor lad jack.

those that were mocking, questioning the moral fibre, or getting pins and needles in their hands from too much sitting had to be addressed......

I will continue to make the same points in person, in the Echo, other forums and in correspondence with the Trust committee in the faint hope that people realise that something can be achieved here and with very little personal effort or cost